HSH Prince Albert Current Events 9 : July 2005 - Aug.2005

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Royal Highness
Oct 11, 2003
United States
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Reina said:
Has albert lost some of his tummy?

The pictures at the end of thread X are from an earlier event. Albert has actually put on some 15k since his father died.

One tabloid had "advisors" being "concerned" that he was "eating his grief and anguish" [presumably over the NC/Eric situation] and would end up "diabetic or worse".

He doesn't seem too bad off, as he tends to gain weight mostly in his belly. He needs to swim more, that would tone the area faster.

Nicole Coste as a modell!

I was a bit disappointed when I saw Nicole Coste in today's issue
of a German magazine: she was photographed in some glamourous
dresses and seems to make money out of her new popularity.
If someone is interested and no one has posted those pics yet,
I could post them tonight...Just tell me!
Could you please post them as we can't have access to this isssue ? Thanks in advance
Here are the pics: They are from german mag BUNTE


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This woman really wants to be under the spotlight ! Prince Albert has not seen yet what she will be able to do !
You've done it for me, tbhrc, thank you :)

I especially dislike the first one, the text says it
would be a real pic but I'm sure it's a planned one
as well. It makes the one who looks at it think
Nicole already was a very important person..Of
course she is, but not in the way it is impressed
Shame on her...
The worse is that she keeps on claiming she's not a money digger!
SAS Albert can't trust her to protect their son from the media...because she wants to live under the spotlights!
Well, I think that is so distasteful. Why can't this woman keep calm and stop making such a spectacle of herself? She is becoming a bit ridiculous.
Thanks for posting the photo's but question shouldn't we keep Nicole limited to the Alexandre thread since spreading her out makes her more of a celebrity. I recently told someone no name's mentioned that I have a strange feeling about Nicole and this situation.

Nicole has said she is not a gold digger she was in love with Albert. He is with all those beautiful models in the press. Now the press is allowing her to be in them in arranged photo shoots. If a woman is after a man she will use whatever means necessary to get him and stay in his life. The press is using her to sell their magazines and she is using them. She is trying to prove to Albert she has everything the other woman have but even more his son. Its a PR play for her. By even us hashing over it she stay's in the limelight. Does anyone get the picture?
Hey maybe this will be a new career for her since she can't have a normal one.
One tabloid had "advisors" being "concerned" that he was "eating his grief and anguish" [presumably over the NC/Eric situation] and would end up "diabetic or worse".
i would have thought that he would have some type of grief counceling but i guess not. maybe if the person that does the shopping for food at the palace should buy more fruits and nuts and tell albert that potato chips are a no no.(im just joking)
on a more serious note, didnt albert have a personal trainer? being over weight can effect your body so much; breathing problems, diabeties aka sugar, sleeping problems, back problems the list is almost endless.
maybe a type of invention is needed
semisquare said:
i would have thought that he would have some type of grief counceling but i guess not. maybe if the person that does the shopping for food at the palace should buy more fruits and nuts and tell albert that potato chips are a no no.(im just joking)
on a more serious note, didnt albert have a personal trainer? being over weight can effect your body so much; breathing problems, diabeties aka sugar, sleeping problems, back problems the list is almost endless.
maybe a type of invention is needed
I'm sure he will be fine. Right now he has more to do then before and perhaps not exercising as he was because of it. He has more on his plate then just running Monaco and getting his new administration as he wants. Getting Nicole out of the mag's would be a nice thing. Have an idea lets all boycott all who have her or information in them. Look at it in the store don't buy them. Send the message we support Albert's privacy. Maybe he will sue more who keep putting his photo with Alexandre in it.
The best thing for PA would be to keep quiet about Nicole and whatever she does - except of course where Alexandre's safety and education are concerned. With pictures like those, Nicole is loosing the little credibility and sympathy she might have had from the public. Not a gold-digger? yeah sure..
Thanks for posting the pics, the first pic definetly looks planned before hand. It's a nice photo session. On the 4th pic she's posing like Caroline did for Lagerfeld in 1989.
Actually the first pic is planned. The caption says: Is this the life she's going to have?
monaco70s said:
Oh thanks tbhrc. What do the other captions say?

Nothing special:

2nd pic: Practicing for the big appearance in Society: Wearing a dress from Betsey Johnson

3rd pic: with stuffed tiger

4th pic: Posing in a salon resembling the life in the palace of monaco

5th pic: This is the way Nicole imagines her golden future

Sorry for my bad english, I'm not a good translater.:eek:
Doesn't sound like someone who wants anonymity to me -- she wrote a letter to Bunte and Paris Match saying that she would not be going to the media anymore.

But ok, that's her own business...
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She's not really the model type
LadyMacAlpine said:
Thanks for posting the photo's but question shouldn't we keep Nicole limited to the Alexandre thread since spreading her out makes her more of a celebrity. I recently told someone no name's mentioned that I have a strange feeling about Nicole and this situation.

Nicole has said she is not a gold digger she was in love with Albert. He is with all those beautiful models in the press. Now the press is allowing her to be in them in arranged photo shoots. If a woman is after a man she will use whatever means necessary to get him and stay in his life. The press is using her to sell their magazines and she is using them. She is trying to prove to Albert she has everything the other woman have but even more his son. Its a PR play for her. By even us hashing over it she stay's in the limelight. Does anyone get the picture?

I got it. Clear as a bell. Maybe she's trying to prove to him that she can handle the strong media attention. Maybe she's trying to 'show him up'. I hope Albert stays away from her nonetheless.

She likes alot of attention, I think she wanted very much to be a princess (I do not resent her at all, just seems to be the case to me) -- her lawyer is trying to get her legal status changed but he never specified to what. Time will tell.

Just my own opinion:)
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I had a lot of sympathy for her at first, but she's basically starting to bore me now. Looks like Albert would've known what he was dealing with after having such a long relationship with her though. Maybe she's a good actress but in his position you'd think he would be very wary and cautious (especially with his sperm).
For his sake, maybe lots of other people besides myself are getting bored with the whole thing as well. ;)
"She likes alot of attention, I think she is determined to be a princess (I do not resent her at all, just seems to be the case to me) -- her lawyer is trying to get her legal status changed but he never specified to what. Time will tell."

The picture in the blue dress is the same on that was in People mag, as well as the one with the tiger. Trying to get her "legal status changed" her lawyer? I don't really understand that. Where did you pick it up? I mean, what's she going to get? A title? Well, PA certainly has the power to give it to her but not so likely...

I absolutely concur with you Lady Mac, Your right on the money.;)

here's the link with a comment from her lawyer about their vigilance around the settling NC's financial and legal status.


If I have interpreted this comment incorrectly, forgive the error -- but I do not understand why she would need to have her own legal status 'resolved' .:p

I think everyone is right -- I am bored with this topic of her too. Have you ever heard the saying 'you just can't get enough of what you can't stand' -- I do not wish to be one of those types. ;)
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I am sure Nicole was advised to move on with her life. She decided to shoot a few photo sessions to post in a magazine; there is nothing wrong with this. It is better for her to stay active in a productive life then become nonproductive and drag Prince Albert’s name in the tabloids. Facts stated the relationship is over between the two of them. So let her have as many photo sessions she desire. This allows the Prince to govern his Principality and focus on important matters.
Oh, from bankruptcy to the glamorous life! Even Stephanie, and she was born a Princess, never got dolled up like that (not that I know of). And now she's imitating Caroline in one of the poses?

I think PA II should just ignore her and concentrate his energies on running Monaco and other important things. I don't think this Nicole will ever let up, unless the press gets tired of her. What a hoot - she actually thinks people are jealous of her? For creating a world-wide scandal, exposing private matters, and not respecting the mourning period? Whatever! She may be "rich" and "famous" now, but the means she used in order to become that also tell a lot.....

I agree that Nicole should move on with her life, but she should draw the line between her own life, and the Grimaldis'.

Thanks for the pics, Ice, and the captions, tbhrc. Good views everyone, esp. Lady MacAlpine. :)

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Nicole's actions prove what I have thought all along. It's all about the money!

This is the woman who want to be left alone????
Look. Her son is the son of PAlbert. WHat do you think? Obviously the boy will not enjoy having his two biological parents raise him in the same home. SO why not make sure your son can get all he can? You live in the US you know what a big dea lchild support is.
its a good thing that albert dosent live in the us or he would loose 60% of his monthly income. of couse, that does depend on what state u live in.
and now for something complete different-has albert been seen in public lately? and if so, where?
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