Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I just saw in one of the links, like two pages back, the article with the photo of the knife embedded on the wall. My thought was I can only imagine how she felt at that moment. Like she was a both in a horror movie and, possibly, her last day alive with this guy grabbing a knife and carrying it around the apartment to intimidate her.
I have no words but hope the case goes to trial and he learns a lesson that will last forever. He's not even 30 years old and yet, so out of control.
Again, apologies if a silly question. But given Marius's royal connections meaning a fine would hardly be seen as punishment as the RF are not short of cash, would this have any bearing on deciding his sentence. I don't just mean as a special case because he is royal but is it a thing in the Norwegian system to take into account means, impact etc when deciding such things or is it more based on the acts/crimes?
Again, apologies if a silly question. But given Marius's royal connections meaning a fine would hardly be seen as punishment as the RF are not short of cash, would this have any bearing on deciding his sentence. I don't just mean as a special case because he is royal but is it a thing in the Norwegian system to take into account means, impact etc when deciding such things or is it more based on the acts/crimes?

I don't think it is a silly question, at least for us foreigners who are unacquainted with the system.

Section 53 of the Penal Code states: "When assessing a fine weight shall be given, in addition to such factors that are generally given weight in assessing penalties, to the offender's income, assets, responsibility for dependents, debt burden, and other circumstances affecting financial capacity."

It sounds as if the offender's own finances are taken into account where a fine is concerned, but not those of his family.

Chapter 14 of the Penal Code itemizes some general principles for sentencing. The ones which relate to the offender's own life situation include:

Aggravating circumstances:
- the offence was committed in the course of public service or was perpetrated by violating a special trust,
- the offence was committed by a person who has previously been the subject of a criminal sanction for similar acts or other acts of relevance to the case,

Mitigating circumstances:
- the offence was to a significant degree occasioned by the circumstances of the aggrieved party,
- the offender himself/herself has been severely affected by the offence, or the criminal sanction will impose a heavy burden due to advanced age, illness or other circumstances,

Interestingly, being intoxicated at the time of the crime is apparently a potential mitigating circumstance and not an aggravating circumstance, so Marius Borg Høiby being under the influence of alcohol and cocaine may work in his favor:

Section 80. Imposition of a penalty below the minimum penalty or a less severe type of penalty
The penalty may be set below the minimum penalty of the penal provision or to a less severe penalty type when the offender
f. at the time of the act had a significantly impaired perception of reality because of a severely deviant state of mind, mental disability or impaired consciousness, but is not unaccountable pursuant to section 20 second paragraph,
g. has acted in a self-induced state of intoxication or in a self-induced state of unaccountability pursuant to section 20 fourth paragraph, and there are particularly mitigating circumstances,

Has anyone ever heard of him studying to something or having a longtime work ? Apart from the work that he lost in London (ironically for a magazine about luxury news and lifestyle) i have never heard of him doing something meaningful with his life….

See here: Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -
Rune Bård Hansen, team judge in Agder district court and member of the judges' media group:
- If he confesses what he said to the media on Wednesday to the police and the court, he will probably get a penalty discount of between 20 and 30 per cent, he says.

Experts opinions differ, four experts are interviewed:
Tove Taalesen:
- I think of the poor crown prince family who have had to stand in this for a long time and deal with this. It is great that he is taking responsibility for his actions and this statement shows that it has been a big problem for a long time.
Peggy Simcic Brønn:
- This tops everything. Of everything wrong that has happened to this royal house - this is the worst. He does not apologize for the use of violence, Brønn calls the statement fire extinguishing.
- How you handle these matters is incredibly important. This damages the reputation of the royal house, it cannot be avoided.

23 years after Mette-Marit spoke out about her past, her son breaks his silence about the accusation of violence. A royal house expert explains the difference.

He apologized for the use of violence and at the same time said that he has long struggled with mental disorders. The latter may be an explanation, but the apology is poor consolation for the woman who was subjected to violence last weekend. It is she and no one else who is the victim here.
There is no excuse for mistreating another human being. There are many thousands of people in this country who have mental problems but who never lay a finger on another human being.
It then became known that Crown Princess Mette-Marit had been in contact with the victim of violence, which is extremely worrisome in view of the risk of witness influence. Having a brother who is under investigation for violence is also not easy for other siblings to handle, at least not when the case becomes known to the outside world.

The royal family's handling of violence is downright unpleasant
Norway's future queen seeks out the victim in a criminal case, while Marius Borg Høiby makes the confession on the state channel.

Danish historian and royal house expert Lars Hovbakke Sørensen:
Sørensen emphasizes that a similar case has not been seen in any European royal house in recent times.
"Certainly there have been scandals, but it has never been about violence in this way," he says.
"Scandals from other royal houses show that the less central a person who is in focus, the smaller the scope of the scandal. It reflects badly on the royal house that a man who has spent so much time on the royal family can behave like this".

Marius' former girlfriend Nora Haukland now makes several serious accusations on Snapchat.
- I thought I would keep my mouth shut until my ex's statement came out, and then I felt a great sense of frustration. Marius speaks as if this is the first time it has happened. He asks for some kind of empathy, "I'm going to get help, I'm struggling, my love" and all of this felt very familiar. He also said he should get help when I left him.
- Marius has been physically towards me. He has punched me in the face. He's kicked me, he's strangled me, he's trashed my apartment. He has also destroyed things in Mum's new house. But as Juliane said, the very worst thing for me was also the psychological part. Yelling, the threats.
- I see him pretending that this is a one-off case and that he is only taking responsibility for something that is public. It bothers me. I also want to say a big thank you to Juliane who stood up, she found a strength that is absolutely incredible and I wouldn't have been able to publish this if she hadn't done the same and been there. And I hope that everyone who experiences intimate partner violence finds the strength to leave, because it is very rare that it gets better.

Have Haakon and Mette-Marit known about this what happened with Nora?

The police tell that Marius' interrogation is planned for next week.
- The police have been in dialogue with the defense attorney about questioning Høiby. An interview is scheduled for next week. At the request of the defense attorney, we are not giving a specific time, informs police inspector Henriette Taxt Rødstadli in the Oslo police district.

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I hope all women that Marius hurt make a full recovery and heal completely. He seems like an absolute piece of work and I can only hope that his negative influence hasn't affected his half siblings. Between this and the Shaman wedding, things are looking bleak for the NRF. I think profound changes are needed in the NRF, because the current Modus Operandi is not working at all.
Just as I suspected. He's a serial-abuser for a lack of a better term.

His apologies, which he also seems to have offered this third ex-girlfriend are insincere.
There is no remorse - otherwise he would try and change himself or at least somehow address his issues. (I strongly suspect he attended therapy and rehab because he was pressured, not because he really wanted to. And he seems to have opted out as soon as he got the change.)
There is no real empathy. He may be able to fake empathy to some extent, I suspect. But there is as this third girlfriend Haukland hints, no empathy. Except for himself. Otherwise he would understand and reflect on how he has hurt his girlfriends and try to improve himself
I'm not an expert and I cannot and will not attempt to label what is wrong with him. Suffice to say that he IMO has a mindset that is different from average. - And how do you even treat that?

Anyway, a lot of what will happen to Marius will depend on the knife, that's IMO and with the albeit fairly limited knowledge I have of Norwegian legislation the most serious matter. That could elevate the whole thing up the scale from ordinary assault to aggravated assault.

Also, it also very much depends on whether Marius (or rather his lawyer) decides to plead guilty to everything or whether there will be a trial, where it is now likely that his exes Snekkstad and Haukland may be called in as witnesses. That could turn out to be very damaging for Marius! The Norwegian equivalent to a district attorney will have a field day!

And the question in regards to the NRF is still open: How much did the members of the NRF know about Marius behavior?
Did they know or was it likely they knew about his behavior?
Did the security police know? Did the security police inform the court or leading members of the NRF?
In regards to the NRF this is far from over!
For example: If Mette-Marit knew her son had been abusive towards his girlfriends. What did she do? Did she try and protect them? Is she suitable as a champion for women who have been abused and women's rights in general?
Did she at least try and offer help? MM would have lots of connections who could help. Certainly Snekkestad says she has been severely affected by her ordeal.

As for Marius himself. In a social context he's an outcast. While he can no doubt find less reputable people to associate with, the respectable ones won't touch him. And can he appear with the NRF at festive events, considering his now more and more tattered reputation? Will the public tolerate him?
I have no illusions whatsoever that Marius will have no problems finding other girlfriends. Will he be able to control himself from abusing them as well? If he can't, how will the NRF handle such a second, or third scandal?

I suppose he can try and hang out with his bonus-aunt and her shaman.

No, this is only the beginning. For Marius and the NRF.
I have no illusions whatsoever that Marius will have no problems finding other girlfriends.
Are you that sure people will be lining up to date someone who’s been arrested for attacking one woman and publicly accused by multiple exes of being abusive and cruel…?

Nora and others were passed off as insubstantial fluff and Instagram-filler, but as we see, in actuality, they’re anything but stupid.

I wouldn’t be surprised if all Marius’s exes joined together to keep anyone else in Norway from dating him unless and until he seriously reforms.
Are you that sure people will be lining up to date someone who’s been arrested for attacking one woman and publicly accused by multiple exes of being abusive and cruel…?

Nora and others were passed off an insubstantial fluff and Instagram-filler, but as we see, in actuality, they’re anything but stupid.

I wouldn’t be surprised if all Marius’s exes joined together to keep anyone else in Norway from dating him until he seriously reforms.
Yes, yes and yes. Absolutely.
I don't understand what kind of allure such people have but it is an undeniable fact that some of the worst criminals, murderers among them can pick and choose among their infatuated fan-base, which is considerable. Some of them even get married.
Yes, yes and yes. Absolutely.
I don't understand what kind of allure such people have but it is an undeniable fact that some of the worst criminals, murderers among them can pick and choose among their infatuated fan-base, which is considerable. Some of them even get married.
Ah, but murderers and other convicts can treat their partners nicely.

Not someone like Marius. I’d joke about him now being restricted to the true masochists but see, “safe, sane and consensual” aren’t rules he appears to like, either.

No one has lined up to date Andrew, either, and he’s not dangerous. At some point, a pariah is a pariah.
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I suppose Nora Haukland's statement means she is probably not the (now ex) girlfriend whom Marius assaulted, since the assaulted woman agreed with and was pleased with his public statement (according to her lawyer), while Nora clearly is not.

Another interesting point is that the victim's lawyer says her client was "shocked and disappointed" by all the leaks to Se og Hør. So if the victim was not the person leaking details and photographs of the crime and arrest, who was?

And can he appear with the NRF at festive events, considering his now more and more tattered reputation? Will the public tolerate him?

The family will need to decide on their approach very soon as Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett's wedding is imminent. Given that the couple have been highly sensitive to unflattering press coverage and public comments, I suspect they will not allow their nephew to attend in any case.

(I still wonder whether Marius Borg Høiby choosing to go clubbing over attending the Crown Prince Couple's official 50th birthday festivities last year was simply a less than dutiful personal choice or if there was more happening behind the scenes, given all the recent disclosures.)
Yeah, one of them here in DK Peter Lundin, after being deported from USA where he killed his mother. Found a single mother here in DK. Murdered her and her two boys.
He's a lifer now, and yet he has been attempting to manipulate other "fans". IIRC one of them married (and divorced) him.
Do you recall the guy who build a submarine and killed a Swedish journalist aboard the submarine? He's a lifer too and a good friend of Peter Lundin. He too has been caught trying to manipulate "fans".
These two and others like them have been caught bragging about how they pass time and amuse themselves by manipulating their "fans". Prison staff have reported how they got loads of love-letters
There is a reason why prisoners of this severe category, now have restrictions on visits, mail and contact with random people here in DK.

Now, I'm not comparing Marius to these total psychos. That's not necessary. Marius will have no problems whatsoever in finding new girlfriends. I am seriously willing to bet you a years salary on that claim. It's sure money in my pocket.
Marius is good looking, a member of the NRF, famous, probably charming and fun. Many will seek him out because they believe they can "save" him and turn him around. Others will believe he has been treated unfairly and have sympathy for him. Other because he will be a desirable mark on their bedpost. Some will genuinely fall in love with him. Others will find him alluring because he has been abusive, the element of danger and excitement.
I suppose Nora Haukland's statement means she is probably not the (now ex) girlfriend whom Marius assaulted, since the assaulted woman agreed with and was pleased with his public statement (according to her lawyer), while Nora clearly is not.

Another interesting point is that the victim's lawyer says her client was "shocked and disappointed" by all the leaks to Se og Hør. So if the victim was not the person leaking details and photographs of the crime and arrest, who was?

It's probably Marius' latest girlfriend with whom he had been with from November-December last year.

And the question in regards to the NRF is still open: How much did the members of the NRF know about Marius behavior?
Did they know or was it likely they knew about his behavior?
Did the security police know? Did the security police inform the court or leading members of the NRF?
In regards to the NRF this is far from over!
For example: If Mette-Marit knew her son had been abusive towards his girlfriends. What did she do? Did she try and protect them? Is she suitable as a champion for women who have been abused and women's rights in general?
Did she at least try and offer help? MM would have lots of connections who could help. Certainly Snekkestad says she has been severely affected by her ordeal.
Yes, did Mette-Marit also call Juliane and Nora after Marius had beaten them? And did Nora's mother want to report the damage at her house to the police, but was asked not to, by whom? There are many open questions now.

Here is a good chronicle in Swedish Expressen, Sara Mitchell-Malm writes among other things:
The son's words hurt Mette-Marit – and his victim
Perhaps the outside world did not need to be reminded that "that's right, the whole family is on drugs".
Because what happens is that everyone who remembers, remembers. Remember Mette-Marit's words about a "dissolute youth", and remember that she had a child with a man convicted of drug addiction.
What Norway's future queen left behind is brought to light again.
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Nora Haukland and Marius were together last year.
She writes that Marius hit her in the face with his fist. Kicked her and grabbed her throat as in a suffocating hold.
The worst part was him shouting and threatening her.
She writes that her apartment was vandalized and that he broke things in her mother's home as well.
He also promised to get help when they broke up.
- Al that can be read on her Snapchat account.

This is a bad joke and perhaps unfair, but when King Harald asked Haakon “is there more?”, it seems like nobody knew the “more” would actually be Marius… unless he was already having issues quite young.

It’s sad.
Nora Haukland and Marius were together last year.
She writes that Marius hit her in the face with his fist. Kicked her and grabbed her throat as in a suffocating hold.
The worst part was him shouting and threatening her.
She writes that her apartment was vandalized and that he broke things in her mother's home as well.
He also promised to get help when they broke up.
- Al that can be read on her Snapchat account.

Her statement is also in this post: Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

This is a bad joke and perhaps unfair, but when King Harald asked Haakon “is there more?”, it seems like nobody knew the “more” would actually be Marius… unless he was already having issues quite young.

It’s sad.

Unfortunately, this may very well discourage future monarchs, and monarchs in other countries, from fully incorporating stepchildren like Marius into the official royal family as King Harald V did during Marius's childhood. Which would be unfairly stigmatizing, I think (after all, it is not as if blood royal children are somehow less likely to grow up to commit domestic abuse).
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NRK writes that Mette-Marit has an important role, not only because she is the mother of Marius, but also because she spoke to the offended woman after the incident.
She can thus sit with important information about what the victim has explained shortly after what is supposed to have happened in the apartment at Frogner.
The question is whether she has an obligation to witness.
- We must distinguish between statements to the police (interrogation) and statements to the court. No one has a duty to testify to the police, but ordinary witnesses have a duty to testify before the court, says district court judge Ina Strømstad.
Relatives of an accused person do not have an obligation to explain to the police or to the court.
Relatives may still wish to explain themselves, if the person concerned so wishes .
NRK has asked the Palace if Mette-Marit wants to be questioned, but has not yet received an answer.

Se og Hør's editor Ulf A Andersen writes:
It will be a disaster both for the royal family and for Marius if the impression is that the victim in the case has been put under pressure. The last word in this case will be said in the court, after what will hopefully be a thorough police investigation.
The case is far from over. Earlier this week and today, two former girlfriends and cohabitants of Marius came forward on Instagram and Snapchat with accounts of psychological and physical violence.
In this case too, it will be up to the police and possibly the court to make a decision on how it should be dealt with - purely in terms of criminal law. But in the Norwegian public, it is a big elephant in the room how Marius relates to the accusations of violence from previous relationships he has had for many years.
If it is the case that Marius is now determined to tell the truth, he will have to deal with Juliane's and Nora's accounts with something other than silence.
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Unfortunately, this may very well discourage future monarchs, and monarchs in other countries, from fully incorporating stepchildren like Marius into the official royal family as King Harald V did during Marius's childhood. Which would be unfairly stigmatizing, I think (after all, it is not as if blood royal children are somehow less likely to grow up to commit domestic abuse).
Well, at least some of the issues with Marius seem to be he was either not incorporated enough (treated differently than his half-siblings and given a different status and no responsibilities; the ‘spare’ problem with a twist) or, if his health and behavioral issues were apparent from some early age, then it seemed to be everyone’s (at least MM’s) wish that he not be subject to the same scrutiny.

It’s hard to say what the better course of action is here, especially if Marius had problems while small, but until this exploded, the NRF appeared to have dealt with having a royal stepchild in a fairly reasonable, empathetic manner.
Yeah, one of them here in DK Peter Lundin, after being deported from USA where he killed his mother. Found a single mother here in DK. Murdered her and her two boys.
He's a lifer now, and yet he has been attempting to manipulate other "fans". IIRC one of them married (and divorced) him.
Do you recall the guy who build a submarine and killed a Swedish journalist aboard the submarine? He's a lifer too and a good friend of Peter Lundin. He too has been caught trying to manipulate "fans".
These two and others like them have been caught bragging about how they pass time and amuse themselves by manipulating their "fans". Prison staff have reported how they got loads of love-letters
There is a reason why prisoners of this severe category, now have restrictions on visits, mail and contact with random people here in DK.

Now, I'm not comparing Marius to these total psychos. That's not necessary. Marius will have no problems whatsoever in finding new girlfriends. I am seriously willing to bet you a years salary on that claim. It's sure money in my pocket.
Marius is good looking, a member of the NRF, famous, probably charming and fun. Many will seek him out because they believe they can "save" him and turn him around. Others will believe he has been treated unfairly and have sympathy for him. Other because he will be a desirable mark on their bedpost. Some will genuinely fall in love with him. Others will find him alluring because he has been abusive, the element of danger and excitement.
Horrible cases we all know of because they made international headlines. What was always very strange to me is the fact that there were people, especially women who knew of all this and still got into a relationship with such a dangerous person. This is not normal IMO, those women must have their own psychological problems somehow in being attracted to such a person. Any human being who is sane and stable would absolutely keep their distance from such a person, and especially not getting into a love affair.
I am glad that his ex girlfriends are going public, they should have done it a while ago, maybe other girlfriends would have been spared the pain.
Unfortunately at this point, it is no surprise that Marius abused Nora as well. It seems to be what he does with all of his girlfriends, which means he has been doing this for a long time with no consequences...

These new revelations and details that Nora gives make me wonder if the CP Couple has truly known nothing at all about his violence up to now. He apparently makes a habit of trashing people's (well actually women's!) apartments and houses. Nora's apartment, Nora's mother's house and his recent ex girlfriend's apartment - that's 3 places and it honestly makes me wonder how many other places he might have trashed! It is in my opinion not unlikely that he has damaged things at Skaugum as well if for him that is frequent behaviour....
Unfortunately it also raises the question of whether the CP couple has ever paid for damage that Marius has caused in other people's houses?

Finally, the NRF need to be very careful about potential negative influence of Marius on his younger siblings Ingrid Alexandra and Sverre Magnus. Particularly Ingrid Alexandra since Marius apparently has zero respect for women!!
The drugs are also an issue of course, in my opinion they cannot be careful enough in preventing Marius from offering drugs like cocaine to his younger siblings or taking them along to drug fueled parties! I know Ingrid Alexandra and Sverre Magnus are now adults, but they are a) still young and b) the future of the monarchy.
I think it's very good that Ingrid Alexandra is at military training in Northern Norway right now, where except for holidays she is far away from Marius, his drugs and bad behaviour.

I think it's very good that Juliane and Nora exhibit such solidarity for one another. That's how abusers are called out, when the women they have abused stand together and bravely speak out!
I hope they, as well as the third victim of course, get all the help and support they need. It is something that is very difficult to recover from and honestly I feel bad that they were painted as silly influencers/ models for so long, when from their statements you can see that they are intelligent and very empathetic women, who were given no empathy by Marius in return. And who were so badly abused by him, while people were saying that they are not the right type of girl for Marius to date... Well, we can now see that actually they are great girls and it was Marius who did not deserve them at all!
Horrible cases we all know of because they made international headlines. What was always very strange to me is the fact that there were people, especially women who knew of all this and still got into a relationship with such a dangerous person. This is not normal IMO, those women must have their own psychological problems somehow in being attracted to such a person. Any human being who is sane and stable would absolutely keep their distance from such a person, and especially not getting into a love affair.
I am glad that his ex girlfriends are going public, they should have done it a while ago, maybe other girlfriends would have been spared the pain.
While the women speaking out before would have been ideal, it's not easy to speak out even against non-famous boyfriends, how much more against an abuser who is the stepson of the Crown Prince of Norway. They are also very young, and nobody wants that kind of stigma to follow them around for the rest of their lives. It seems even in this case with the victim, it was a friend who called the police and opened the floodgates on this issue. These young women are very brave for speaking out, regardless of when they decided to do so.
Unfortunately at this point, it is no surprise that Marius abused Nora as well. It seems to be what he does with all of his girlfriends, which means he has been doing this for a long time with no consequences...

These new revelations and details that Nora gives make me wonder if the CP Couple has truly known nothing at all about his violence up to now. He apparently makes a habit of trashing people's (well actually women's!) apartments and houses. Nora's apartment, Nora's mother's house and his recent ex girlfriend's apartment - that's 3 places and it honestly makes me wonder how many other places he might have trashed! It is in my opinion not unlikely that he has damaged things at Skaugum as well if for him that is frequent behaviour....
Unfortunately it also raises the question of whether the CP couple has ever paid for damage that Marius has caused in other people's houses?

Finally, the NRF need to be very careful about potential negative influence of Marius on his younger siblings Ingrid Alexandra and Sverre Magnus. Particularly Ingrid Alexandra since Marius apparently has zero respect for women!!
The drugs are also an issue of course, in my opinion they cannot be careful enough in preventing Marius from offering drugs like cocaine to his younger siblings or taking them along to drug fueled parties! I know Ingrid Alexandra and Sverre Magnus are now adults, but they are a) still young and b) the future of the monarchy.
I think it's very good that Ingrid Alexandra is at military training in Northern Norway right now, where except for holidays she is far away from Marius, his drugs and bad behaviour.

I think it's very good that Juliane and Nora exhibit such solidarity for one another. That's how abusers are called out, when the women they have abused stand together and bravely speak out!
I hope they, as well as the third victim of course, get all the help and support they need. It is something that is very difficult to recover from and honestly I feel bad that they were painted as silly influencers/ models for so long, when from their statements you can see that they are intelligent and very empathetic women, who were given no empathy by Marius in return. And who were so badly abused by him, while people were saying that they are not the right type of girl for Marius to date... Well, we can now see that actually they are great girls and it was Marius who did not deserve them at all!
Well, Ingrid Alexandra praised Marius on her 18th birthday speech and thanked him for always protecting her. So it would appear to me that whatever opinion or image she might have of her half-brother, it is very different from the picture that has been drawn by Marius’ ex-girlfriends.
Particularly Ingrid Alexandra since Marius apparently has zero respect for women!!

What Ingrid said about her brother as of a couple years ago:
Thank you for everything I have learned from you, and for being able to talk to me about everything.
Which now probably has a few more layers to it.
Thank you for always being there to protect me.
Which is immensely sad — but also shows she was obviously in a different “category”. And that Marius was/is perhaps able to be better depending on what’s going on.
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I find it even more worrying that Ingrid Alexandra saw/ maybe still sees Marius as someone to learn things from, someone to look up to.

Maybe he has more respect for her than his girlfriends, but I am not 100% sure. Just because he can be nice and fun at times, does not mean he doesn't behave badly at other times. That's typical of abusers like him and with his apparently frequent violent outbursts, I still wonder whether none of that ever happened at Skaugum and in front of his mother, stepfather and siblings.

And then there is his cocaine use, which is a terrible thing for a future Queen, but also Sverre Magnus to be exposed to. I sincerely hope he has not and will not offer it to them, and has not taken them to drug parties, but if I were the NRF I would be doing everything possible to prevent this from happening. Yes, he is their brother but he is also a potentially very bad influence, unfortunately.
You would think that Marius wouldn't want a guy to treat his sister like he treats his girlfriends and therefore wouldn't treat them like that, but for whatever reason (substance abuse, mental illness, general chauvinism/misogyny, just being a jerk, etc...), he doesn't conceptualize that women not directly related to him deserve to be protected as well.
John Christian Elden, Nora Haukland's lawyer, confirms to Dagbladet that Nora has been summoned for police questioning, and will of course answer the police's questions, but has not filed a report herself. She has no other comments on the matter. For Nora, this is a closed chapter in her life, and she has moved on. She reacted spontaneously when she heard the explanation the accused gave, and came up with her story.

- The police want to speak to Nora Haukland on the basis of her statements about Marius Borg Høiby. Beyond that, we have no comments in the case tonight, police inspector Henriette Taxt Røstadli writes in a text message to NTB.
Nora Haukland will be interviewed by the police next week.
Both Høiby and the offended woman in the case will be interviewed by the police next week.

Dagbladet reveals a number of new information about the environment Marius has been in contact with, and partied with, for several years.
Dagbladet has been confirmed by sources that the police continuously investigate and assess the environment around the royal family, to assess whether anyone may pose a threat.
Around Marius there are rich heirs, reality celebrities and influencers. But there are also people convicted of dealing with cocaine and serious crime - and who have connections to the gang environment and the Hells Angels.
Dagbladet has presented everything for Marius Borg Høiby's lawyer Øyvind Bratlien and for the Royal House.
- We are referring to Borg Høiby's lawyer, writes the Royal Palace's communications manager Guri Varpe in an email.
Borg Høiby's lawyer has not responded to Dagbladet's inquiries in this case.

Does Marius lose his temper only with women, or has he trashed also his male friends' homes and punched them?
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"Marius Borg Høiby (27) surrounds himself - according to Dagbladet - with friends on whom the police have long had the spotlight. Some will also be convicted of crime, writes Dagbladet.
Several of Marius' friends are said to have also visited Skaugum, when Marius lived in the main building together with Crown Princess Mette-Marit (50), Crown Prince Haakon (51), Princess Ingrid Alexandra (20) and Prince Sverre Magnus (19)."

It's hard to believe the NRF were not aware of many things around Marius.
Juliane was the girlfriend for years and was close enough to the family to be invited to Ingrid and Sverre's confirmations and Ari's funeral. I have seen photos of Nora and Marius hanging out with Ingrid Alexandra and Sverre Magnus.
Marius living in the Crown Prince couple's estate. Certainly the crown prince couple cannot be blamed but a pattern of enabling his "lifestyle" is clear.

I hope all the victims find their voices to come forward and are not intimidated or influence by anyone in positions of power and high standing.
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You would think that Marius wouldn't want a guy to treat his sister like he treats his girlfriends and therefore wouldn't treat them like that, but for whatever reason (substance abuse, mental illness, general chauvinism/misogyny, just being a jerk, etc...), he doesn't conceptualize that women not directly related to him deserve to be protected as well.
I think you and others have hit the nail.
I believe that Marius in his own distorted macho self-image may consider Ingrid as his sister that he must protect and look after - regardless of whether she wants to or not or is perfectly capable of looking after herself or not. As such I can easily imagine him going off on someone who in Marius eyes, show a little too much interest for Ingrid or who in his eyes don't treat her right. Including a boyfriend of hers. - That would be logic and normal behavior for a self-appointed alpha male. Ingrid is not a part of his harem as such, but she may very well be within his sphere of - direct - influence.
Anyway at a celebration it's normal to say something nice about people, including Marius. Even if the family may quietly behind closed doors consider him a problem.

Nora Haukland has been called in for questioning by the police, according to her lawyer:


I don't think anyone can disagree that this is bad for the NRF.
It must rank among the nightmare scenarios that can keep monarchs awake at night.
It is of course not the worst scenario, at least Marius hasn't been accused of raping anyone (yet).
Above this one are the scenarios of a key member of a royal family murdering or trying to kill someone. Killing or maiming someone while DUI or speeding. Beating someone to a pulp during a brawl or a fit of rage etc.
So far in recent time (past 50 years) most royal families have had instances of speeding, adultery, very entitled behavior, associating with the wrong people, being involved in corruption and similar. And in some countries such examples, while being wrong, isn't necessarily considered that immoral or extraordinary.
While each example listed here are bad enough, they haven't directly hurt someone and done it repeatedly, which is a considerable difference.

But statistically speaking something like this was bound to happen within a royal family somewhere at some point. The NRF just pulled the short straw on this one. - And something similar will happen within another royal family at some point in the not too distant future, say within the next generation.

As has been pointed out in this thread, even the most caring, attentive and loving parents and families can have a black sheep.
So IMO we cannot necessarily blame the NRF for having a Marius.
We may however find reasons to blame them for being over-indulgent, or trying to sweep things under the carpet, turning a blind eye, or worse: Trying to cover it up, using their influence.
That remains to be seen. And that's where it could get seriously dangerous for the NRF.

One black sheep who cause a major scandal is unfortunate. Three black sheep who continue to make a spectacle of themselves is mismanagement. So I'd suggest that the NRF seriously rein in all three, Marius, ML and her Durak, and keep them in a very short leash.
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John Christian Elden, Nora Haukland's lawyer, confirms to Dagbladet that Nora has been summoned for police questioning, and will of course answer the police's questions, but has not filed a report herself. She has no other comments on the matter. For Nora, this is a closed chapter in her life, and she has moved on. She reacted spontaneously when she heard the explanation the accused gave, and came up with her story.

- The police want to speak to Nora Haukland on the basis of her statements about Marius Borg Høiby. Beyond that, we have no comments in the case tonight, police inspector Henriette Taxt Røstadli writes in a text message to NTB.
Nora Haukland will be interviewed by the police next week.
Both Høiby and the offended woman in the case will be interviewed by the police next week.

Dagbladet reveals a number of new information about the environment Marius has been in contact with, and partied with, for several years.
Dagbladet has been confirmed by sources that the police continuously investigate and assess the environment around the royal family, to assess whether anyone may pose a threat.
Around Marius there are rich heirs, reality celebrities and influencers. But there are also people convicted of dealing with cocaine and serious crime - and who have connections to the gang environment and the Hells Angels.
Did Haakon and MM know that Marius was hanging out with "people convicted of dealing with cocaine and serious crime - and who have connections to the gang environment"? If they did, someone in the Royal Household should have raised a red flag as any association with criminals could have a potential negative impact on the Royal Family's public image.

Furthermore, if Marius had a pattern of punching and suffocating his girlfriends and trashing their apartments, I find it hard to believe that his mother and stepfather were completely oblivious to those facts, especially considering that the girlfriends took part in different social events with the family.

The question is whether the CP couple were not just lenient with Marius, but were also covering up for him and, therefore, indirectly enabling the continuation of his violent behavior.
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