HIH The Late Princess Leila of Iran (1970-2001)

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Former Moderator
Jun 21, 2005
Princess leila was the youngest daughter of The late Shah ofIran and his wife Empres Farah Fahlavi of Iran (Farah Diba) ....Ithink she was very beutiful and sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pritty ...the nost beutiful royal lady at least in the meddle east...I want to knew more about her .....her short life and death ..also morE fotos for her alone and with her mum dad sisters and brothers....
It is with sadness and great grief that I am to inform my coutrymen living in IRAN or in exile, of the passing away of my daughter Leila Pahlavi in London during her sleep, in the night of 10th June 2001.​

For the past few years, Leila was very depressed. Time had not healed her wounds. Exiled at the age of 9, she never surmounted the death of her father, His Majesty Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi to whom she was particularly close.
She was never able to forget the injustice and the dramatic conditions of our departure and the erring which was to follow. She could not stand living far from IRAN and shared wholeheartedly the suffering of her countrymen.

At a time when we have lost a person so dear, in the force of her age, my thoughts go towards our young compatriots who, in IRAN or in exile, also have difficulty in facing up to conditions of life over which they have no mastery.

Above all, Leila loved IRAN. She has left us without seeing her country again. Beyond the grief of a mother, this will always be a regret for me that nothing could ever fill.

The passing away of my beloved daughter brings me even closer to those Iranian mothers who have lived through the same mourning.

Paris, 11th June 2001
Farah Pahlavi


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In Memory of Princess Leila

Marked the third anniversary of Princess Leila's passing away.

Pictures from www.ayramehr.org


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Princess Leila Special

The newborn Princess Leila Pahlavi with her mother and family.

Pictures from www.farahdiba.dostweb.com


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Royal Forums Administrator
I've read she attended Brown university,does anyone know what did she study?
cute_girl said:
I've read she attended Brown university,does anyone know what did she study?
She graduated 1992 with a Bachelor degree in comparative literature.
She speak in English, Farsi, Arabic, Turkish, Spanish, Italian and French.
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Thank you Hilal,she must have been very smart,she was beautifull and rich,with so much to live for it's a pitty she chose to die.
She had suffered from anorexia along with depression. Losing Iran and her father were more than she could handle. Lelia was also a poet and a founder of the Pahlavi Foundation.
thats a bit strange,being a peot,attneding university,learning seven languages,being involved in charity and all the other qualification that are said about leila needs a strong motive,it's hard to believe that a depress person like leila who had suffered from it since the age of 8 could have achieved all those.
cute_girl said:
thats a bit strange,being a peot,attneding university,learning seven languages,being involved in charity and all the other qualification that are said about leila needs a strong motive,it's hard to believe that a depress person like leila who had suffered from it since the age of 8 could have achieved all those.
She suffered from barbiturate and benzodiazepine abuse for some time before her death. What a hapless woman... A Princess without a Prince, a HIH without an Empire.
cute_girl said:
thats a bit strange,being a peot,attending university,learning seven languages,being involved in charity and all the other qualification that are said about leila needs a strong motive,it's hard to believe that a depress person like leila who had suffered from it since the age of 8 could have achieved all those.

Sometimes that is true, but many successful people who appear on the surface to be very outgoing are honestly tormented and insecure. Princess Leila had been abusing pills for a while, and it is unclear how long she had been anorexic. Depression has been known to accompany anorexia in many cases which makes treating either of the diseases very complex.
Empress Farah´s declaration concerning her daughter´s death

I find it kind of perfidious to use the sickness of one´s daughter who obviously had nothing to do with the disappear from Iran to make the Iran responsible for her daugther´s death.
In my opinion Farah just wanted public attention and used the death of her daughter for that. Leila was obviously sick with depressions but to interpret that the disappear from Iran was guilty on that is just speculation and not very credible. I´m sure the children that time didn´t notice all the stress that much by being safed in a special way so there was no way for them to become traumatised in that hard way.
Many children have to move from one place to another or lose their father but that doesn´t automatically cause depression.
I'm not agree

I think there is no reason to doubt about the reasons given by Empress Farah about the Princess Leila's death. To think that the Shahbanou used this sad death for her own profit is a big mistake and not to trust on her.


Stefanie said:
I find it kind of perfidious to use the sickness of one´s daughter who obviously had nothing to do with the disappear from Iran to make the Iran responsible for her daugther´s death.
In my opinion Farah just wanted public attention and used the death of her daughter for that. Leila was obviously sick with depressions but to interpret that the disappear from Iran was guilty on that is just speculation and not very credible. I´m sure the children that time didn´t notice all the stress that much by being safed in a special way so there was no way for them to become traumatised in that hard way.
Many children have to move from one place to another or lose their father but that doesn´t automatically cause depression.
A great pity. She was beautiful, and obviously a tortured soul.
Tinika said:
A great pity. She was beautiful, and obviously a tortured soul.

Yes, the exile and their father death break her heart.
Stefanie said:
I find it kind of perfidious to use the sickness of one´s daughter who obviously had nothing to do with the disappear from Iran to make the Iran responsible for her daugther´s death.
In my opinion Farah just wanted public attention and used the death of her daughter for that. Leila was obviously sick with depressions but to interpret that the disappear from Iran was guilty on that is just speculation and not very credible. I´m sure the children that time didn´t notice all the stress that much by being safed in a special way so there was no way for them to become traumatised in that hard way.
Many children have to move from one place to another or lose their father but that doesn´t automatically cause depression.

i know what you mean and in some way you may be right. however, i read many articles talking about leila. it's not only having to exile but the way they had to exile. they really had good times and whenever you go up, the more up you go, the more up you fall from, so when they had bad times those bad times were really hard. the iranianroyal family had really tough times and in some way i don't think farah was exagerating or using her daughter's death for her own purpose. that would be quite sad, and i'm sure a mum who loves her child couldn't do it.
on the other hand, the death of leila meant a lot to understand what all of them had to pass through.
Leila and her family


We mourn your loss as a princess, a daughter, and an Iranian

Princess Leila


The Shah's children 1998
Leila, Ali Reza, Farahnaz, Reza

Empress Farah with Princesses Yasmine, Leila, Farahnaz, 1998

Princess Leila Pahlavi
Since I can read Spanish (it's my native language), I could read Farah's interview at "Hola!" and I was surprised. Some people accuses her to said that Leyla had died for she couldn't stand her family's exile, but the whole thing was more complex than that. It seems that she was suffering by a nervous illness and that the medicines she was using to attack this illness caused her a stroke. It sounds true to me.This nervous trouble could have been caused not only by the exile, but by her family's anxiety when they must leave their home in Iran, and of course by her father's death. She was very young when all this happened, and the younger you are, the most you'll suffer. Apparently, Leyla was very depressed for she couldn't find a reason to live. It was not only that the family must leave their country, but that their whole lifes must change. They were "The Imperial family" in Iran. Outside the country, they are just common people...And they must start to leave accepting this new situation...It's not always easy. Reza Cyrus, Farahnaz and the rest of the family are trying to do it with some succes. Poor Leyla just couldn't.

Didn't Leila also suffer from an eating disorder:confused: :confused: ? I'm sure the upheaval of the family from Iran was very hard on all of them. A very sad sad story: Leila was so beautiful. Thanks for the update.
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