Anyway, 2024 truly sucked for the NRF. 2025 will be a lot worse.
Yes, it surely looks like that now.
According to Se og Hør's information, Marius is back in Oslo.
Mange trodde at Marius endelig skulle i gang med rehab da han og kronprins Haakon dro til London torsdag i forrige uke.
When the relationship with Marius ended, Nora Haukland believed that he needed treatment for substance abuse.
Nora says that she informed Haakon and Mette-Marit about Marius' problems. It happened in a meeting with them in the summer 2023 when her relationship with Marius ended.
- I said he had to go to rehabilitation. Everything got even worse after we broke up, and it didn't seem like he was in control, says Haukland in an interview with Aftenposten.
Da forholdet til Marius Borg Høiby tok slutt, mente Nora Haukland at han trengte behandling for rusmisbruk. Hun sier hun ba kronprinsparet om hjelp.
Marius Høiby sin tidligere kjæreste sier at hun varslet kronprinsparet om Høibys rusproblemer i fjor sommer.
Se og Hør quotes Nora's interview in Aftenposten:
- They (CP couple) said they would try. We all tried to get him into rehab, but you can't force a grown man. It is disrespectful of Marius not to take responsibility and do something to make things better. After all, it continuously only affects others.
Nora claims violence was not a topic in the meeting with the CP couple. She also praises the CP family and describes them as warm and nice. At the same time, she calls for Marius to take responsibility: He is not "little Marius" anymore. He is a grown man and must take responsibility for his own actions. I hope he does.
She opens up about the relationship, and admits that she was very scared. Nora says that she locked herself in the bedroom or bathroom several times.
Nora Haukland skal ha varslet kronprinsesse Mette-Marit og kronprins Haakon om Marius Borg Høibys rusmisbruk etter bruddet.
And of course the Palace and Marius' lawyer don't comment on the interview in Aftenposten.
"What is becoming more and more obvious in this case is that the Norwegian media should have picked up on this a long time ago. Marius Borg Høiby has been far too, far too protected."
Norske medier har forsvinnende få bilder av Marius Borg Høiby. Det viser hvor beskyttet han har vært.
There is still an investigation into the case in which Marius has been charged. The police cannot yet say when a court case might become relevant, according to NTB.
- There are no changes to the charge as of now. (..)
Marius Borg Høiby, sønn av kronprinsesse Mette Marit, ble pågrepet etter en voldshendelse på Frogner i Oslo natt til 4. august 2024. I ettertid har han blitt siktet for blant annet vold, voldtekt og trusler. Det er seks fornærmede i saken.
The first episode of Nora Haukland's podcast "Nora Svarer" came this morning. She answers questions and says that in a possible court case she "knows" that she will be accused of using the situation for attention.
- I would so much rather be without all the sh**, all my ex, and everything that has been, what is happening now. I don't think it's any fun. I struggle to stay at home, I have received death threats, and the attention I get is not favorable or fun at all. I'm anxious to talk about this, even though I'm the one who's been through something. In this society, we so often point out that it is the women who are the problem. But I've gone through this, and it's been absolutely hell.
The relationship wasn't only bad, when things were good it was very good. (..)
I sin nylanserte podkast svarer Nora Haukland på spørsmål om Marius Borg Høiby og deres forhold.