Okay, I think I had better note a reservation on my last post about Stephanie's fashion choices . . . This red dress really lovely on her and it's cut and style does wonderful things for her. I have't seen a good shot of her shoes and until I do I am not giving the ensemble 5 Stars.
However, once again her hair is absolutely fabulous and, more importantly, the updo suits her, which is more than can be said of some of her contemporaries who are either strangers to an updo or, if the have to, any updo will do!
Another thing I have noticed about her is her deportment. She sits, stands and walks with a quiet elegance which, when translated to eveningwear, is even more noticeable.
https://24.media.tumblr.com/cb61cdb544bbce1dff1ac5cf7cf3af3e/tumblr_mypywrNoLa1rk9qmdo1_500.jpg I am in awe of the way she carries herself here with this dress. Rounded shoulders would have been a disaster!
https://24.media.tumblr.com/dca96e2401cc7f5e482a063fbd8d02af/tumblr_mqru7vHfDx1qzsyklo1_500.jpg Everything looks terrific in this shot, not least her fabulous smile.
Pin by ~ Annette ~ on Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg | Pintere…
Even when she leans forward she doesn't hunch over.
She has an incredible basic skillset to work with so here's hoping there's more "red" in the future.