"Máxima, una historia real" by Argentine Journalists (2008-2009)

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Aug 13, 2004
According to website zijonline.nl (bad website, I know) 2 argentinian journalists a 'scandal' book about Princess Maxima. The journalists have been working on it for over a year and they spoke to dozens of intimate friends of the princess. Did any of the Argentinian posters hear anything on this or even know the journalists?

The journalists claim that they have shocking material that is compromising for Máxima and they have been adviced to keep it a secret. The RVD approached the two journalists and is threatening with a lawsuit. The book is meant for the Argentinian market, no Dutch publisher has shown any interest thus far.

Information in Spanish here.
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I havent heard much about the book, just that the authors started the investigation three months ago and they were surprised becuase Máxima's childhood friends/classmates refused to talk. I also have absolutely no idea who the authors are, never heard of them before, and I doubt the book will be a 'best seller' haha:There is not such a big interest for Máxima here.
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According to website zijonline.nl (bad website, I know) 2 argentinian journalists a 'scandal' book about Princess Maxima. The journalists have been working on it for over a year and they spoke to dozens of intimate friends of the princess. Did any of the Argentinian posters hear anything on this or even know the journalists?

The journalists claim that they have shocking material that is compromising for Máxima and they have been adviced to keep it a secret. The RVD approached the two journalists and is threatening with a lawsuit. The book is meant for the Argentinian market, no Dutch published has shown any interest thus far.

Information in Spanish here.

Sounds like typical junk.
all this is rediculus, the kids from 3 grade must not even remeber much and what kind of scandal she could do at 8 years old? may be when she was a teenager, or in herearlies 20s but at 8 years old, come on! rhis people are ridiculus!
According to website zijonline.nl (bad website, I know) 2 argentinian journalists a 'scandal' book about Princess Maxima. The journalists have been working on it for over a year and they spoke to dozens of intimate friends of the princess. Did any of the Argentinian posters hear anything on this or even know the journalists?

Yes, I read something about it a couple of days ago. The book is to be named simply "Máxima", and it will be published both here and in Europe. Personally I didn't know those journalists.
Haven't Maxima's friends and family always been discrete? (At least, thats how I understood it...)

What are the chances really that other people would know anything 'damaging' to the Princess.

Sounds to me like the typical 'fame and fortune' seekers...
Yes, thus far there only was 1 friend who ever talked to the press, to german ZDF (probably with the blessing of the court).

I am usually suspicious when authors start about 'sensational' news. Edwin de Roy van Zuydewijn has claimed that for years and we are still waiting on his bloody book (which probably will never be puclished or even written).
Pure garbage! A little girl of 8 involved in a scandal??? :eek::lol: Oh, maybe she stealed some candies for a classmate, back then...:dizzy::D;)

Well, I suppose they will look for some more recent information too, Máxima lived in Argentina till in her twenties and she saw a lot of her family and friends even when she lived abroad, so...
In the worst scenario they would find something Videla related IMO.
Haven't Maxima's friends and family always been discrete? (At least, thats how I understood it...)

What are the chances really that other people would know anything 'damaging' to the Princess.

Sounds to me like the typical 'fame and fortune' seekers...


Typical BS from A to B.

None of Princess Máxima's friends would even think on talking on her to such filthy gutter creeps.
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well, we only will know that once the book has been published, won't we? It were friends of the Princess who sold that video of Máxima drinking, dancing and smoking in a very short skirt at a wedding party in Argentina to the press too, remember?

As I have no idea who the journalists are and in what segment they belong it will be difficult to know how reliable their claims are, and as I said, when authors advertise their book with 'sensational news' and such I tend to get suspicious.
well, we only will know that once the book has been published, won't we? It were friends of the Princess who sold that video of Máxima drinking, dancing and smoking in a very short skirt at a wedding party in Argentina to the press too, remember?

As I have no idea who the journalists are and in what segment they belong it will be difficult to know how reliable their claims are, and as I said, when authors advertise their book with 'sensational news' and such I tend to get suspicious.

True Marengo,but then that was before the engagement and when most didn't have a clue as to the implications of their dear friend and the Prince's future.Now they have.I think HRH's friends are very loyal,have to be,or it would no doubt mean the end of a friendship.
And rightfully so.Loyalty & thrustworthiness,key-words in any friendship,but even more so in this case.
What is the reason to call this thread "scandal book"? how do you know it will be a scandal if it is not written yet? Anyone has the right to write a biography, of course if it turns into a junk book, they will have to be sued, but as far as i know there are no scandals concerning the Princess. The Royal House is too much susceptible.
well, we only will know that once the book has been published, won't we? It were friends of the Princess who sold that video of Máxima drinking, dancing and smoking in a very short skirt at a wedding party in Argentina to the press too, remember?

As I have no idea who the journalists are and in what segment they belong it will be difficult to know how reliable their claims are, and as I said, when authors advertise their book with 'sensational news' and such I tend to get suspicious.
anyway, this probably was a wedding before she even met her husband,and what it is so wrong?a very short skirt, drinking and smoking? como on, this is not scandall!!!
May be : some people think that she's becoming too powerful, so they would like to destabilize her.
I think if there was a scandal in Maxima's life we would know it already. When someone is sucessful there is always someone who feel jealous and decides to tell the dark stories to the media.
I remember to read here in TRF and in another spanish forum a rumour about Máxima being bullied when she was a child in her school. Maybe the book is about that, but then again it wouldn't be an horrible "Scandal" on Máxima's life.
What is "scandalous" about the book? Has anyone read it, or give us a rough translation? Thanks-
It was announced as 'scandal book' on several websites, so hence the title of this thread.

I have read in a dutch boulevard magazine that they will pay attention to a supposed 2nd boyfriend of Maxima before her marriage. Thus for the Dutch public was only aware of 1 man, called Tiziano (forgot the last name but it sounded Italian). Not very shocking perse, though the magazine did claim that the mystery man was many years Maxima's senior. Of course it is not sure if the information is correct.

It is rather curious that the book will be published in Switzerland? Perhaps they print a Dutch edition there and export it to The Netherlands? Or will the book only appear in Spanish?
It was announced as 'scandal book' on several websites, so hence the title of this thread.

I have read in a dutch boulevard magazine that they will pay attention to a supposed 2nd boyfriend of Maxima before her marriage. Thus for the Dutch public was only aware of 1 man, called Tiziano (forgot the last name but it sounded Italian). Not very shocking perse, though the magazine did claim that the mystery man was many years Maxima's senior. Of course it is not sure if the information is correct.

It is rather curious that the book will be published in Switzerland? Perhaps they print a Dutch edition there and export it to The Netherlands? Or will the book only appear in Spanish?

Ah,the second man,oh how exciting!A man her senior?Now who can that be?Par el gracia de Dios,caramba muchacho quen es?

Hmm,must be the guy she,initially,shared her appartment in Chelsea,NYC with,oh gosh what news from these pulpo's.
We already know it's bogus,trash so why bother if it will be in dutch spanish or chinese even,we're gonna flush it anyway.
It's a "Party""Story"in the "Privé" "Weekend" sort of thing,just to name the dutch rags all in one line for our foreign viewers....:whistling:
Not all things in these magazines are completely bogus IMO. And compared to the boulevrad magazines in Britain and Germany we are rather fortunate. So they might be right that such a story will be included in the book, though if the story in the book is true is a whole other matter.

From what I remember the magazine claimed that the BF was before Tiziano (whith the last name that I do not recall) and was nearly twice Maxima's age. The magazine also claimed that Dieter Zimmermann never was had any relationship with Maxim'. She rented his flat (when he moved out) and never bothered to remove the nametag outside.
Whatever the book says I like her. She has brought some joy into what seemed a fairly sombre family.
I think any attack on her by fellow Argentinians now that she is married, a mother and seemingly very happy is needlessly cruel.
I dislike sadists, especially when they do it for money.
Not all things in these magazines are completely bogus IMO. And compared to the boulevrad magazines in Britain and Germany we are rather fortunate. So they might be right that such a story will be included in the book, though if the story in the book is true is a whole other matter.

From what I remember the magazine claimed that the BF was before Tiziano (whith the last name that I do not recall) and was nearly twice Maxima's age. The magazine also claimed that Dieter Zimmermann never was had any relationship with Maxim'. She rented his flat (when he moved out) and never bothered to remove the nametag outside.

Was Tiziano 20 years older than Maxima? He could be almost 50 when Maxima was in her twenties. By the way, What was Tiziano's job? Where did he live in Italy or in Argentina?
No, according to the magazine there was a guy in Maxima's life before Tiziano and that guy was supposed to be much older. Anyway, all very unclear. It was said that Tiziano was a businessman from italian roots, but that is all that is known about him.

IMO the only serious ' problem' that could come from this book is if they find something on the Videla-connection which wasn't known yet. Otherwise, the material might fill one or two boulevard magazines but that is it.
Well well, look who woke up 3 months after the news was first published: It's Evert. Continuing his personal vendetta against the RF, he is a bitter man, with several flopped television shows and such.

And the idiotic thing is that he presents this ' news' as a big scoop, a few months after it all became known. No new information in his magazine, just saying that these 2 argentinian 'journalists' are digging up dirt of Maxima's life and claiming that Maxima was in NYC to 'get' JFK jr (we all thought she was a young banker, but no, Evert knows best).

As a reminder: this is the guy who paid money to the wife of a bodyguard of the PoO to give him information about the couple (which resulted in a divorce for the bodyguard). He also bought and published pictures that a builder illigally made of the interior of Villa Eikenhorst and he also bought pictures of the stolen camera of Maxima. He has been dragged to court by the RF several times. This man makes me sick, I am so glad his programme on TALPA was such a total fiasco and had to be taken of the air after a few months.
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