Today has been celebrated in Greece the Day of "OXI", this is the day of "no" to the fascism. This day commemorates the rejection by the King George and the dictator, Ioannis Metaxas to the ultimatum made by Benito Mussolini on 28 October 1940 .
Greece said no to Mussolini. The Greeks were called to war to defend the country, the King and the dictator Metaxas called for the unity of the country to defend against foreign attack.
Greece managed to beat Italy, but months later the help of the Nazis caused the country to be invaded. This was very relevant, because Greece said no to the fascism, and we positioned with allied countries during the Second World War.
I publish this, because I have read articles about 28 of october in which King George of Greece does not appear in this story, he has been delete of historic books as if he had not existed . This is a terrible historical misrepresentation, King George was the Head of State and Chief of the Army, he was an essential element to say, not to the fascism.
In photo is Metaxas, king George, Papagos...
King George II on the Albanian front.
Crown Prince Paul participated in this war
and Queen Freideriki was nurse...
I am very tired of seeing so much historical misrepresentation. If King George was deleted of the books, who was Head of State in 1940?