King Philippe and Queen Mathilde, Current Events, Part 3, Dec 2024-

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Aug 13, 2004

Arms of King Philippe

Welcome to the King Philippe and Queen Mathilde, Current Events, Part 3

Commencing 19 December, 2024

The previous thread can be found here

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King Philippe and Queen Mathilde visited the residents of the "Porte Ouverte" women's shelter on this morning, located in the heart of Brussels, near the Place du Jardin aux Fleurs. Around thirty women and children in financial difficulty or homeless are currently residing there.

What a heartwarming and touching visit! I love that BOTH King and Queen participated in the visit.This is undoubtedly a tough time of year for those displaced for various reasons. The images of the Queen playing with the children and serving lunch are beautiful. God blessed the day Philippe laid eyes on Mathilde!
On the occasion of the New Year, Their Majesties the King and Queen receive the Secretary General of NATO and the Permanent Representatives, the members of the International Secretariat and the Military Representatives to NATO, as well as the General Officers of SHAPE. The reception takes place at the Château de Laeken.

Today, January 16, the third New Year's reception has taken place.

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde received the leaders of the European institutions based in Brussels and the permanent representatives accredited to the European Union:

** gettyimages gallery **
The King and Queen receive the Ambassadors, Consuls General and Permanent Representatives of Belgium at the Château de Laeken, as part of the Diplomatic Days, the annual meeting of Belgian diplomacy.
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