King Felipe, Queen Letizia and Family, General News, Part 2: September 2017 - Jun 2024

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Now her daughters are her main concern, Leonor is of age, and although the gossip press is more relaxed in Spain, social networks are increasingly uncontrolled and crueler. Precisely for this reason, there must come a time when the Royal House puts limits on this type of harassment.

I agree with you regarding the social media, I think in many aspects it has taken a turn towards unacceptable what kind of comments are surfacing there, uncontrolled and in the end, without any consequences.

Sofia jr. might be the one who has to suffer most, as she will lead a life that is more accessible and free. The heir is awalys more protected in many aspects. It won't be the first time that the media will focus on No 2 in oder to attack No 1.
I believe that with age and power everything gets worse, and Juan Carlos did his will in all aspects, and his family had no power over him. We are talking about a years in which Juan Carlos was living a parallel life, where his will came before his responsibilities and also his family.

It cannot be said that in the end the newcomers to the Royal Family have ended well. Letizia suffered more because she was the heir's wife, but we cannot say that the infantas' husbands emerged unscathed.

Jaime de Marichalar suffered a terrible divorce, in which Juan Carlos contributed more to ruining him than helping him... if it had not been for his last name, his money and his elite friends, he would have ended up with a difficult life. And all despite Sofía, Felipe and Letizia have always shown public closeness to him.

Iñaki Urdangarín tried much more to please his father-in-law who pressured him to earn money so that his family could have the standard of living that corresponded to them... Iñaki believed himself immune like his father-in-law and we can see how it ended... despite that Cristina, Elena and Sofía supported him.

Sounds like the worst family to marry into. No support from them and using the press to go after you to distract from their wrongdoing.
King Felipe privately attended the funeral of late Spanish businessman and former chief executive officer and chairman of Telefónica S.A. César Alierta in Madrid this evening:

** gtresnews gallery **
She is not Spanish but got the PoA award in 2013, therefore not a controversial choice.
Other news outlets had already reported that Letizia was in the process of chosing a dress for a new official portait, its about time they get renewed.
Especially the family picture makes me cringe with the small daughters who look very different by now.
Its a good idea to combine it with the 20th wedding anniversary, usually these milestones are being ignored by casa real.
She is not Spanish but got the PoA award in 2013, therefore not a controversial choice.
Other news outlets had already reported that Letizia was in the process of chosing a dress for a new official portait, its about time they get renewed.
Especially the family picture makes me cringe with the small daughters who look very different by now.
Its a good idea to combine it with the 20th wedding anniversary, usually these milestones are being ignored by casa real.

They are not official portraits for the Royal House, they will not be used by them or on the website... it is a commission from the Bank of Spain.

Using them as official portraits would probably be seen as excessive expense and somewhat unpatriotic on the part of the Royal House. If there are new official photos they will be from a Spanish photographer.

The Bank of Spain is a public institution and they did not yet have portraits of King Felipe and Queen Letizia according to tradition. The Bank has a large art collection and in recent years they have been buying national and international photographic work... they had Annie Leibovitz's offer for years, and they have found an institution that can afford it and that has a collection where the work will have a context.
They are not official portraits for the Royal House, they will not be used by them or on the website... it is a commission from the Bank of Spain.

Using them as official portraits would probably be seen as excessive expense and somewhat unpatriotic on the part of the Royal House. If there are new official photos they will be from a Spanish photographer.

The Bank of Spain is a public institution and they did not yet have portraits of King Felipe and Queen Letizia according to tradition. The Bank has a large art collection and in recent years they have been buying national and international photographic work... they had Annie Leibovitz's offer for years, and they have found an institution that can afford it and that has a collection where the work will have a context.

Thanks for explaining! I just read a few weeks ago somewhere that L was preparing for a planned portait, it didnt cross my mind that it was for something else than official photos. They urgently need a new family photo on the website, it would be good to get this done asap too.
Looking forward to this portait, Leibovitz is such a veteran photographer!

I am still recalling the controversy with QEII, but I doubt she will have to encourage Letizia to pose 'less dressy' ;);)
They already know Annie Leibovitz, she received the Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities in 2013.
Why is this red specific to Felipe?

Does that mean Leonor will have a different color?

King Felipe VI's standard has a red background whereas the background in Leonor's standard as Princess of Asturias is blue. You may find further information here , see Title II.
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Yesterday, February 3, King Felipe paid a private visit to Medinaceli, in the province of Soria, Castile and León, had lunch with friends and took a walk through the old town:

** hola article **
Thanks for the info! The wedding anniversary is on May 22nd and the anniversary of reign even later, it could be a few months before we see the result.
How will be the photos: wearing daytime or eveningwear fashion??
I'm thinking that they may be released to coincide with either the 10th Anniversary of the Kings Accession or the 20th Wedding Anniversary.
really looking forward to this since leibovitz is such an accomplished photographer. curious if there is only one picture or more to be published and if its in full gear or 'less dressy'.
I also can't wait to see it. I really like AL's work.
really looking forward to this since leibovitz is such an accomplished photographer. curious if there is only one picture or more to be published and if its in full gear or 'less dressy'.

They will be a pair of portraits, one of the king and one of the queen. The Bank of Spain will decide when it will present the photographs and where they will be exhibited, since they will be a unique work.
Has Letizia ever joined the king in Baqueira Beret?
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