... but ONLY in the personnel. Like future gobernanta, the stars are not to him propitious. Perhaps he does not get to reign. If he does, will be "a turbulent" period. An expert historian in astrology says to it CONSOLATION FONT/MARIA EUGENIA YAGÜE/M.M./ADRIAN SACK.
London Infant Leonor with its parents: Don Felipe and Doña Letizia 1, Leonor Probably, to Infant Leonor they will tell him when it grows that his father contemplated the firmament with a telescope that to him her grandmother gave, queen Federica. She is still very small to know that the position of those planets, stars and constellations that as much it liked to observe the Prince of child, will influence strongly in its destiny. At the moment of its birth (1,45 of the dawn of the 31 of October of 2005) the celestial order marked its existence with a great contradiction. Leonor was equipped with all the problems to become a great woman, surely the best one to be human of the real family. But however its reign, if it gets to raise the throne - something that does not make the stars clear will be quite turbulent, marked by crisis, tensions and a great instability. That is what the astral x-ray keeps awake which has made him the astrologer and historian Julio Antonio Lopez, who also has elaborated those of Princes de Asturias and King Juan Carlos.López finishes publishing Astrology, a book where it analyzes astral aspects of personages like Cervantes, Felipe II, John F. Kennedy or Lady Di among others. By own decision it did not want to include astral letters of the Royal Family, who now comments with CRONICA. "It tried to demonstrate through those myths that the astrology is not mistaken, thus waking up investigation eagerness. For that reason I avoided to include alive personages who raised controversy, being moved away to me of my objective ". In their opinion, the fields of planetary energy that cause in the Earth meteorological tides and phenomena, condition the human beings. "the stars do not force, but they ready: karma llámese or destiny, is the sum of agreements that each one has to confront ". On the average sky or destiny of Infant Leonor it appears frightful Mars, the militant and violent planet. Mars also marked the destiny of president of the U.S.A. Roosevelt, in whose mandate the World war exploded II. And father journeyed on the average sky of George Bush when, in January of 1991, the Gulf War began. "the Mars presence in the destiny of the Infant is worrisome, even exists the possibility that it does not raise the throne. If one becomes sovereign, its reign is going to be quite conflicting. Although, as the stars equip to him with a very positive personality, I think that she will not be guilty, its problems will come rather from the historical moment at which it has reinar.Deduzco that can be a great sovereign whom it is called on to him to play a difficult role. It could be a case similar to the one of the Merciful VII, most cultured Pope and great human values, in whose pontificado the sacking of Rome in 1527"took place, assures Julio Antonio Lopez. In addition, in the astral letter of the Infant, Mars also appears bad aspectado with Neptune (it symbolizes the treasons and conspiracies), and is located in the House I SAW, that it represents the profesional.Esto makes inclined to the treason of his collaborators. The same astral position had the cortacabezas of the French Revolution, Robespierre, that finished in the gift after being betrayed by his. The Mars location in the sign of Taurus is not favorable either, because it debilitates the ardor soldier of this planeta.En consequence, the Infant will have tendency to that their projects are frustrated, and to overturn its energy in things that will not contribute benefit to him. The stars have not been generous with Leonor in their public life, but they have equipped to him with good star in the personnel, product of the conjunction between the Sun and Jupiter, the planet of suerte.Lo that, aside from guaranteeing an iron health to him, he will push to him to have great heart and high ideals. In addition, the moon in Pound turns to him a kind and communicative being. The Infant will have at least two brothers, as they determine the position of the Sun and Jupiter in House III, (of the brothers). To the being both masculine signs, are probable that some is man. The one that its luck comes from the Jupiter presence in this House indicates that their better allies will be their brothers. Or which who raises the throne he will be one of them. Its sentimental life will be intense and prodigal in romances, according to the Uranus position in the House VII, that is the one of the marriage and Venus in House V, the one of amor.Y by love also will marry with an unexpected person, in a still more surprising election that the one of Don Felipe. Unlike the Princes, more cerebral, in the Infant the heart predominates of overwhelming form on its head. Its condition of native of Escorpio with ascending I read also grants a strong character to him. She will not be a person easy to mold, nor will accept impositions, which sometimes will make difficult its paper of constitutional sovereign, because it will have the temptation to take part in subjects of State. In its case, nevertheless, the influence of Escorpio is of positive nature, with excellent opposite energía.Al of its relative Carlos of England, marked by a Escorpio in negative, that makes to conflicts and scandals inclined, patents in its marriage with Lady Di. Spencer morning call is indeed one of the personages analyzed in the book of Julio Antonio Lopez, to have the Sun in its House VIII (of the death). Something common to those who pass away in zénit of their existence, or has an impressive end that turns to them myths. Kennedy shared east astral aspect. When the circumstances of the death are dark, the stars can throw light. It is the case of Marilyn Monroe, also mentioned in the book. When he passed away, he had two planets of violent character, Mars and Urano, in House VIII. This could indicate that the overdose that killed it was ingested voluntarily, but that assassinated it or induced to take off the life. Another suspicious death that is mentioned is the one of the Pope Juan Pablo I. Around his House VIII it circulated Neptune, planet that the strange poison or the virus represents. This suggests could not die by infarct, but poisoned. An astral letter can also keep awake hidden tendencies. For example, the conjunction of Venus and Urano in Virgo that had Cervantes, usually occur in homosexual people, or with a form to love peculiar. On the other hand, Einstein had an enormous intuition, similar to a vidente, by the presence in its destiny of the sun in Piscis. An analyzed king thoroughly is Felipe II. Timid and introvert, had an iron will, thanks to the Mars position in Escorpio. I read in its destiny gave ambition him, that showed when happening to its father. Julio Antonio Lopez settles down a parallelism between Carlos V and Felipe II, on the one hand, and King Juan Carlos and the Prince on the other hand. Carlos V had more charisma than his son and, like Don Juan Carlos, he was good politician, very pragmatic. But Felipe II gave the surprise, was an excellent king: in its empire the sun was not put. Something similar, according to this astrologer, to which it can happen to the Prince. It mentions the prophecies of Nostradamus, that augur a war between the Arabs and the West, and speak of a Spanish king, the caudillo of the Edge, that will lead the western world. Lopez thinks that she can be Don Felipe. "the reign of its father, thanks to Jupiter, has contributed to the country prosperity. The sun in the destiny of the Prince predicts that it will happen to History, and its reign will be a shining stage ". THE PRINCESS Like the King, Letizia has in its destiny to beneficial Jupiter and the moon, combination that will make him shine in its public facet, and to exert well its paper of Queen. Showy in his letter it is the conjunction of the sun, dissonant Mars, Mercurio and Pluto with Saturno.Esto provides a character very hard to him and enormous personality, but it favors the autodestructivas tendencies, and the depressive periods. THE KING Its destiny governs Jupiter, planet of the luck, that becomes extensive to its reign and it grants charisma and good heart to him. Its better facet is the public one, because its ascending Taurus turns to him great public relations. Native of Capricorn, the true Juan Carlos loves the power and is much more authoritarian of which it seems. Saturn in its House XII (of the monks and ascetas) indicates that it can abdicate. THE PRINCIPE The sun and the moon in Aquarius govern their destiny, which to probably will turn him a great King, even a world-wide leader. In 2020 by the conjunction between Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, will live a little while stellar. It can begin his reign, or carry out an event that will give world-wide projection him. The worse thing of its letter is the Saturn presence in its House XII, that him makes prone to be betrayed.