hello, back again, yes I have quite a few books about the Habsburg Imperial Family, here we go: 1 The Fall of the House of Habsburg by Edward Crankshaw, 2 Twilight of the Habsburgs, the life and times of Emperor Francis Joseph by Alan Palmer, 3 Emperor Francis Joseph, life,death and the fall of the Habsburg empire by John van der Kiste, 4 Uncrowned Emperor, The lives and times of Otto von Habsburg by Gordon Brook Shepherd
5 Assassination of the Archduke by Greg King & Sue Woolmans, 6 Death by Fame, a life of empress Elizabeth, empress of Austria by Andrew Sinclair, 7 The Lonely Empress, Elizabeth of Austria by Joan Haslip, 8 Sissi by Taschen, 9 Schloss Schonbrunn by Beate Ellmere, 10 Empress Elizabeth of Austria 1837-1898 by Renate Stephan, Elizabeth, empress of Austria by Georg Kugler, 11 Franz Josef & Elizabeth by Georg Kughler.
This is part of my collection of books in the Habsburg empire, check out if you can still buy all these titles as above, keep in touch,