I am a collector of Royal books worldwide

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ronald biver

Oct 15, 2018
Hi, I am a collector of historical royal books worldwide, the European royal houses from the early 1800 to 1970's, I would like to share my knowledge with anybody who is interested in royal lives past & present. I have a collection of about 300 books of all royal & aristocratic families worldwide.
Hi, I am a collector of historical royal books worldwide, the European royal houses from the early 1800 to 1970's, I would like to share my knowledge with anybody who is interested in royal lives past & present. I have a collection of about 300 books of all royal & aristocratic families worldwide.

Welcome to the forums! If you want to share your knowledge and discuss royals you’ve come to the right place. Just jump right into the conversations and join our fun. :)
Thank you for your kind response, it give me more confidence to start straight away. Just received my latest pictorial book with beautiful old photos in german/english, the title is
"Das Furstliche Haus Hohenzollern", not cheap but worth it, it came from a Swedish royal book dealer Rosvall royal books, I have bought at least 20 photo books from Rosvall about different european royal houses through the five years period. Keep in touch.
Bonjour, ronald biver! Do you have any books on the Imperial Hohenzollerns?
Hi CyrilVladisla, Just received a beautiful photo book On the Hohenzollern, it is called "Das Furstliche Haus Hohenzollern" german/english by Karen Kuel & Anette Hahnel, also a photo book of The Grand Dukes of Oldenburg by David McIntosh, Keep in touch!

I'm kind of late to the party but a warm welcome to you, Ronald Biver! With your extensive book list and knowledge of historical royal families, I'm sure you're going to be a huge asset to the various threads that discuss these people.

I'm impressed by your book list. I thought I was a huge collector of books but I realize I have a long way to go to catch up to you (which I think is a very good goal to have in life). I also want to pass on a tip. Sometimes when you're looking for a book, its hard to find them at the normal booksellers. I've found quite a few books for relatively cheap (they're used or were library books) at abebooks.com. I've even received quite a few books that have been signed by the author (although I'd have to change my name to pass it as being signed for me). :D

I hope you're finding The Royal Forums to be as interesting and informative as I do. :flowers:
Hello there, did received your message, how many books have you got so far? Is it all about British & European royal houses or any favorite royal family? I love the Dutch royal
family & have a few historical & recent books about them, even a beautiful color book about opening of the Dutch parliament & of course my next favorites are the European houses including the minor royals & then the British & aristocratic family related to queen Victoria.Of course books of the rest of the world including a rare book about the historical Hawaiian royal family, also 3 European books signed by Arturo E Beeche, he has several books on royal families of Europe, have you heard of him? This is all about my collection of royal books and thank you for your interest of my collection, tell me next time about your book collection? Keep in touch!

Royal books that I have are mainly biographies of members of the British royal family in recent times. I'm nowhere near close to having the amount that you do when it comes to royalty related books but I do love the ones I have. If you really want an extensive biography on Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, William Shawcross has the best one available IMO. I also had to apologize to Martin, our diligent mailman, that had to tote this book around. I got the hard cover edition and this book ranks as the thickest and the heaviest book I have in my collection to date. :lol:

As far as European royalty goes, I've one book that covers a lot of the WWI era and how it affected royal houses called King, Kaiser, Tsar: Three Royal Cousins Who Led the World to War by Catrine Clay. Very interesting book. Other than a biography of Princess Grace of Monaco, my library is lacking in European royalty books.

My main interest is in ancient civilizations and the people. How they lived, what they believed and what has passed down to us today. The further back in history I go, the more into the past before that I want to go. Its grand being an armchair time traveler. :D
Ronald, Do you have any books on the Habsburgs of Austria?
You have quite a few of the British royals, I have also a few of the British Royal Family & the rest of the British relatives, 4 books of The Mounbatten & of their relatives a photobook of the Connaught (beautiful old photos), title is "Connaught, a royal family album" by Robert Golden and related to the British royals are also 3 photo books out: 1 Relatively Royal 2 Definitely Royal & 3 Royalty, Relatively Speaking, all by Robert Golden, absolutely glossy and of course 5 of Queen Victoria and her family and the rest are books from William of Orange and his wife Mary Stuart right through to the present Prince of Wales and his second wife Camilla, the duchess of Cornwall and of course Diana, the princess of Wales.
Also in book form and interested in ancient history such as Roman Emperors, Popes through the first pope till now, The Borgias, The Medici, The complete royal families of ancient Egypt and of course also King Farouk of Egypt etc etc etc. Keep in touch!

hello, back again, yes I have quite a few books about the Habsburg Imperial Family, here we go: 1 The Fall of the House of Habsburg by Edward Crankshaw, 2 Twilight of the Habsburgs, the life and times of Emperor Francis Joseph by Alan Palmer, 3 Emperor Francis Joseph, life,death and the fall of the Habsburg empire by John van der Kiste, 4 Uncrowned Emperor, The lives and times of Otto von Habsburg by Gordon Brook Shepherd
5 Assassination of the Archduke by Greg King & Sue Woolmans, 6 Death by Fame, a life of empress Elizabeth, empress of Austria by Andrew Sinclair, 7 The Lonely Empress, Elizabeth of Austria by Joan Haslip, 8 Sissi by Taschen, 9 Schloss Schonbrunn by Beate Ellmere, 10 Empress Elizabeth of Austria 1837-1898 by Renate Stephan, Elizabeth, empress of Austria by Georg Kugler, 11 Franz Josef & Elizabeth by Georg Kughler.
This is part of my collection of books in the Habsburg empire, check out if you can still buy all these titles as above, keep in touch,

Ronald, It is grand that you have several books on Empress Elisabeth. She is an impressive lady to have so many books written about her.
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I also collect books and magazines about royalty. I'm a fan of European royalty. There are some books that I look for and still have not found them, especially a book about the last King of Portugal.
Dear BlogReal,

1 Maria Pia, queen of Portugal by Sabrina Pollock
2 Tropical Versailles, Empire, Monarchy and the Portuguese royal court in Rio de
Janeiro, 1808-1821 by Kirsten Schultz
3 The Coburgs of Europe (photobook), including the Portuguese Royal family by Arturo E Beeche.

Anybody interested in HSH princess Virginia Carolina Theresa Panerazia Galinda von und zu Furstenberg? Married at the age of 15 to HSH prince Alfonso von HOhenlohe in the "60s, it was a big princely wedding in Italy, it was the talk in princely & royal circles at that time, I just bought a beautiful black & white photo book with absolutely beautiful pictures & histories of both families. Interesting reading.Let me know if anybody is interested?
Hi everybody just a little snippet of news, anybody heard of the unusual royal book, the title is " 5000 years of Kings, Queens, Princes, Emperors & Tsars " byThomas J Craughwell
, I read the book, it is very unusual & fascinating reading. You can still buy it at Amazon.
Another book I have just finished reading about the "The Braganzas", the rise and fall of the ruling Dynasties of Portugal & Brazil 1640-1910, I didn't know much about the Braganza dynasty, I have a family tree map about the Braganzas through history until today. I collect also royal magazines including the full family trees of all nobilities & royalties of Europe (past & present), when to Lisbon (Portugal) and saw the royal palace of the Braganzas, so full of past history.
Another book I have just finished reading about the "The Braganzas", the rise and fall of the ruling Dynasties of Portugal & Brazil 1640-1910, I didn't know much about the Braganza dynasty, I have a family tree map about the Braganzas through history until today. I collect also royal magazines including the full family trees of all nobilities & royalties of Europe (past & present), when to Lisbon (Portugal) and saw the royal palace of the Braganzas, so full of past history.
Do you have the name of the writer?
The Braganzas

The writer of the book The Braganzas, "The Rise & Fall of the Ruling Dynasties of Portugal & Brazil 1640-1910" is written by Malyn Newitt.
The other Portuguese royal book is "Tropical Versailles, Empire, Monarchy and the Portuguese Royal Court in Rio Janeiro 1808-1821" by Kirsten Schultz & "Maria Pia, Queen of Portugal" by Sabrina Pollock.
The Braganzas

I thought I have included the name of " The Braganzas", The rise and Fall of the ruling Dynasties of Portugal & Brazil 1640-1910 by Malyn Newitt.
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The writer of the book The Braganzas, "The Rise & Fall of the Ruling Dynasties of Portugal & Brazil 1640-1910" is written by Malyn Newitt.

The other Portuguese royal book is "Tropical Versailles, Empire, Monarchy and the Portuguese Royal Court in Rio Janeiro 1808-1821" by Kirsten Schultz & "Maria Pia, Queen of Portugal" by Sabrina Pollock.
Thank you. I'll add them to my ever growing list of books to read.
Just a historical & very unusual picture book, with facts about Royal banquets through history of royal houses of Europe & Presidential official banquets of presidents & prime ministers of the USA & The UK & the occasional Maharajah.
The title is "Eating with Emperors, Kings, Queens..... and the occasional Maharajah" . I read it years ago & its very entertaining (by The Miegunyah Press), also a look behind the scenes in the royal & presidential kitchens about the food preparations etc etc.
I like to know if anybody knows about that little "bible" Almanach de Gotha, I bought one
BUT it is very expensive and I stopped buying it, is anybody buying it regularly? And let's discuss it, I hope it is worth talking about it?
I am focused on historical events of royal families and not of younger generation royals in current affairs, that is the reason for the many books I have read through the years and collected.
I received a beautiful biography book, the title is "Queen Victoria's Granddaughters 1860-1918"
Anybody read it or interested??
There is a book out /bio of Queen Letizia of Spain, title is in Spanish "La Reina Impaciente" in English is "The Impatient Queen" by Leonardo Faccio (2020), and I read from the Daily Mail of Queen Letizia of Spain and the headline is "The Inside Story of an Obsessive Queen" 18/5/23. I read the Daily Mail story and it is not really flattering in my opinion, like I said this is my opinion.
Just finished reading a new explosive book about the Vatican, title is *History, Money & Power at the Vatican by Gerald Posner, the writer is a close confident of Pope Benedict XVI (and other scandals}.
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