Dear Tipper, Yes, KH did say that! They blamed QN...and apparently QA took a few hits too from what she wrote to Margaret Trudeau. I asked a friend who "inherited two stepchildren" when she married a widower and then they had twins of their own, too. She said it is very difficult as she is always walking that fine line--making sure the two eldest feel included and receive attention and sometimes she feels she goes overboard by trying too hard and neglects the twins in the process. She also described her husband as "oblivious" and "always assuming kids will be kids and not to take them too seriously" when the eldest two or the twins feel bad. She said, while dating, she loved his two and they seemed to love having a "mom" type in their lives again. But they became more possessive and harder to please once they got married and, with the arrival of the twins, it was very difficult as this was her first pregnancy and she was excited but felt "guilty" about talking about it. So, this whole thing with QN and the stepkids--particularly Haya and Ali--is not an uncommon phenomenon. Although, while they were growing up, I really had high hopes for them as they seemed like fine people; not spiteful. While Haya has gone on record saying QN was great, they are doing that thing Princess Diana perfected--sending messages via actions and photos to "tell all" their true feelings are not positive. Apparently, of the QA trio QN inherited, the only one who remains close is Abir. Wonder why she is so loving of QN as she was raised just like Ali and Haya? Also, Haya, on Team Harmony site, speaks so lovingly of Abir.....but they seem to differ on this point. By the way, does Abir appear in Jordan often and was she at weddings of Haya and Ali? I did not see her.