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King Otto and Queen Amalia
Arms of King Otto

Arms of King Otto
I'm not sure that horse riding prevents a woman from having children; if not, how could Empress Elisabeth of Austria had four children, considering that she used to spend a lot of time riding?
What you are describing is a type of cancer-dyspalasia and so is hyperplasia.I think it would have been quite unhygienic to insert sponges into the uterine cavity ... Ye gods- I have also heard stories more credible stories that Otto was impotent.But hardly anyone has the facts....Amalia suffered from a condition ( the name I don't remember it now), and had a form of internal dysplasia, which made it very difficult to have physical relationship with Otto and impossible to conceive.
From all the above accounts, it seems that Amalia, apart from any possible anatomic problems, was suffering from what is called anaphrodisia or in lay terms, frigidity.... Ye gods- I have also heard stories more credible stories that Otto was impotent.But hardly anyone has the facts.
This sounds like the most credible account of what was These two were just not interested........ thanking you Vlaha!!!!From all the above accounts, it seems that Amalia, apart from any possible anatomic problems, was suffering from what is called anaphrodisia or in lay terms, frigidity.
Insofar as Otto was concerned, all the Greek literature abounds in vague comments about his impotence. However, this word has two meanings, the layman's, that is, a man's inability to achieve and sustain penile tumescence and the medical, that is, inability to produce adequare count of healthy spermatozoa capable of fertilizing a woman's egg. Which of the two meanings these authors were implying is not clear.
At any rate, the way I perceive it from all these comments is that neither Amalia nor Otto were interested in intercourse and possibly the marriage remained uncosummated. As it is known, unconsummated marriage is a solid reason for annulment particularly in the Catholic Church. So the fact that Otto never sought that suggests that he had no sexual interest.
The truth is that they had some pretty good reasons to wish it. The first problems between Otto and the Orthodox clergy started very early , the year 1833. That year Mauer issued a Royal Decree stating that the Orthodox Church of Greece was from taht moment an autocephalous church. This happened without a previous agreement between the Patriachate of Constantinople and the Bavarian Regency which irritated the Patriach very much because he , as the spiritual leader of all Orthodoxs, had to give his consent before the declaration, and as a result he refused to recognise the newly founded Greek Church(without declaring it schismatic of course)and canonical communion between the Greek Church and the Patriarchate stopped until 1850 when the Greek bishops followed the formall way and asked him to recognize the Church of Greece as an autonomous and autocephalous Church. But this Royal Decree also irritated many Greek priests and Bishops for two reasons: a) because they feared that the Regency wanted to make the Church a subject to the State and b) because the Roman Catholics deared to mess with internal religious matters instead of leaving them to deal with it. The truth is that the Church had to become autonomous for practical reasons and because it was clear that since Greece was now an independent state the Patriach could no longer be the administrative head of the Church of Greece, but very few Greeks, if any, liked the way the Bavarians handled it.This certainly is very strange but it is apparent that the Greeks, by drafting a constitution, wanted their future heirs to be Orthodox.