Well, I was able to find some information on Phillipe´s lovelife or supposed lovelife... and I might say from an unexpected source: by a book from that horrible Jan van den Berghe that I bought in 1998 (when I didn´t know any better

He writes down some ladies that the press say he is dating, but they note that these were just rumours: Princess Elena of Spain, Archduchess Constanza, Archduchess Isabella (Lorenz´s sister), Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones, Lady Helen Windsor, Princess Bianca of Savoia-Aosta, Princess Maria of Roumania, Princess Marie-Louise of Baden, Duchess Elisabeth in Bavaria, Princess Alexia of Greece, Princess Alexandra of Hannover and Duchess Eleonora Fleur of Wuerttemberg. Just gossips of course.
More serious rumours about this Stephanie de Lalaing, I was wrong about her btw as she denied these rumours in the press immidiately.
There werehowever two more serious candidates, the Italian Fiametta Frescobaldi, daughter of Marques Vittoria Frescobaldi and Marchioness Bona, the rumours started in the Italian press in 1984. Fiametta denied it, she did say that their two mothers were childhood friends.
The next candidate was Dona Adriana Torres de Silva of Spanish nobility. The Prince was photographed with her in Sevilla and Adriana went several times to Belgium where she stayed with the Counts de Brouchove de Bergeyck (now that is a last name that sounds familiar at these forums

). But the Brouchove family denied these rumours and said that Adriana was friends with their daughter Eleonore. It would have been too good to be true anyway as Adriana is also related to Queen Fabiola.
I was mixing Stephanie de Lalaing with another woman. Apparently it was Sigrid van Erp who ´promoted´ herself as the girlfriend of Filips. Sigrid was editor in chief of the magazine ´Made in Brussels´, her claim was completely ludecrace though.