Rune Bård Hansen, team judge in Agder district court and member of the judges' media group:
- If he confesses what he said to the media on Wednesday to the police and the court, he will probably get a penalty discount of between 20 and 30 per cent, he says.
Marius Borg Høiby tilsto vold i kokainrus i en medieuttalelse onsdag. Dersom saken skal behandles som en tilståelsesdom er det flere ting som gjenstår, ifølge ekspert.
Experts opinions differ, four experts are interviewed:
Tove Taalesen:
- I think of the poor crown prince family who have had to stand in this for a long time and deal with this. It is great that he is taking responsibility for his actions and this statement shows that it has been a big problem for a long time.
Peggy Simcic Brønn:
- This tops everything. Of everything wrong that has happened to this royal house - this is the worst. He does not apologize for the use of violence, Brønn calls the statement fire extinguishing.
- How you handle these matters is incredibly important. This damages the reputation of the royal house, it cannot be avoided.
Kongehusekspert roser Marius Borg Høiby (27) for åpenhet og ansvar i sin uttalelse. – Brannslukking, sier professor.
23 years after Mette-Marit spoke out about her past, her son breaks his silence about the accusation of violence. A royal house expert explains the difference.
23 år etter at Mette-Marit snakket ut om ei utsvevende fortid, bryter sønnen tausheten om voldssiktelsen. En kongehusekspert forklarer forskjellen.
He apologized for the use of violence and at the same time said that he has long struggled with mental disorders. The latter may be an explanation, but the apology is poor consolation for the woman who was subjected to violence last weekend. It is she and no one else who is the victim here.
There is no excuse for mistreating another human being. There are many thousands of people in this country who have mental problems but who never lay a finger on another human being.
It then became known that Crown Princess Mette-Marit had been in contact with the victim of violence, which is extremely worrisome in view of the risk of witness influence. Having a brother who is under investigation for violence is also not easy for other siblings to handle, at least not when the case becomes known to the outside world.
Marius Borg Høiby har offentlig bedt om unnskyld for å ha brukt vold mot sin ekskjæreste sist helg, men denne unnskyldningen endrer på ingen måte ikke alvoret i saken.
The royal family's handling of violence is downright unpleasant
Norway's future queen seeks out the victim in a criminal case, while Marius Borg Høiby makes the confession on the state channel.
Norges fremtidige dronning oppsøker offeret i en straffesak, mens Marius Borg Høiby tar tilståelsen i statskanalen.
Danish historian and royal house expert Lars Hovbakke Sørensen:
Sørensen emphasizes that a similar case has not been seen in any European royal house in recent times.
"Certainly there have been scandals, but it has never been about violence in this way," he says.
"Scandals from other royal houses show that the less central a person who is in focus, the smaller the scope of the scandal. It reflects badly on the royal house that a man who has spent so much time on the royal family can behave like this".
Efter hans indrømmelse onsdag er skandalen for alvor blev slået fast med syvtommersøm.
Marius' former girlfriend Nora Haukland now makes several serious accusations on Snapchat.
- I thought I would keep my mouth shut until my ex's statement came out, and then I felt a great sense of frustration. Marius speaks as if this is the first time it has happened. He asks for some kind of empathy, "I'm going to get help, I'm struggling, my love" and all of this felt very familiar. He also said he should get help when I left him.
- Marius has been physically towards me. He has punched me in the face. He's kicked me, he's strangled me, he's trashed my apartment. He has also destroyed things in Mum's new house. But as Juliane said, the very worst thing for me was also the psychological part. Yelling, the threats.
- I see him pretending that this is a one-off case and that he is only taking responsibility for something that is public. It bothers me. I also want to say a big thank you to Juliane who stood up, she found a strength that is absolutely incredible and I wouldn't have been able to publish this if she hadn't done the same and been there. And I hope that everyone who experiences intimate partner violence finds the strength to leave, because it is very rare that it gets better.
Kommer med flere anklager mot ekskjæresten Marius Borg Høiby.
– Han later som dette er et engangstilfelle, sier influenseren.
Have Haakon and Mette-Marit known about this what happened with Nora?
The police tell that Marius' interrogation is planned for next week.
- The police have been in dialogue with the defense attorney about questioning Høiby. An interview is scheduled for next week. At the request of the defense attorney, we are not giving a specific time, informs police inspector Henriette Taxt Rødstadli in the Oslo police district.
I forbindelse men volds- og skadeverkssiktelsene mot kronprinsessens sønn, er det planlagt avhør av Marius Borg Høiby i neste uke, opplyser politiet.