As information about this lawsuit comes to our ears from one of the actual parties involved, I'm taking everything with a double dosage of salt and will sit here patiently waiting for a decision to be handed down by a judge.
You have clowns (figuratively) as defenders in this case and they're aiming to make a joker out of the prosecution. I'm going to focus on the judge. ?
How are they "aiming to make a joker out of the prosecution"? They were sued by Meghan.. She wanted this case to go to court.. and they're defending themselves as you'd expect.. and are doing what any organisation taken to court would do.
She seems to be the one who is throwing in things that have nothing to do with the case like how BP handled her image during her pregnancy... She is claiming that her father was in the wrong to talk to the media (he was) but she's ok with her friends doing it.. albeit she didn't tell them to do it...