King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima, Current Events 2: Aug 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
He is very well known in the Netherlands as he is the only Dutch men's single winner of a grand slam: he won Wimbledon in 1996.

Edit: Apparently, this specific medal is very rarely awarded and is a personal favor of the monarch. It is only the second time the king awarded this medal.
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It feels a bit lacklustre. There is no good photo with the four of them and the ceremony seems to have taken place in an empty room. A quick thing between other functions perhaps?

There most be more decorative rooms in the palace(s) where they can give such a ceremony a bit more cachet. This particuar one always gives the impression of a high end hotel, as does much of Noordeinde.

Richard Krajicek and Daphne Dekkers (his wife and an author and former model) supposedly are well known to the royal couple.
Nice that they are using the gallery dining room with the portraits of Van der Hulst for the Brussels palace.

I am not sure there will be a dinner tonight The website does not seem to indicate that. And an official dinner in the evening probably would have been preceded by a lunch at the Trêves room of the PM's office.
King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima met representatives of the Palestinian community in the city and people with Jewish backgrounds in Vlaardingen today, June 25:

** ppe gallery **
That is a lovely area of the country. In the city of Veere - of which he is Marquess- the King drank from a wonderful cup that was made for Maximilian of Burgundy. it was made for emperor Charles V and donated to the city of Veere by Maximilian of Burgundy, Marquess of Veere and Vlissingen (Flushing). Maximilian was a descendant of Duke Filips the Good, via Filis bastard son Anton. Maximilian was stadholder of Holland, Zeeland and Utrecht, admiral of Zeeland and a knight of the Golden Fleece.

Only the marquess is allowed to drink from it. Queen Beatrix did so in 2005 and Queen Juliana in 1951.

The cup contained a Chablis wine.

Omroep Zeeland has a very complete live blog with photos:

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Great blog by Omroep Zeeland. It looks like a successful visit and excellent start after the summer holidays.
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A lovely start indeed, very festive and many spectators. And Queen Máxima was a good sport and wore the necklace made of mussels, which as offered to her in Domburg.
Yesterday the king and queen welcomed the members of the new cabinet (ministers and state secretaries) and their partners at Palace Huis ten Bosch and offered them a dinner in the Oranjezaal.

I haven't seen any pictures (yet) but the Palace did publish the king's speech: Toespraak van Koning Willem-Alexander bij het startdiner aangeboden aan de bewindslieden van het kabinet-Schoof en hun partners op Paleis Huis ten Bosch, Den Haag

Below is a translation of the most important parts as it provides some insights in what is important to the king and how he relates to this somewhat unusual cabinet. At the start, the king explains that this dinner at the start of a new cabinet is a new tradition that they started 2 years ago when the previous cabinet was formed - and he ends with stressing the importance of their partners and other close family members and friends to support them.

With this dinner, my wife and I want to underline our connection with you. As part of the government, I belong to your team on the basis of the Constitution. And the Queen's involvement in your work is equally strong. We all share the same mission: we serve the Dutch people, in the Netherlands and abroad. That work is beautiful and honourable. But also responsible and demanding.
As ministers and state secretaries, you can set out lines and make plans. But it is equally important to respond to unexpected events and unpredictable developments. Governing also means: navigating and improvising.

In that respect, you have taken office in an exceptionally turbulent time. Our country is connected to foreign countries by thousands of wires and events elsewhere have a major impact on safety, prosperity and social relations here. Tensions and conflicts thousands of kilometers from our borders are palpable in our city districts. A large group of Ukrainians have sought refuge here, fleeing Russian aggression. Shock waves in Israel and the Palestinian Territories are vibrating in Amsterdam and Vlaardingen. The Queen and I have experienced in a series of meetings how deeply this affects people.

It shows courage and a sense of responsibility to choose - like you - for public affairs and public administration in these times. Such a choice deserves respect and appreciation. I say this emphatically.

A great deal of navigational skill will be required of you now that the seas are rising high. There are so many persistent issues that require your attention. Peace and security, housing, migration, climate, agriculture, sustainable growth. And certainly also strengthening the fragile trust between citizens and their government.

Fortunately, we have a shared compass that has already guided the Netherlands through many storms. Let us uphold our democratic legal order and cherish our long tradition of reasonable consultation with an eye for everyone's interests. In this way, the much-needed trust in each other and in the future can grow again in our society.

The Queen and I look forward to working with each of you. Know where to find us and use us!

You put your energy and talents at the service of the Netherlands. And you are supported in this by excellent and very committed civil servants in your ministries. The quality and loyalty of the civil service organisations is truly a strong point of the Netherlands.
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Yesterday the king and queen welcomed the members of the new cabinet (ministers and state secretaries) and their partners at Palace Huis ten Bosch and offered them a dinner in the Oranjezaal.

I haven't seen any pictures (yet) but the Palace did publish the king's speech: Toespraak van Koning Willem-Alexander bij het startdiner aangeboden aan de bewindslieden van het kabinet-Schoof en hun partners op Paleis Huis ten Bosch, Den Haag

Below is a translation of the most important parts as it provides some insights in what is important to the king and how he relates to this somewhat unusual cabinet. At the start, the king explains that this dinner at the start of a new cabinet is a new tradition that they started 2 years ago when the previous cabinet was formed - and he ends with stressing the importance of their partners and other close family members and friends to support them.
Really important message given the government they are saddled with honestly...
The annual Uitblinkerslunch, took place at the Noordeinde Palace in The Hague.
(28 Dutch people who have distinguished themselves through a special achievement were invited)
PPE Agency
The king and queen just visited the location of the recent explosion in The Hague. So far, 6 people have been found dead.

Video of the visit: the king and queen are clearly affected by what they just saw but also praises how people in the neighborhood supported those most directly affected by the explosion and subsequent collapse of the apartment building.

The king and queen just visited the location of the recent explosion in The Hague. So far, 6 people have been found dead.

TM returned from the south of Spain where they,apparently,celbrated Amalia´s 21st birthday.TM were shocked at the sight of the site.The explosion was probably due to criminal motives.
Partying abroad yet again - what a surprise. It explains their absence at the Notre Dame and his late visit to the site.
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The king and queen just visited the location of the recent explosion in The Hague. So far, 6 people have been found dead.

Video of the visit: the king and queen are clearly affected by what they just saw but also praises how people in the neighborhood supported those most directly affected by the explosion and subsequent collapse of the apartment building.

Asking our Dutch posters if there's been any revelation as to what caused this devastating explosion?
Asking our Dutch posters if there's been any revelation as to what caused this devastating explosion?
As of yet, they have no idea. A exploding druglab has been disproven, though.
3 people have been arrested it seems and are only allowed to speak to their lawyers. The police does not want to share more information, to protect the investigation.

Six people died, of which three from one family. Only an 8 y/o boy survived while his elder sister and parents did not.
3 people have been arrested it seems and are only allowed to speak to their lawyers. The police does not want to share more information, to protect the investigation.

Six people died, of which three from one family. Only an 8 y/o boy survived while his elder sister and parents did not.
Thank you for the update Marengo.
A gasleak has also been excluded.

The police now believe that the bridal store situated underneath the apartments was the target.
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Today, January 14, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima hosted the traditional New Year's reception for foreign diplomats and representatives of international organizations based in the Netherlands:

** anp gallery ** ppe gallery **
Nice of them to return to the country after being on vacation for 4 weeks. They returned to Schiphol airport at 10 in the morning yesterday, I imagine they may have gone straight to the palace and will have slept in the plane. Let's hope their majesties will not overwork themselves too much before the skiing vacation in a few weeks! Let's see how many weekend trips to Madrid we will get in between.

For some reason the receptions are top secret, so all we see is them entering and leaving the palace. Although the intention may be good I think the King may want to re-assess if the invisible mode in which he is operating to some extend. This invisibility on top of an increasingly visible endless stream of vacations and weekend-trips really does not do them any favours.

They may have worked from Argentina, but in the end the job is to be seen. Not to do office work and zoom meetings. I am not sure if Queen Beatrix was away less often. Juliana certainly liked her vacations away as well. But today's media landscape and society is very different and any trip they make can be traced easily.
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