I suppose this belongs here:
As some of you may have noticed New Years is upon us, and that means the traditional New Year speech by the Monarch here in DK.
Starting at 18.00 and that's also when New Years Eve starts here. With a viewer rating of two million plus, few events can compete with this. This being King Frederik's first speech I bet the viewer ratings will be record high this time.
Anyway, King Frederik intends to give a live speech from his own residence, so what's on the desk and how they have furnished things will no doubt be discussed eagerly, as well as what he is going to say. He has made one thing absolutely clear though: The speech will end with the words: God save Denmark = or if you want a literal translation: God preserve Denmark.
DR1 has on this occasion published another survey.
Det understreger, hvor tæt danskerne har forbundet dronning Margrethe med nytårstalen, lyder det fra korrespondent.
The question is whether King Frederik, this year, will give a better speech than his mother QMII would have.
17 % say yes he will.
40 % say no.
40 % don't know.
with 3 % don't wanna answer.
That doesn't mean people don't have confidence in him and that he will make a terrible speech. QMII after all had 52 years of experience and she did come up with memorable speeches during her reign. The New Year speeches are, until exactly 6 hours from now, QMII personified.
I belong to those who don't believe he will make as good a speech like his mother would and could.
First of all he must be trembling, the poor man. This is the big test!
Secondly: This is all about surviving this first speech.
Thirdly: His speechwriter is pretty terrible! His speeches so far have been pretty dull.
Four: He needs time to find his footing and gain enough confidence so he can make the speech his own.
- In five years he may excel but not tonight.