This is Newsweek, but this is penned by Jack Royston (who's known as "the Sussexes' reporter" other than Scobie).
Prince Harry Says Newspaper Claims Left Marines 'Susceptible to Suicide'
On his twitter he wrote:
Me think, their legal team can word it better to make him sound less arrogant considering he's only in that position for ... 2 years(?)
Many, many! thoughts are going through my head about this filing, much of which I can't write down on this forum.
Harry needs to wake up and realize he is not the "see all, be all" he thinks he is. The fact he thinks an article that may ruin his reputation (vs. his own actions- see Deal memorial) and may cause marines to commit suicide (I wasn't aware he has been certified as a psychologist that him leaving can cause his patients to commit suicide- which is sadly something that can happen, rarely but can) ...
how egotistical can one person be?! the marines mental health programs does not rise and fall on the back of Harry's reputation, or Harry himself, in fact they have had a MH program for many years, long before Harry became involved in either MH or with them.
Interesting that according to the article the filing came to a resolve last year, so the DM apologized (which I don't think they should have but whatever) and donated money to IG, yet Roytson is still claiming it is ongoing?! someone give him a compass. And Harry's PR felt the need to have an article written about it.
"One source said that Harry's legal team wanted to make a statement in open court,"
And there you have it, this is why this article exists, so Harry can do his crocodile tears.
Sorry Harry but releasing this filings in an article by your pro Sussex mouthpiece is doing you and your reputation the exact opposite of what you had desired - in fact this is harming you far more than that article did!!- Maybe you should focus on properly supporting the marines rather than another silly lawsuit.
Whoever thought of releasing these papers and writing article? Harry needs to fire that PR person asap.
ETA: does he seriously think this article can have a worse effect on his reputation with soldiers than calling them racist slurs?! than wearing a nazi costume? than missing out on a memorial service to murdered marines in favor of a movie premier to hustle out his wife for a job?!