Bishop Curry meandered and he absolutely failed to specifically connect M&H's relationship directly to all the elements he was rambling about. Only through listening several times is it possible to connect some of the dots. And even then the connection to M&H personally is tangential and generic. What was the purpose of bringing up slavery as an example of the power of love? It's okay to do that but it was not done in a way that had direct relevance to that moment just because of Meghan's embrace of her maternal heritage. That's like the DF blaring a headline about Meghan's mother's side of the family being descended from slaves. If it's the elephant in the room and you feel the need to mention it, then please connect it personally to how that fact impacts Meghan and Harry. Stop relying on cliches, over-dramatic symbolism, rhetoric, simplistic romanticized tropes about African-American history, emotional beliefs and cultural myths. Just because Curry quoted Martin Luther King does not make him a dynamic speaker.
As I said, the first four minutes of Curry's utterances were very good and I thought he was going to build to something powerful and poignant. The part about the first time we experience falling in love was very good. That's the point when Harry and Meghan began to smile in relief. But their relief was short-lived. Curry became too repetitive, then he began ad-libbing, shouting and looking around trying to get a witness. The spirit was not actually moving in him, he was trying to move it, and some people were rightly worried he might end up knocking over one of the candles in front of him.
Bishop Curry could have done a better job if he'd shortened his remarks, directed his remarks more personally to M&H, tied the scripture together better, left out the stone age, travel, and Twitter references, toned down the prancing and dancing a little bit and stopped repeating: "If you don't believe me"
Plus, he only needed to re-recite part of the Song of Solomon passage once, but he did it twice (and it had already been read by Diana's sister)!
The fact that anyone has to listen to what Curry said at least three times before being able to tie some of the elements together shows that it was not effectively constructed.
I've re-listened a few times, and it's very obvious that where he went off track is about four minutes in when he said,
"The power of love is not just about a young couple getting married..." Whoa, slow down Bishop Curry! This
is about a young couple getting married, and their names are Meghan and Prince Harry!
It's true that love is also about sacrifice and selflessness, and the love of our Lord Saviour Jesus Christ who died for our sins. But Curry IMO should have tied his thoughts together within the context of a marriage between two young people instead of over-focusing on the worldwide audience, and showing off what he knows about scripture.