King Harald has to undergo heart surgery

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Nov 8, 2002
King Harald's Cardiac Surgery '05

press conference at the royal castle in about 45 minutes the topic is unknown
As I said in King Harald and Queen Sonja thread, king Harald has to undergo heart surgery. His condition is called aortastenose. The doctors says it's not serious, and that the surgery will take 3 hours. The King will have a quiet easter on doctors orders, and not strain himself.

The king will start physiotherapy straight after the surgery. The faulty flap will be exchanged for a metal one. The king has been followed by doctors for this condition for years, but after his cancer they have checked up on it more often. And for a recent check up the doctors noticed a change in his condition, and they found it necessary to do the surgery now. It is a preventive surgery, because the condition can worsen without it.

The Crown Prince will act as regent for the two months the king will be on sick leave. The king will have to miss some of the centennial celebrations, but the Crown Prince couple and the queen will attend. But he will be healthy again to start the sailing season this summer.
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From the newspapers.

DETTE SKRIVER SLOTTET: «Under en rutinekontroll på Rikshospitalet tirsdag 15. mars 2005 ble det konstatert at det er inntruffet en endring i Hans Majestet Kongens helsetilstand.

Kongen er gjennom mange år blitt kontrollert for en klaffefeil som består i en tranghet i klaffen mellom hjertet og hovedpulsåren, såkalt aortastenose.

Denne trangheten har økt meget langsomt, og har ikke plaget ham. Kongens tilstand har vært fulgt nøye.

Da Kongen ble operert for blærekreft i desember 2003, var klaffefeilen fortsatt moderat og uten betydning for inngrepet. Siste rutinekontroll viste imidlertid at trangheten i klaffen nå er blitt høygradig, og Kongens kondisjon er tydelig blitt redusert, selv om han ikke føler seg syk.

Denne klaffefeilen har fulgt et helt vanlig utviklingsmønster. Når slike klaffefeil begynner å gi plager, er det alminnelig enighet om at tidspunktet for kirurgisk behandling er kommet. Legene ved Rikshospitalet har besluttet at Kongen skal opereres like over påske.

Inngrepet vil bli utført av et team ledet av professor dr. med. Odd Geiran ved Rikshospitalets Thoraxkirurgisk avdeling.

Kongen blir liggende på sykehuset i ca. to uker i forbindelse med inngrepet. Legene regner med at Kongen vil være i funksjon om ca. to måneder.

Informasjon rundt Kongens sykefravær blir ivaretatt av Det Kongelige Hoff i samarbeid med behandlende leger. Det Kongelige Hoff vil jevnlig sende ut bulletiner om Kongens helse.

Kronprinsen regent
I den tiden Hans Majestet Kongen er syk vil Hans Kongelige Høyhet Kronprinsen være Regent, i henhold til Grunnlovens § 41.

Det vil bli endringer i Kongefamiliens offisielle program. Endringene blir kunngjort på

Endringen i Kongens helsetilstand medfører at Kongefamilien ikke kommer til å tilbringe påsken i Sikkilsdalen. Kongeparet oppholder seg i påsken på Kongsseteren.»
Poor King Harald and the whole Royal Family! The previous heart problems, then cancer, and now this... It just doesn't seem to be an end for these unfortunate things, it must be terrible, the family must be really worried.

Crown Prince Haakon will get two more months of "King training".
It was said on the pressconference that the King and the royal family took the news well. And I think they might have known this day would come, since the king has had this condition for some years. Just found out that he will be in hospital for 2 weeks after his surgery. And the doctors said that they had no reason to expect anything other than a successful operation. And the king is in good shape too, after his last surgery and since he quit smoking.
Thank you for posting this GrandDuchess! I tried to find the English version of Aftenposten on the web, but I couldn't! Perhaps I was looking too early, and they hadn't written it yet :) Could you tell me how to find the English version of the paper?
Oh dear. The King has to undergo major surgery:( I sincerely wish him the best and a speedy recovery.
Josefine said:
press conference at the royal castle in about 45 minutes the topic is unknown

The royal court announced that King Harald is going to have cardiac surgery after Easter and will stay at the Rikshospitalet for at least 2 weeks.
KikkiB said:
Could you tell me how to find the English version of the paper?

KikkiB, go to the Aftenposten website and look to the left, where they have the news sections "Inneriks, Utenriks...." Look at the bottom of the list, "News in English" is 5th from the bottom.
Found it! Thank you very much pdas1201! Now I don't have to use so much time translating articles into English!
My Best Wishes to His Majesty, King Harald!

I wish His Majesty a successsful operation and speedy recovery!!

I hope His Majesty does not try to rush his recovery. This is serious business--my mother went through this. You don't just get up after 2 weeks and resume your normal life.
Best wishes to King Harold for a successful surgery!
It's really sad news.I'm really sorry for his family and the Norwegians.I hope he can recover the sick and undertake successful surgery.
i hope that the operation will be a succesful one without many complications.
i'm sure that the king will be in the best of hands, and we'll see him going out and about during the summer months.
im wishes His Majesty doing fine!

my father had heart surgery last summer 2004 he had heart-value in his small of his heart the dr found my dad had small parts of his hearts but im really scary to death of my dad to opearate but my dad doing SO very FAB! he went to heart rehab help him but he never had heart attack! but my father leave his old job for retirement because he had surgery last years because of health reasons of surgery.After he out of hospital my dad show people of his scars that not funny for me!

my late Grandfather had 2 heart attack in 1975 and 1976 but he never had heart surgery when before he died my mom told me why he died for reason! because my late Grandfather getting smoke too MUCH! but i never see him for long time before i was born! i was born in 1981 i told mom about late Grandfather he nice? my mom said yes!

and my Uncle had heart surgery same my dad had it! but he never smoke! he not feels good they the dr operate him makes him feels better thankness godness my family had heart history!

my grandmother had pacemaker but she never had surgery or whatever! im wishes she would have surgery!

Sara Boyce
King Harald will meet at the hospital tomorrow at nine o'clock where he will undergo surgery at Friday, says the Palace. They will atempt to be as open as possible about the whole thing, whilst protecting King Harald's rights as a patient.
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some more pics from colourpress....

King Harald arrives at Rikshospitalet for cardiac-surgery
Professor Odd Geiran og professor Jan L. Svennevig welcomed Norwegian King Harald at Rikshospitalet today, where the king will undergo cardiac surgery. The king suffers from a valvular defect and will be at Rikshospitalet in Oslo for at least 2 weeks. In december 2003 the king had underwent surgery for bladder-cancer, from which he seems to have recovered.
Here is another picture. It's from All Over. Lovely Pants .-)


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Articles on King Haralds heart surgery

King recovering from heart surgery

Doctors at Norway's national hospital said they performed successful heart surgery on King Harald V on Friday. The 68-year-old monarch was recovering in the hospital's intensive care unit while his son took over royal duties.

Surgeons started operating on King Harald at 8:30am Friday and said they finished a little over three hours later, at around 11:45am. The king was said to be in stable condition when palace officials and doctors briefed reporters late Friday afternoon.

Doctors said the operation proceeded with no complications.

The monarch's heart was stopped for nearly an hour, while surgeons replaced his defective valve with a what was described as a "biologic" one. Dr Odd Geiran, a medical professor who led the surgical team, declined to say from where the valve originated.

He said the team also performed a bypass procedure on the monarch, who smoked for years but quit last year following a bout with bladder cancer.

King Harald is expected to remain in the hospital (Rikshospitalet) for the next two weeks. Then he's expected to remain on sick leave through May, probably at the timber lodge in the hills above Oslo called Kongsseteren.

Aftenposten English Web Desk
Nina Berglund

The King is recommended to work less.

King Haralds heart surgery at Rikshospitalet is over, and the presidure is characterised as successful.

The Doctors recommend the King and Queen to have such a hectic working schedule as they have had until now, in the future. According to doctors at Rikshospitalet the surgery started at 8.30am Friday morning. “The King vil fully recover” said Dr. Halfdan Ihlen at a presas conferense this afternoon.

from (translated by me).
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Thanks KikkiB for posting the latest news on King Harald's surgery. I'm really happy for this successful outcome and I hope that Harald heeds the doctor's good advice.
Latest news is that the doctors expect the King to be up and walk (that seems to be crusial after such a big surgery that you move around as early as possible) and perhaps eat some on Sunday. It was mentioned on the news on different channels.And he will recoperate at Kongsseteren where he was before the surgery. It's a secluded place where he can take short walks outside without being bothered by nosy persons.
More news

According to the radiostation P4, the King is now awake after his surgery. The doctors at Rikshospitalet says that his conditon is very good and that he is now taken of the resparatory aide.
His Majesty the King has had a good and calm night. He has slept well and is in a very good mood, according to the press realease from the Plalce at 9.30am Saturday. This means that King Harald can start his slow training in accordance to regular rutines. King Harald did breath himself Friday night after the heart surgery the same morning. In the following press conference it was said that the King will be in hospital for two weeks.
Press release from the Palace.

09.30, April 3rd: The king has had a good night's sleep and has been out of bed to continue the training.
That's good to hear the King had recover his surgery.I wish all the best for him.
From Hello magazine online.

Crown Prince Haakon of Norway has temporarily taken over his father's duties as the monarch recovers from heart surgery in an Oslo hospital.

Doctors say they are "extremely satisfied" with King Harald's progress since he underwent a three-hour heart bypass and valve replacement on Friday.

Palace officials report that the 68-year-old's condition is stable and he is already up and about several times a day as part of his rehabilitation. He is expected to remain at the National Hospital for at least another week. After leaving the clinic, the monarch will put royal duties on hold through at least the month of May.

The heart procedure is just the most recent health issue the Norwegian royal has faced in recent years. In December 2003, King Harald underwent surgery for bladder cancer and took several months off to recuperate.

This is also consistent with what the Palace has posted on the RF web page.
Queen Sonja, Mette Marit and Martha Louise with Ari and Maud Angelica visited the King at the hospital.


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King Harald had to undergo yet another surgery today, to relieve some gathering of liquid close to the heart.
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