Dear Warren,
You would rob me of my poverty. This photo-which I have seen before-and the note of a picture existing of somebody wearing it in the past few years has aroused my tiara lust big time. It is indeed just about my most favorite tiara and is hidden away most of the time in some obscure bank vault. Horrors!!! The thing is a superb, indeed sublime bauble. It is beyond beautiful, beyond maginificent So I suppose, since dealing with one of these hard nosed business types-you Aussies are a tough lot-I should just be direct and ask just what is your price?
Pleading mercy would be like trying to plead with the New Jersey Cosa Nostra. Their reply, and yours no doubt, is friendship is friendship and all fine well and good but business is business. However they do provide, if needed an excellent free shoe fitting service-for concrete shoes that is.
That said I do not doubt that you files and files of fabulous goodies and lovingly go through all of them on a regular basis. Sharp, like this tiara. Reminds me of the time when the Duke of Kent-I think-went into his wife's dressing room to advise his wife on what to wear etc. and sat down. On Her Tiara!!!! His most royal posterior was impaled with diamonds. No doubt the nobility of England died with laughter!!!!
So dear Warren, if ever the milk of human kindness flows in your veins and you have these appalling fits of good will and generosity be quick, be kind, go grab that picture and POST IT so I can sit before a computer screen and drool in bliss and happiness. Cheers. Thomas Parkman