hehe! how cute!!!
no, i didn't... i would love to see them. here in my country they decided to make a pause and go to publicity in the letters j to l....
who of them were there? someone told me henri was seen there.
we've seen lots of photos of mary and fred, of william, of anne... it's impossible there isn't one single picture of lux royals!
a poster said wort.lu had a photo of them, but i didn't find it. also, hola.com seems to have information about lux royals in athens, but i don't have access to hola...
When the site first comes up, click on "Zwischen Soldaten und Sportstars." The first photo on the page is Grand Duke Henri and three athletes. Click underneath the second photo and 27 photos should appear. Henri and Maria Teresa are in three of the photos.
I hope you can find them.
Can someone post the pictures? I'm still learning how to post photos.
Here's a picture with Grand Duke Henri I don't know where the other pics are but if you can tell me where to find it in wort.lu [it's in GErman or something so i can't read it] i'll try to post it up for you ^__^
I found pictures of the children at wort.lu - a newspaper in Luxembourgh.
On the site, click on "Heinz schwimmt Landesrekord." If you click underneath the photo, you'll see new photos. Sebastian, Louis and Guillaume are in three photos.
Is Louis going to Sandhurst?
I ask this because Sandhurst is a military school, and in that last picture it looks like he has a shaved head......
Thanks for the photos. (The Lux and Greek royals are my favorites.)
I love seeing the family's openness which each other and the public.
Guillaume, Felix and Louis look very close in height. Felix does need a haircut. It was nice to see Guillaume and his siblings in clothes other than suits.
Winona, Hillary and the rest of you, THANK YOU so much for posting those wonderful photos of the Grand Ducal family, I was excited to see that they all were at the games and enjoying themselves. Does anyone know if Luxembourg has won a medal or not in the games? What are the ateletes competing in?
Winona salut to you ^__^ thank you sooo much!!! how did you manage to find sooo many pics of them in athens? i've been looking and couldn't find any pics anywhere!!1 good job Winona ^__^
Does anyone know whether the Luxembourg Royals will stay for the closing ceremony?