I must confess I am a big fan of this generation of British Royal Family. The way I see it Sarah and Daniel, Serena and David and Helen and Tim they all choose to make their Royal Wedding a personal and intimate affair. This generation is not so formal as their parents' generation and not so informal as the next generation. So when I refer to them I say they are "the equilibrated members of British Royal Family"
And I've always kept this pictures as cherished moments of elegance, nobility and good taste.
And in some details of the cerimony you can see that this, in case of Sarah, fragile-looking Lady made her point about what she wanted for her own wedding.
If you feel that I am boring you in posting this "old" pictures please let me know. Thank you in advance.
Sarah and Daniel wedding was attended by the British Royal Family, with exception to Dukes of York.
The bride choose not to have Royal Carriage, Red Carpet or Sound of Bells ringing.
The cerimony only took 30 minutes and the newlyweds caught everyone by surprise leaving the church unannounced. Even the driver wasn't at his place which made the couple laugh while waited for the car to show.
The church was chosen by the couple that wanted a romantic and intimate place to get married. Only 200 people could attend to their wedding, and the children were not invited due to the dimensions of the place.
The wedding gown was designed byJasper Conran, the bride's favourite designer, who also designed the bridesmaids dresses.
The bridesmaids were: Lady Frances Armstrong-Jones, Zara Philips and Tara Noble Singh.
The groom was so worried about being pontual that arrived to church 1 hour and half before the beggining of cerimony.
The bride entered the church under the sound of religious himn "Ye Holy Angels Bright".
The cerimony was adapted from the "Book of Common Prayer" of 1928. Still the bride didn't promisse to obey her husband nor to adore him with her body.
The musics played during the cerimony were "Jesus Shall Reign Where'er The Sun" and "Alleluia! Sing to Jesus".
After their marriage promisses the couple exchanged gold simple bands and after the blessing left the church.
Afterwards there was a reception at Clarence House which Diana didn't attend and didn't pose for the wedding official photo.
Their honeymoon was in Bombay.
Diana arriving (she received the biggest ovation from the people gathered)
Sophie Rhys-Jones arriving
Prince Charles
Queen Mother
Princess Anne
Lady Serena Linley arriving
The Queen and Prince Philip (according to protocol they are the last to enter the church before the bride)
The bride