> It is not about your friends having to go or being able to go back to work at 12 weeks. If Meghan is keen to return to regular royal duties at 12 weeks, I do not believe anybody would stop her. There will be plenty of places in the UK that could do with royal patronage and attention, and I am sure she would do a very competent job.
>However, if she has not returned to full time duties and merely pops up on the tour, the optics certainly will not be great. It will be easy to interpret it as it is ok to be on leave for UK duties, but not for South Africa.
> As regards requests from the FCO, I am sure the FCO will be contend with the Duke carrying out those engagements. I don't believe they will be carrying out engagements of such a sensitive nature that the maternity leave of the duchess needs to be interrupted. That has certainly never happened for either the Queen nor for the previous Princess of Wales.
> Not that we know the specifics of the trip just yet and so this may be a bit premature, but I just can't see the point of dragging a 4-5 month old baby to SA, having Meghan do a few engagements with Harry, wait in SA whilst he does the rest of the tour to return to SA and then come back. Eager as she is, the question to ask is if all the costs and work involved in putting all of this together will be worth it from the point of view of the FCO? Perhaps it is better for the Duke to do the trip on his own.