King Frederik's New Year Speeches 2024 -

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Jan 29, 2005
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:flowers: Happy Posting! :flowers:
King Frederik X's New Year's speech will be held at Frederick VIII's Palace, Amalienborg. on December 31st from 6pm (local time).

Amalienborg Palace Square will be open to the public and a DR TV screen will be installed, from where the speech can be followed.

The speech can also be followed here:
I suppose this belongs here:

As some of you may have noticed New Years is upon us, and that means the traditional New Year speech by the Monarch here in DK.
Starting at 18.00 and that's also when New Years Eve starts here. With a viewer rating of two million plus, few events can compete with this. This being King Frederik's first speech I bet the viewer ratings will be record high this time.
Anyway, King Frederik intends to give a live speech from his own residence, so what's on the desk and how they have furnished things will no doubt be discussed eagerly, as well as what he is going to say. He has made one thing absolutely clear though: The speech will end with the words: God save Denmark = or if you want a literal translation: God preserve Denmark.

DR1 has on this occasion published another survey.
The question is whether King Frederik, this year, will give a better speech than his mother QMII would have.
17 % say yes he will.
40 % say no.
40 % don't know.
with 3 % don't wanna answer.

That doesn't mean people don't have confidence in him and that he will make a terrible speech. QMII after all had 52 years of experience and she did come up with memorable speeches during her reign. The New Year speeches are, until exactly 6 hours from now, QMII personified.

I belong to those who don't believe he will make as good a speech like his mother would and could.
First of all he must be trembling, the poor man. This is the big test!
Secondly: This is all about surviving this first speech.
Thirdly: His speechwriter is pretty terrible! His speeches so far have been pretty dull.
Four: He needs time to find his footing and gain enough confidence so he can make the speech his own.
- In five years he may excel but not tonight.
It is from this room in Amalienborg Palace that King Frederik X will give his first New Year's speech:

Fred never seems a good public speaker, it just isn't his forte and that means anything that sounds too well written will just sounds like its been written by someone else whereas with Daisy it felt like she could turn a good phrase herself.
It will be interesting to see Fred's first speech but bless him, just ain't going to be his strength I suspect.
I've just seen the DRF have posted a picture of the room he will make the speech from - all I can say is hopefully as its NYE the audience will be pretty tipsy already to feel too spaced out by the backdrop!;)
Were Queen Margrethe's speeches live?
Yes, always.

Well, at least we'll have the backdrop to distract us...

The weather is and will be pretty rotten tonight.
Heavy rain all over the country, also around midnight. But it looks like Copenhagen will be spared heavy rain at the time King Frederik gives his speech.
But not the wind!

It windy now, and it'll get worse with gusts of wind up to storm around the whole coasts, and as we have some 7.000 km of coastline that's an awful lot of DK getting very windy tonight! The fireworks will fly everywhere, but fortunately everything is so wet that the risk of fire is limited.
It will be very windy at Amalienborg Square where at lot of people start their New Year celebration.
Ah yes good point, will Fred be using an autocue? I suspect so. If so I shall miss the cards as well.
This is no doubt Frederiks biggest test since January 14:th…

I completely understand if the poor man is nervous… For a whole lot of danes, new years eve means QMII on tv at 6.00pm, speaking relaxed, freely and often politically incorrect about what she thinks of the year that has gone, and what lies ahead… Now that will undeniably change

Frederik is not his mother and must find his own style and his own way to do it… I’m sure he will do that over time but i don’t think it will happen already tonight
IMO Queen Margrethe was not a great speech giver either. I can't claim to have listened to all her speeches but the ones I did listen to were delivered pretty badly. In particular I remember her very bad speech at the gala dinner during the state visit from the Netherlands. It stood out to me because it was painful to listen to her and in contrast King Willem-Alexander spoke very well.
Her new year speeches were pretty dull too, unless she announced her abdication or Henrik's retirement. I didn't listen to her speech last year but on German TV it was said that probably due to nervousness she made a lot of mistakes, and the speech was unremarkable, until she ended it with a bang.
People seem to be uncritical when it comes to Margrethe and overcritical when it comes to Frederik. It's not as if the speeches he gave at his proclamation or in Norway or Germany or at his mother's jubilees were bad.
Excellent choice of room location. The map highlighting Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
That he choose to keep it live shows character in my book. I not being a good public speaker would have taped it. He scores in my book
Excellent choice of room location. The map highlighting Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
That he choose to keep it live shows character in my book. I not being a good public speaker would have taped it. He scores in my book
I agree.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for Frederik tonight and his first NYE's speech! I am getting super annoyed at all the arm-chair quarterbacks already dragging him for a speech he has not even given yet! The nay sayers are going to criticize no matter how well he does. And people have spent the days leading up to today constantly comparing him to his mother re this speech, which is unfair. Was she compared to her father on the eve of her first speech? It feels like some just want him to fail. I feel for him because he must be nervous and feel the pressure. Kudos to him for wanting to continue the tradition of doing it live. Meanwhile all these other monarchs record their messages where they can do take after take if they mess, there you go. Give the man a chance without doing polls of how spectacularly he will fail and do horribly and not measure up to his mother (who had 52 years!) - And how NYEs will never be the same. It is like for some he's already a failure before he's even tried.

That is the end of my TED talk - back to regular posting. Thanks!
Somehow i think it is a pity that he will not give the speech from his desk in his working room like Queen Margrethe used to did. This gave somehow a more cosy flair to it.
Somehow i think it is a pity that he will not give the speech from his desk in his working room like Queen Margrethe used to did. This gave somehow a more cosy flair to it.
If he gave it from his office then he would be criticized for that, or the artwork he would have behind him, or omg his desk is messy. Seems anything he does will not be as good as QMII did it anway. So, maybe this is a room he feels comfortable in. It also has representations of the Faroe Islands and Greenland as parts of the Danish realm, which goes perfectly with his motto. It also has representations of Tasmania in the room, which brings Queen Mary in as well being represented (as he has stated they are a team). I am sure that the room will be out-ftted properly so no sensitivities are insulted. I doubt he will skip out with a folding chair and plopp down next to an LED light to give the rambling speech everyone is expecting.

The man apparently cannot win for anything when it is coming to this speech this evening.
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He did it! It went well.
No glitches.

It wasn't the most stirring speech, but it contained that personal touch that belongs in a New Year speech. And you could hear King Frederik and Mary in that speech, it was mostly their words.
Let's have much more of that.

The setting was perhaps a little spartan. He walked into the middle of a large room and sat down behind a lonesome desk. That needs a touch. A couple of candles and what not.

But he passed this first big test and he - and his family - must be so relieved.
I bet QMII can't close mouth the next three days! She must be overjoyed with pride and how good it is that she got to see this and feel proud.

With that I wish you all a Happy New Year.
Personally (and presumptively since I’m not Danish), I thought Frederik smashed it. Sitting at the desk and using the cards as his mother did was a link between old and new and this theme he brought out in his speech as well according to the English translation. His delivery was clear and, apart from a little bit of fumbling of the cards, assured. I’m sure QMII is very proud.

He did it! It went well.
No glitches.

It wasn't the most stirring speech, but it contained that personal touch that belongs in a New Year speech. And you could hear King Frederik and Mary in that speech, it was mostly their words.
Let's have much more of that.

The setting was perhaps a little spartan. He walked into the middle of a large room and sat down behind a lonesome desk. That needs a touch. A couple of candles and what not.

But he passed this first big test and he - and his family - must be so relieved.
I bet QMII can't close mouth the next three days! She must be overjoyed with pride and how good it is that she got to see this and feel proud.

With that I wish you all a Happy New Year.
Thank you Muhler! Wishing you a great New Year as well! I am so glad that it went well! Getting over the hump of that first speech is done! I am wondering about the desk - I love the desk! Are the flowers on the desk perhaps a nod to Australia? Do I see Eucalyptus? I think the set-up of the speech will be reviwed now - how it appears during the actual speech and perhaps tweaked or added to as the years go buy. This was his first speech and maybe they wanted the setting to represent that and as the years pass, some additional touches will be added. At least that is how I would approach it. I am glad to hear that the speech sounded like Frederik and Mary....IMO that is important that it is their voices coming through to the Danes.

To everyone - wishing a very happy new year🥂. May the coming year, regardless of trial, turbulations, and all the unexpected which comes with being human and living life, bring all of you hope, love, light, the warmth of family, the comfort of community and the strength to weather any storm that may arise during these coming days! :love: 🤞 :twohearts:
New Year Message from the King Frederik X 2024:

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The King gave a good speech but not a great one. I loved the modern setting of the speech and how he, yet again, hit home that this is, for all purposes except according to the constitution, a joint reign of King Frederik and Queen Mary. Like it was the case with his grandparents while the King sits on the throne he's nothing without the support of his wife.
Although I don’t speak Danish, I did watch and have a few observations. The speech was written mostly in simple, one-thought declarative sentences. Nothing too complicated. That was a good idea and allowed him to speak at a natural pace and gain confidence as the speech went on.

I do wish, however, that he would lose the cards and just use a teleprompter 🤞

Overall …. Well done!
The speech was serviciable and the delivery good. I liked that he was sitting down and reading from cards like his mother.

Regarding the setting and the costume, he should take a leaf out of King Harald’s book. Black tie would go nicely.
I thought he did great! This was a big hurdle and he passed wonderfully imo. I read the English translation of the speech and his and Queen Mary's voices came through clearly. It was personal but relatable. The speech was quite touching in places and it exuded a sense of gratitude for all the support and also a great respect for the position he holds, the traditions, etc. I liked the concept of endings/beginnings that weaved throughout the speech. It was, imo, a well-constructed speech. He spoke not in too flowery prose, but in clear sentences that were easy to follow and understand.

He touched all the points he needed to touch upon and it was, again imo, offering a sense of community and hope. I liked the surroundings and set-up as well. The flowers on the desk reminded me quite a bit of Queen Mary's wedding bouquet tbh.

No doubt, he must have been nervous...he would not be human if he wasn't. I know I would be nervous! But, he did a great job. Of course, there will be the usual agenda haters, trolls and those that want to see him fail that will tear it apart as usual. But, that is just annoying noise at this point and should be taken for what it is - projection, deflection and like I said, annoying noise.

As for using the notecards instead of a teleprompter - maybe they tried the teleprompter in a test run and decided he felt more comfortable with the notecards. Especially, given this was live - no one would want to risk a technical glitch in the prompter, etc. That is always something that can be worked on and maybe have the teleprompter added while still having the notecards as backup.
Is the map to the King's right (our left) supposed to represent Greenland? I noticed that the King also mentioned Greenland in the speech as an integral part of the Kingdom of Denmark.

We are all united and each of us committed for the Kingdom of Denmark. From the Danish minority in South Schleswig – which is even situated outside the Kingdom – and all the way to Greenland. We belong together. Mary and I felt that very clearly when we visited South Schleswig and Greenland and all the places in between. We have yet to visit the Faroe Islands, and we are looking forward to going to the North Atlantic next summer.
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Is the map to the King's right (our left) supposed to represent Greenland? I noticed that the King also mentioned Greenland in the speech as an integral part of the Kingdom of Denmark.
I believe Greenland, the Faroe Islands and even Tasmania are all represented in the maps in the reception room. Also, a not so subtle mention of Greenland being part of the Kingdom of Greenland.

I believe Greenland, the Faroe Islands and even Tasmania are all represented in the maps in the reception room. Also, a not so subtle mention of Greenland being part of the Kingdom of Greenland.
Oops - Meant Denmark (kingdom of Denmark - sorry for the reply to my own post, but I can't edit the original post anymore.
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