Greenland and the Danish Monarchy

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A great read on the DRF and Greenland

"The Queen was respected in Greenland, but the new king will be loved"
"Despite increasing criticism of Denmark, the royal family has secured a special place in Greenlandic hearts through their understanding of differences. On Sunday January 14th Queen Margrethe II of Denmark will leave the throne to her son, Frederik, Awho is even more popular in Greenland"
"Since the annoucement my Facebook has been flooded by people posting their own photos, standing arm in arm with Frederik. He really is a man of the people, and as the king, he will be loved in Greenland"

another article on the DRF and Greenland

Very informative. It was interesting to read about for instance the discrepancy between the royals' personal popularity and the lower popularity of the Danish establishment and relationship with Denmark in general, and the royal family's displays of political solidarity with Greenlanders against international efforts to ban seal hunting by wearing sealskin on their visits.
While the Monarch always gives his speech on New Years Eve, the Danish PM always give her speech on the 1st January. - But that is also the case for the Greenlandic PM. And the main theme in his speech this year was Greenlandic independence.
There is a general election for the Greenlandic parliament this year and political observers agree that the main theme of the election will be whether Greenland should declare independence.
Depending on who is elected, there will have to be a majority in the Greenlandic parliament in favor of independence. The Greenlandic politicians will then negotiate the terms with the Danish government. (Based on similar initial negotiations with Faeroese Islands back in the 90's a four year transition period will be likely.) When such terms may have been negotiated and agreed upon there will be a vote in the Greenlandic parliament, followed by a referendum.
If the outcome is in favor, then the Danish Parliament will vote on whether Greenland should be granted independence. That ought to be a formality but more on that below.
Once such a vote is in place - a simple majority is enough, Greenland will get its independence on a set date.

An open question is of course whether Greenland will become a republic or whether Greenland will enter a more lose commonwealth with the Danish king as head of state. The DRF is arguably very popular in Greenland.

But, two parties in the Danish Parliament have declared that they will vote against Greenlandic independence, given the global security political situation right now. - And I dare say to protect the Greenlanders from making a mistake they may deeply regret.

- I happen to agree with these two parties. I believe that Greenland declaring independence in the near future is very hazardous indeed! I will not vote against it though, if I had that opportunity, if the Greenlanders want independence they can have it. But independence means just that; independence.

Greenland has a population of some 57.000 people, of which some 8% are Danes or other Scandinavians who work there, most fulfilling various specialist functions. There are a few thousand Greenlanders living in DK, many of whom are students or apprentices.
That's the size of a medium sized Danish municipality.
A "municipality" that will have to cover all the functions of a sovereign nation.
Right now DK cover around half of the budget of Greenland, cover security and military presence. Oversee police and courts. Take care of advanced treatment at Danish hospitals. And Greenlanders get a higher education, for free, in Denmark.
All that will have to be paid for by the Greenlanders themselves and these functions will have to carried out by Greenlanders or by hired foreigners who will have to be paid. - All from a talent mass of some 50.000+ people, including children and old.
That's a tall order!
It will be very difficult to persuade the Danish taxpayers to keep subsidizing Greenland and cover these basic state functions by Denmark for money paid by Danish taxpayers. Not because the amounts are that high, relatively speaking. But it's still a number of billions of DKK that could be of use in Denmark itself.
On top of that Greenland isn't even a member of the EU.
Some Greenlandic politicians and opinion makers have been pretty dismissive of Denmark, bordering on downright arrogance. Greenland was certainly a colony and DK absolutely made a number of mistakes in the past. - The road to hell, as you all know, is paved with good intentions. But a little more humility would be advisable if the public opinion in Denmark is to look favorable on keep helping the sovereign country of Greenland in the future, without a guarantee of getting anything in return.
They may ask Iceland and the Faeroe Island whether they will form a union of some sort, but would the Icelanders risk their wealth by basically adopting two smaller nations with a much less stable economy?

The independence movement has a considerable foothold among the young Greenlanders and the well educated, especially in the capital of Nuuk (population 16.000). I'm not sure it resonates that well outside the capital. But we shall see.
Anyway, those in favor of independence seems to me to live under the illusion, that given the natural resources of Greenland and the Arctic shipping lane from the Pacific to the Atlantic, Greenland will be able to pick and choose between foreign investors, especially the Chinese.
That IMO is dangerously naive.
Without mentioning Trumps frankly deeply insulting proposition of buying Greenland from Denmark..., any US administration will make very sure that Greenland remains firmly under the wings of USA!
It's simply a security political issue that all US politicians can wholeheartedly agree on.

So we are in for an interesting time in the Arctic this year!
While the Monarch always gives his speech on New Years Eve, the Danish PM always give her speech on the 1st January. - But that is also the case for the Greenlandic PM. And the main theme in his speech this year was Greenlandic independence.
There is a general election for the Greenlandic parliament this year and political observers agree that the main theme of the election will be whether Greenland should declare independence.
Depending on who is elected, there will have to be a majority in the Greenlandic parliament in favor of independence. The Greenlandic politicians will then negotiate the terms with the Danish government. (Based on similar initial negotiations with Faeroese Islands back in the 90's a four year transition period will be likely.) When such terms may have been negotiated and agreed upon there will be a vote in the Greenlandic parliament, followed by a referendum.
If the outcome is in favor, then the Danish Parliament will vote on whether Greenland should be granted independence. That ought to be a formality but more on that below.
Once such a vote is in place - a simple majority is enough, Greenland will get its independence on a set date.

An open question is of course whether Greenland will become a republic or whether Greenland will enter a more lose commonwealth with the Danish king as head of state. The DRF is arguably very popular in Greenland.

But, two parties in the Danish Parliament have declared that they will vote against Greenlandic independence, given the global security political situation right now. - And I dare say to protect the Greenlanders from making a mistake they may deeply regret.

- I happen to agree with these two parties. I believe that Greenland declaring independence in the near future is very hazardous indeed! I will not vote against it though, if I had that opportunity, if the Greenlanders want independence they can have it. But independence means just that; independence.

Greenland has a population of some 57.000 people, of which some 8% are Danes or other Scandinavians who work there, most fulfilling various specialist functions. There are a few thousand Greenlanders living in DK, many of whom are students or apprentices.
That's the size of a medium sized Danish municipality.
A "municipality" that will have to cover all the functions of a sovereign nation.
Right now DK cover around half of the budget of Greenland, cover security and military presence. Oversee police and courts. Take care of advanced treatment at Danish hospitals. And Greenlanders get a higher education, for free, in Denmark.
All that will have to be paid for by the Greenlanders themselves and these functions will have to carried out by Greenlanders or by hired foreigners who will have to be paid. - All from a talent mass of some 50.000+ people, including children and old.
That's a tall order!
It will be very difficult to persuade the Danish taxpayers to keep subsidizing Greenland and cover these basic state functions by Denmark for money paid by Danish taxpayers. Not because the amounts are that high, relatively speaking. But it's still a number of billions of DKK that could be of use in Denmark itself.
On top of that Greenland isn't even a member of the EU.
Some Greenlandic politicians and opinion makers have been pretty dismissive of Denmark, bordering on downright arrogance. Greenland was certainly a colony and DK absolutely made a number of mistakes in the past. - The road to hell, as you all know, is paved with good intentions. But a little more humility would be advisable if the public opinion in Denmark is to look favorable on keep helping the sovereign country of Greenland in the future, without a guarantee of getting anything in return.
They may ask Iceland and the Faeroe Island whether they will form a union of some sort, but would the Icelanders risk their wealth by basically adopting two smaller nations with a much less stable economy?

The independence movement has a considerable foothold among the young Greenlanders and the well educated, especially in the capital of Nuuk (population 16.000). I'm not sure it resonates that well outside the capital. But we shall see.
Anyway, those in favor of independence seems to me to live under the illusion, that given the natural resources of Greenland and the Arctic shipping lane from the Pacific to the Atlantic, Greenland will be able to pick and choose between foreign investors, especially the Chinese.
That IMO is dangerously naive.
Without mentioning Trumps frankly deeply insulting proposition of buying Greenland from Denmark..., any US administration will make very sure that Greenland remains firmly under the wings of USA!
It's simply a security political issue that all US politicians can wholeheartedly agree on.

So we are in for an interesting time in the Arctic this year!
Greenland, at this moment, should do well to remember to be careful what it wishes for and what some in the US are learning that voted the way they did that FAFO! I am sure that the incoming administration is keeping an eye on what is going on in Greenland and what is being said in order to exploit it, drive a wedge between Denmark and Greenland and take anything they can use to their advantage. I truly hope Greenland does not play into those hands.

The man selected as the new ambassador to Denmark is a Peter Thiel and Elon Musk guy and will spend his time doing the new guy's bidding and undermining wherever he can, including Greenland. And all those people are anti-democratic, pro Putin, authoritarian, dictator loving oligarchs!

A Greenland that is independent and not part of the EU, is ripe for the picking, which is what the US wants (especially the natural resources that people like Musk and the "tech bros" need). Also, I don't put it past them that Putin is sniffing around waiting for his newly elected US Gov't to try to take over Greenland to pounce as well. And, Greenland, on its own, will not stand a chance. By the time they know it, it will be too late to do anything about it. And, Greenland will have played right into the hands of those that do not have their best interest at heart. So, hopefully they will not FAFO and end up with horrible bedfellows that they will not be able to get rid of, reason with or ultimately trust!

King Frederik I see is meeting with the PM from Greenland next week already.
While the Monarch always gives his speech on New Years Eve, the Danish PM always give her speech on the 1st January. - But that is also the case for the Greenlandic PM. And the main theme in his speech this year was Greenlandic independence.
There is a general election for the Greenlandic parliament this year and political observers agree that the main theme of the election will be whether Greenland should declare independence.
Depending on who is elected, there will have to be a majority in the Greenlandic parliament in favor of independence. The Greenlandic politicians will then negotiate the terms with the Danish government. (Based on similar initial negotiations with Faeroese Islands back in the 90's a four year transition period will be likely.) When such terms may have been negotiated and agreed upon there will be a vote in the Greenlandic parliament, followed by a referendum.
If the outcome is in favor, then the Danish Parliament will vote on whether Greenland should be granted independence. That ought to be a formality but more on that below.
Once such a vote is in place - a simple majority is enough, Greenland will get its independence on a set date.

An open question is of course whether Greenland will become a republic or whether Greenland will enter a more lose commonwealth with the Danish king as head of state. The DRF is arguably very popular in Greenland.

But, two parties in the Danish Parliament have declared that they will vote against Greenlandic independence, given the global security political situation right now. - And I dare say to protect the Greenlanders from making a mistake they may deeply regret.

- I happen to agree with these two parties. I believe that Greenland declaring independence in the near future is very hazardous indeed! I will not vote against it though, if I had that opportunity, if the Greenlanders want independence they can have it. But independence means just that; independence.

Greenland has a population of some 57.000 people, of which some 8% are Danes or other Scandinavians who work there, most fulfilling various specialist functions. There are a few thousand Greenlanders living in DK, many of whom are students or apprentices.
That's the size of a medium sized Danish municipality.
A "municipality" that will have to cover all the functions of a sovereign nation.
Right now DK cover around half of the budget of Greenland, cover security and military presence. Oversee police and courts. Take care of advanced treatment at Danish hospitals. And Greenlanders get a higher education, for free, in Denmark.
All that will have to be paid for by the Greenlanders themselves and these functions will have to carried out by Greenlanders or by hired foreigners who will have to be paid. - All from a talent mass of some 50.000+ people, including children and old.
That's a tall order!
It will be very difficult to persuade the Danish taxpayers to keep subsidizing Greenland and cover these basic state functions by Denmark for money paid by Danish taxpayers. Not because the amounts are that high, relatively speaking. But it's still a number of billions of DKK that could be of use in Denmark itself.
On top of that Greenland isn't even a member of the EU.
Some Greenlandic politicians and opinion makers have been pretty dismissive of Denmark, bordering on downright arrogance. Greenland was certainly a colony and DK absolutely made a number of mistakes in the past. - The road to hell, as you all know, is paved with good intentions. But a little more humility would be advisable if the public opinion in Denmark is to look favorable on keep helping the sovereign country of Greenland in the future, without a guarantee of getting anything in return.
They may ask Iceland and the Faeroe Island whether they will form a union of some sort, but would the Icelanders risk their wealth by basically adopting two smaller nations with a much less stable economy?

The independence movement has a considerable foothold among the young Greenlanders and the well educated, especially in the capital of Nuuk (population 16.000). I'm not sure it resonates that well outside the capital. But we shall see.
Anyway, those in favor of independence seems to me to live under the illusion, that given the natural resources of Greenland and the Arctic shipping lane from the Pacific to the Atlantic, Greenland will be able to pick and choose between foreign investors, especially the Chinese.
That IMO is dangerously naive.
Without mentioning Trumps frankly deeply insulting proposition of buying Greenland from Denmark..., any US administration will make very sure that Greenland remains firmly under the wings of USA!
It's simply a security political issue that all US politicians can wholeheartedly agree on.

So we are in for an interesting time in the Arctic this year!

Thanks Muhler.
Something is afoot, Frederik was suppose to meet the Prime Minister of Greenland this Wednesday but now the meeting has been postponed.
Thanks Muhler.
Something is afoot, Frederik was suppose to meet the Prime Minister of Greenland this Wednesday but now the meeting has been postponed.
FAFO - Greenland is starting to FA and are not going to like the FO part one bit. And by the time they realize it - it will be too late. Good luck to them if they are even entertaining the recent lunacy! Have they not been keeping up with the "ish" show going on?

- I truly hope Greenland does not make a disastrous mistake! - And if this is the reason for the postponement of the PM's meeting with King Frederik - how disrespectful! And the comment on the post are desperately trying to warn Greenland! Not even waiting until after January 21st. He's there to scout land to pillage and probably where to put the camp to round up the locals for well - reasons. I am kind of appalled at this!

FAFO - Greenland is starting to FA and are not going to like the FO part one bit. And by the time they realize it - it will be too late. Good luck to them if they are even entertaining the recent lunacy! Have they not been keeping up with the "ish" show going on?

- I truly hope Greenland does not make a disastrous mistake! - And if this is the reason for the postponement of the PM's meeting with King Frederik - how disrespectful! And the comment on the post are desperately trying to warn Greenland! Not even waiting until after January 21st. He's there to scout land to pillage and probably where to put the camp to round up the locals for well - reasons. I am kind of appalled at this!
Cannot edit my previous post -

Shameful! So, is this why the PM decided to flake on a pre-scheduled meeting with King Frederik, the Head of State? Does Greenland just let private planes land without knowing who it is, why they are there? So, are they for sale after all? Be careful what you wish for because I have a feeling Denmark will not be sympathetic if Greenland FAFOs. This is such a shady, underhanded move and attempt at a flex - but what can you expect from deplorables. Wow! Denmark best stay on alert with what they are trying to pull in Greenland even before January 20th.
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Indeed, it caused a bit of stir that the Greenlandic PM cancelled a meeting with King Frederik, due to a calendar reshuffle.
Some commentators consider it a deliberate snub of FX. I personally don't believe that the relationship between FX and Greenland is bad, and indeed the Greenlandic PM is very close but it is absolutely a snub of the Danish government and Parliament. Because the Danish government handles foreign political issues, with some co-operation and co-ordination with the Greenlandic government.

No, I think the Greenlandic PM is most anxious to learn from Trump's son, what exactly it is Trump is proposing. That is of course of crucial interest to Greenland, so I think this is a sound move. And as the Danish government has been very subdued indeed in responding to Trump's idea of basically Greenland at least becoming a protectorate of USA is something they also want to learn about in detail from unofficial sources. After all USA still is, and hopefully will remain, the most important ally DK has.
I think this should be labelled corridor-politics rather than an affront.

A survey in 2021 showed that around 70 % of the Greenlanders believe Greenland should become independent - eventually.
That figure drops somewhat when the economic consequences of independence are presented.

The Greenlanders these years are rediscovering their cultural and ethnic identity and I can certainly understand that they would like to masters in their own home. But on a practical level... I believe the Greenlanders are too few and to put it bluntly are not nearly wealthy enough to be independent and their strategic geographical location makes any such dreams even more precarious.
With a population of some 55.000 including Greenlanders in DK who might move back, they are well below critical mass to run a truly independent country. Critical mass has IIRC been estimated at a round 150.000 - well educated - citizens.

Having said that I also understand the Greenlandic ethnic and cultural ties to Inuits in Canada - and to a lesser extent in Alaska and even Siberia. And instead of Greenland become a part of USA in one way or another, it would IMO make more sense that should such a national amalgamation take place it would be more logic for Greenland to join up with Canada - both geographically and culturally.
What the Canadians would say to that is of a very open question.

ADDED: I have to ask, what does FAFO mean?
Indeed, it caused a bit of stir that the Greenlandic PM cancelled a meeting with King Frederik, due to a calendar reshuffle.
Some commentators consider it a deliberate snub of FX. I personally don't believe that the relationship between FX and Greenland is bad, and indeed the Greenlandic PM is very close but it is absolutely a snub of the Danish government and Parliament. Because the Danish government handles foreign political issues, with some co-operation and co-ordination with the Greenlandic government.

No, I think the Greenlandic PM is most anxious to learn from Trump's son, what exactly it is Trump is proposing. That is of course of crucial interest to Greenland, so I think this is a sound move. And as the Danish government has been very subdued indeed in responding to Trump's idea of basically Greenland at least becoming a protectorate of USA is something they also want to learn about in detail from unofficial sources. After all USA still is, and hopefully will remain, the most important ally DK has.
I think this should be labelled corridor-politics rather than an affront.

A survey in 2021 showed that around 70 % of the Greenlanders believe Greenland should become independent - eventually.
That figure drops somewhat when the economic consequences of independence are presented.

The Greenlanders these years are rediscovering their cultural and ethnic identity and I can certainly understand that they would like to masters in their own home. But on a practical level... I believe the Greenlanders are too few and to put it bluntly are not nearly wealthy enough to be independent and their strategic geographical location makes any such dreams even more precarious.
With a population of some 55.000 including Greenlanders in DK who might move back, they are well below critical mass to run a truly independent country. Critical mass has IIRC been estimated at a round 150.000 - well educated - citizens.

Having said that I also understand the Greenlandic ethnic and cultural ties to Inuits in Canada - and to a lesser extent in Alaska and even Siberia. And instead of Greenland become a part of USA in one way or another, it would IMO make more sense that should such a national amalgamation take place it would be more logic for Greenland to join up with Canada - both geographically and culturally.
What the Canadians would say to that is of a very open question.

ADDED: I have to ask, what does FAFO mean?
FAFO = Eff around and Find out. Some Americans are doing some of that right now. It means screw around and make a dumb choice and then find out (and suffer/deal with) the consequences of those choices/decisions. It is a more colorful way of saying be careful what you wish for.

And what the USA wants under this administration and all the newly anointed oligarchs (Musk being a prime one and the new incoming US Ambassador) is mostly the resources Greenland including the ones needed to make those batteries and other things the "tech bros" need Musk leading the pack. The other is the opening of Artic lanes with the melting ice. Not to mention, the new administration is more Putin side than Ukraine side and if anyone thinks Putin is not pulling strings, well, they've been living in cave. Russian officials as much as said that Trump owes them. Musk is an authoritarian that his on a power trip interfering currently in Canadian, UK and German politics and possibly Argentina and Italy. He basically publicly endorsed the AfD party in Germany which is the Neo-Nazi party that not even the far right want to be associated with. So, his interest in Greenland is obvious. Greenland is playing with fire even entertaining these people tbh. Plus, they will just lie to the people of Greenland and by the time they figure it out, it will be too late. Maybe Denmark should start inquiring about taking back the US Virgin Islands.

Also, maybe the DK gov't did not want to look like they were overstepping and speaking for Greenland given that Greenland is so sensitive about it, it seems. But now, an incoming admin has overstepped and it would do DK good to send a gov't official to Greenland to see what Jr. is really doing there and show they have the best interest of Greenland at the forefront. Nothing good will come from humoring the new admin as they are drunk on power and have already stated little Denmark needs to basically step aside.

Look how obnoxious they've been about Canada - talking about it being the 51st state. They've threatened Panama and Mexico and it is not even January 20th yet. Greenland strikes any deal with the US at this moment and discards Denmark and they will regret it. Greenland will be pillaged for its resources and anything else they can drain. The incoming admin does not want anything regulated. It is a free for all. Also, Greenland would then have to get used to not have free healthcare, education, or protection of any kind security wise because Trump is determined to pull the US out of NATO. One day Greenland will wake up to a tacky fake gold hotel blocking their view.

This is appalling - including the comments. If Greenland truly wants independence, they should be loudly denouncing this outright disrespect! Being treated like something that is on the sale rack that you can use additional coupons for!
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I'll have to remember that. :lol:

More on the visit to Greenland.
As you may know by now a private plane touched down in Greenland, with what seems to be a vanguard of the Trump delegation to visit Greenland.
It is not an official US visit in any form and it is not known who Trump junior will be speaking with, except the head of the government party on Greenland, not to be confused with the PM. Nor are there any specifics about what's on the agenda known.

The PM's office in DK (Statsministeriet) and the Foreign Ministry are in plausible denial about what is going on, claiming they don't know anything about anything. But a high ranking civil servant from the Foreign Ministry (an ethnic Greenlander whose job is to oversee Greenlandic foreign political interests and co-ordinate those with the Danish Foreign Minister etc.) is in place and will probably at least be present at any meetings.

On a more curious side a couple of young ladies (don't know if they are local - most likely - or from the US office in Nuuk or ordinary Americans, have been walking around the streets wearing MAGA caps.
They are asking people on the street about their opinion in regards to USA and Greenland.

This visit is of course of great interest to Greenland, both in regards to learning what the coming US administration specifically has of plans for Greenland, but also because Greenland is very interested in attracting US investments and well as naturally remaining on good terms with USA.
And as the US delegation will hardly consist of professional diplomats, nor is Trump junior a professional diplomat himself, I think it's likely that the Greenlanders will learn in a more direct way what the Trump administration has of ideas.

Musk, who always has something... remarkable... to say these days, has responded to a tweet where a poster has suggested that USA should create economic conditions that would eventually lead for the Greenlanders to demand an annexation of USA.
Musk has responded: "I think the Greenlanders themselves should decide their future and I think they would like to be a part of America."
- Unfortunately the article doesn't provide a link.

Further developments in regards to the Trump visit to Greenland can be followed here on this DR1 live blog:
I'll have to remember that. :lol:

More on the visit to Greenland.
As you may know by now a private plane touched down in Greenland, with what seems to be a vanguard of the Trump delegation to visit Greenland.
It is not an official US visit in any form and it is not known who Trump junior will be speaking with, except the head of the government party on Greenland, not to be confused with the PM. Nor are there any specifics about what's on the agenda known.

The PM's office in DK (Statsministeriet) and the Foreign Ministry are in plausible denial about what is going on, claiming they don't know anything about anything. But a high ranking civil servant from the Foreign Ministry (an ethnic Greenlander whose job is to oversee Greenlandic foreign political interests and co-ordinate those with the Danish Foreign Minister etc.) is in place and will probably at least be present at any meetings.

On a more curious side a couple of young ladies (don't know if they are local - most likely - or from the US office in Nuuk or ordinary Americans, have been walking around the streets wearing MAGA caps.
They are asking people on the street about their opinion in regards to USA and Greenland.

This visit is of course of great interest to Greenland, both in regards to learning what the coming US administration specifically has of plans for Greenland, but also because Greenland is very interested in attracting US investments and well as naturally remaining on good terms with USA.
And as the US delegation will hardly consist of professional diplomats, nor is Trump junior a professional diplomat himself, I think it's likely that the Greenlanders will learn in a more direct way what the Trump administration has of ideas.

Musk, who always has something... remarkable... to say these days, has responded to a tweet where a poster has suggested that USA should create economic conditions that would eventually lead for the Greenlanders to demand an annexation of USA.
Musk has responded: "I think the Greenlanders themselves should decide their future and I think they would like to be a part of America."
- Unfortunately the article doesn't provide a link.

Further developments in regards to the Trump visit to Greenland can be followed here on this DR1 live blog:
UGH. Now Greenland is infested with MAGA? SMDH. Yes, I said infested and mean every letter and syllable of it. Denmark better stay alert and on its toes because the misinformation/disinformation/indoctrination has begun and they will start with the young people as every fascist cult does. By the time you notice there will be a trump flag planted somewhere. Why are they even there? What authority to they even have? All they are going to do is lie. They want to absorb Greenland for their own gains - not do anything to help it. I am sure Fox News is all over this. They are going to outright lie about Denmark's role with Greenland and about Denmark's gov't, monarchy, DRF - just watch. This is what they do. As an American that voted for democracy - I sincerely apologize for this. This would not be happening if the adults had won!
Now you have a new term for me. What does SMDH mean?

Well, I'm not sure they are actual MAGA people. The article doesn't say, but I think they are Greenlanders and while they could indeed be Trump-supporters, they may very well wear the MAGA caps because they are cautioning against this Trump visit. Or are simply doing satire.
This is after all the talk of the town in Greenland, as it should be.

Most Greenlanders are naturally in favor of maintaining good relations with USA, regardless of what administration is in power. And unless they have been sitting on an iceberg for these past few weeks most will also be very aware of what supporters of what Trump has stated about Greenland, are saying - as well as the comments on social media. Some of the comments there are, to put it mildly, chilling!
But many Greenlanders seem to be under the, in my very personal opinion, pretty naive illusion that independence means that they actually get to decide what's best for their own country and that it will be respected. - In this age where international law is being overridden by the "might is right" that's a dangerous thought to have.

However, let's see.
And keep in mind that King Frederik is a personal friend of both the Greenlandic PM as well as other leading Greenlanders. He may not be without influence, even if he is only asking questions and advocating caution in a private setting.

But... Let's make it quite clear that if the Greenlanders really do want independence and if they will not listen to the old advise: "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts" (the Trojan Horse), very few ordinary Danes will lift a finger to prevent it. They will be on their own.
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Now you have a new term for me. What does SMDH mean?

Well, I'm not sure they are actual MAGA people. The article doesn't say, but I think they are Greenlanders and while they could indeed be Trump-supporters, they may very well wear the MAGA caps because they are cautioning against this Trump visit. Or are simply doing satire.
This is after all the talk of the town in Greenland, as it should be.

Most Greenlanders are naturally in favor of maintaining good relations with USA, regardless of what administration is in power. And unless they have been sitting on an iceberg for these past few weeks most will also be very aware of what supporters of what Trump has stated about Greenland, are saying - as well as the comments on social media. Some of the comments there are, to put it mildly, chilling!
But many Greenlanders seem to be under the, in my very personal opinion, pretty naive illusion that independence means that they actually get to decide what's best for their own country and that it will be respected. - In this age where international law is being overridden by the "might is right" that's a dangerous thought to have.

However, let's see.
And keep in mind that King Frederik is a personal friend of both the Greenlandic PM as well as other leading Greenlanders. He may not be without influence, even if he is only asking questions and advocating caution in a private setting.

But... Let's make it quite clear that if the Greenlanders really do want independence and if they will not listen to the old advise: "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts" (the Trojan Horse), very few ordinary Danes will lift a finger to prevent it. They will be on their own.
LOL - SMDH = Shaking my D*mn Head. Sorry - I am too used to texting lately and using acronyms.
Is the Royal Family popular in Greenland?
If Greenland declares independence, our next president here in the USA will jump on the opportunity to invade the nation on the spot because an independent Greenland won't be protected by Denmark nor be part of the European Union for defense.

A similar situation happened years ago in Spain when Cataluña wanted secession and was warned by the EU no commerce or recognition would follow, and I recall even the use of the Euro would be difficult to continue. In Greenland's case, that short amount of time between independence and recognition is all Trump will need to jump and invade the island.

And if history repeats itself, the people of Greenland could end up pushed into reservations for a new invading population to take over and exploit town after town. And once the USA takes over Greenland, Iceland could be next to pick since our next president would be following the style of Putin invading Ukraine for 'national security'.

Trump wants Greenland to become Trumpland. King Fred should just elevate Greenland to Kingdom status and do a modern Austro-Hungarian style union to keep Trump and/or a future USA president from the idea of invading the neighbors like if we were in the Middle Ages
If Greenland declares independence, our next president here in the USA will jump on the opportunity to invade the nation on the spot because an independent Greenland won't be protected by Denmark nor be part of the European Union for defense.

A similar situation happened years ago in Spain when Cataluña wanted secession and was warned by the EU no commerce or recognition would follow, and I recall even the use of the Euro would be difficult to continue. In Greenland's case, that short amount of time between independence and recognition is all Trump will need to jump and invade the island.

And if history repeats itself, the people of Greenland could end up pushed into reservations for a new invading population to take over and exploit town after town. And once the USA takes over Greenland, Iceland could be next to pick since our next president would be following the style of Putin invading Ukraine for 'national security'.

Trump wants Greenland to become Trumpland. King Fred should just elevate Greenland to Kingdom status and do a modern Austro-Hungarian style union to keep Trump and/or a future USA president from the idea of invading the neighbors like if we were in the Middle Ages
He's already used the "national security" angle. Today he says when it becomes part of US it will be cherished and protected. Sure...right. The tech bros must be salivating over pillaging the rare earth minerals...that is part of what Musk wants.

I have to think the change in the coat of arms was no coincidence.

Also, what does elevating Greenland to kingdom status do? Sorry if that is a dumb question.

Edited to, so he was just dropping by unannounced? Take everyone by surprise and leave no one any alternative but to let him in. Ambush basically.

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Some of you may have seen this guy on video, where express delight in Greenland joining USA. It turns out that he's a serial criminal. Her er han: Trump-lejren har smidt kasket på grønlandsk narkosmugler og seriekriminel
He didn't like the inside of Greenlandic jails, he'll enjoy US prisons even less...
Depending on the sentence, criminals in Greenland will to the extent that it is possible serve in a jail in Greenland. Which to most countries would be an open prison. Serious offenders will be shipped to DK to prisons there.

Soundings and unofficial visits prior to a new US administration taking over is far from unusual, such things happen in politics all the time. It's the backdrop that is most unusual, with Trump and Musk among others openly advocating for Greenland to join USA. That's openly grooming and of course both an insult and a humiliation of Denmark. But DK is a small country, we have been humiliated before and survived.
The Danish government has been urged to make a stand, but right now the US President is still Joe Biden.
Trump junior's visit to Greenland is just a visit to a beautiful country and to have a look around. Even though everybody know it's an unofficial official visit by the next US administration.
And so much depends on what is being said behind closed doors by Trump junior.

If the DK government goes out saying: Get lost! - The Greenlanders can say: Hey, it's our country, back off! - And that will be exploited in USA.
Analytics are in agreement that the change of the Coat of Arms of the Realm was a clear signal to Trump that Greenland is a part of the Danish realm.
So the Danish government acts in the most prudent manner it can at present: Lay low and let other MPs voice their opinion.
It's when the next US administration starts to apply pressure on DK, or threaten sanctions and openly offer to buy Greenland or call for a referendum regarding Greenlandic independence ASAP or the Greenlandic government ask for help that the DK will put it's foot down for real.
But there is absolutely no doubt that the Danish government right now behind the doors is expressing serious annoyance to representatives of the US State Department.

The next US administration is openly proposing an anschluss with Greenland, a Heim ins Reich if you will. And I use the German words deliberately to hammer in how this is viewed on this side of the Atlantic - and probably elsewhere.
It is unheard in modern times that a Western country wish to openly take over a part of an allied country.

That some in USA have also eyed the northern most territories of Canada, (after all they are not using it for anything,) is no doubt a reason for concern in Canada as well.
The same segment eyeing Panama is a concern for Latin America.
So this is very much a trial balloon for the next US administration.

Proponents in Europe who advocate for even more close defense ties and even more European unity are certainly getting plenty of ammunition for their cause these days!

So America first may very well end up becoming America isolated.
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UGH. Now Greenland is infested with MAGA? SMDH. Yes, I said infested and mean every letter and syllable of it. Denmark better stay alert and on its toes because the misinformation/disinformation/indoctrination has begun and they will start with the young people as every fascist cult does. By the time you notice there will be a trump flag planted somewhere. Why are they even there? What authority to they even have? All they are going to do is lie. They want to absorb Greenland for their own gains - not do anything to help it. I am sure Fox News is all over this. They are going to outright lie about Denmark's role with Greenland and about Denmark's gov't, monarchy, DRF - just watch. This is what they do. As an American that voted for democracy - I sincerely apologize for this. This would not be happening if the adults had won!
I suppose Trump and Musk genuinely believe that they can bribe the native Greenlanders into joining the USA voluntarily. And that belief stems from their own MAGA logic.

Just to illustrate, in a recent discussion on Quora, a Danish poster mentioned that Greenland is heavily subsidized by Denmark and will not give up those subsidies to join the United States. A MAGA poster replied, using typical American logic, that the USA would create many "high-paying jobs in the oil and mining industry" so that Greenlanders would no longer have to "depend on Danish handouts".

The recent provocative video posted by Trump, where an apparent Greenland man tells Trump to "buy Greenland" so that Greenlanders can take full advantage of their mineral resources seems to echo the aforementioned MAGA reasoning.

To be honest, I wasn't taking Trump's threats against Canada, Panama, or Greenland seriously, but, as he keeps doubling down on those social media posts, I am starting to think that he actually means what he says. It is also worth noting that he has recently praised William McKinley, the US president who annexed Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.
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Trump junior has just touched down in Greenland and at the same time the Danish PM has said this in an interview:
"USA is Denmark's closest ally and we will always very much like to work even closer together with the Americans, that's also the case in the North Atlantic.
It's USA that plays a big role in regards to that area and not Russia.
But Greenland belongs to the Greenlanders.
Greenland is a proud people and culture and as chairman (the Greenlandic PM is officially only chairman of the Greenlanding government) Mute B. Egede says, Greenland is not for sale."

"Any discussion about Greenland and the future of Greenland must start and end in Nuuk. Greenland is a people, a language and a culture.
I can sense a strong wish for many Greenlanders about moving towards independence.
That is legitimate and therefore I think it is important that the future of Greenland is made in Nuuk. (The capital.)
On the other hand I'm glad there us an increasing American interest about Greenland. But it is important that it happens in a way where there is a respect for it being the choice of Greenland how the future should be.
I will maintain that USA is our most important ally (and that's also the case with the new president). But the future for Greenland is defined in Nuuk.
We are not coming with a wist the abolish the commonwealth (Rigsfælleskabet = the realm)." Again emphasizing that it will always be the choice of the Greenlanders whether they wish to become independent.
"My encouragement in a world with so big troubles are that we stick together. But the future for Greenland is defined in Nuuk.
In this world, and it's not becoming more calm, those of us who share these values should stick together. But how we stick together is something we will have to define together.
I look forwards to co-operating with a new American administration. We have had a really co-operation with the present and I'm sure we will have that with the new one as well."

Trump junior's visit is scheduled to last five hours.

At the same time it has emerged that the Greenlandic PM will visit Copenhagen today to attend a New Year event at the Greenlandic representation (a kind of consulate) there.
- But seemingly didn't find time in his calendar to visit King Frederik. It this is correct, it will absolutely be considered an official snub of not only the Danish government but also the head of state of Greenland itself. He'd better come up with a very good excuse!
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Trump junior has just touched down in Greenland and at the same time the Danish PM has said this in an interview:
"USA is Denmark's closest ally and we will always very much like to work even closer together with the Americans, that's also the case in the North Atlantic.
It's USA that plays a big role in regards to that area and not Russia.
But Greenland belongs to the Greenlanders.
Greenland is a proud people and culture and as chairman (the Greenlandic PM is officially only chairman of the Greenlanding government) Mute B. Egede says, Greenland is not for sale."

Will be updated with more quotes.
I suppose that, by saying that Denmark would "very much like to work even closer together with the Americans [....] in the North Atlantic", she is hinting that an increased American military presence in Greenland is not ruled out. Trump would be definitively demanding that, as well as opening up Greenland for US investment in the mining and tourism sectors for example. However, that depends on the consent of the Greenlandic government.

There are less than 60,000 people in Greenland and, as I said, Trump and Don Jr. probably believe they can win the support of the locals by offering them economic incentives. I hate to make this comparison, but, to put it in a way that reflects American culture, it is the classic "Lex Luthor goes to Smallville" movie/TV plot.
It was certainly a very careful statement.

Emphasizing that DK is a close and willing ally of USA, that DK understands the US security political interests in the Arctic and is willing to help in that regards.
And she was careful not to push away the Greenlanders by making it very clear that the Greenlanders have the final word.
But also making it clear that Greenland is not up for purchase.

- I am however afraid that any concessions made by DK now, is only a reprieve. I think the next administration is determined to acquire Greenland - one way or another.
At best, for the Greenlanders in my firm opinion, this may stall things in the hope that the next US administration will be less, shall we say, determined... But more likely the pressure or courting of Greenland will continue. Continue to the point where the Danish government will be forced to put its foot down and say no! With the consequences that may follow. Or Greenland opts for independence in the near future, in which case an amalgamation with USA, one way or another, is inevitable - regardless of the administration. Greenland would thus become either a US territory or a protectorate.

I believe Trump would very much like to go down in history as the president who increased the area of USA with an area the size of Mexico. That would appeal to his obvious vanity, and also very much appeal to the nationalist sentiments of his core-voters. On the short term it's a political winner, domestically - and may well totally overshadow other domestic issues...
But everything has a prize.
Some in one of rhe political parties apparently have had enough and oer this press release want the US ambassador summoned to answer some questions.

It was certainly a very careful statement.

Emphasizing that DK is a close and willing ally of USA, that DK understands the US security political interests in the Arctic and is willing to help in that regards.
And she was careful not to push away the Greenlanders by making it very clear that the Greenlanders have the final word.
But also making it clear that Greenland is not up for purchase.

- I am however afraid that any concessions made by DK now, is only a reprieve. I think the next administration is determined to acquire Greenland - one way or another.
At best, for the Greenlanders in my firm opinion, this may stall things in the hope that the next US administration will be less, shall we say, determined... But more likely the pressure or courting of Greenland will continue. Continue to the point where the Danish government will be forced to put its foot down and say no! With the consequences that may follow. Or Greenland opts for independence in the near future, in which case an amalgamation with USA, one way or another, is inevitable - regardless of the administration. Greenland would thus become either a US territory or a protectorate.

I believe Trump would very much like to go down in history as the president who increased the area of USA with an area the size of Mexico. That would appeal to his obvious vanity, and also very much appeal to the nationalist sentiments of his core-voters. On the short term it's a political winner, domestically - and may well totally overshadow other domestic issues...
But everything has a prize.
The issue is Trump ran on America first! Isolationism. Price of eggs!! Blah blah and now he's walking all that back...shocker....and going around wanting to acquire countries like he's playing Monopoly. And it seems King Frederik changing the coat of arms is making a bit of international news with all this ruckus.

Greenlanders need to understand that he does not really want them independent. He wants to buy them like chattel and then exert total control over them and their resources. Plus sooner than they can imagine the place will be overrun with tacky trump hotels and casinos and they can kiss their landscape goodbye. Ask Puerto Rico how being a US territory under Trump was.

Plus not to mention his love of dictators and Putin symotagzinf cronies are beyond a serious concern.

Would a joint statement by the PM of both Greenland and Denmark be a possibility. I wonder how much Frederik wishes he could really speak out. But he really can't right? Even if he echos the stance of the government?
Some in one of rhe political parties apparently have had enough and oer this press release want the US ambassador summoned to answer some questions.

All the political parties have had enough.
But it is very much in the interests of Denmark (and Greenland I dare say) to deescalate this as much as possible. - But at the same time having few real objections about letting other politicians voice their opinion and anger as well as disappointment.
There will be much more of this.

But DK will not be thanked for rocking the boat too much in regards to USA and the general security political situation.
Right now the Trump administration is officially not even in power.
If the time come that DK needs to call for international help, it's very much in Danish interests that USA is very clearly the part that is escalating things, betraying an ally, interfering with the internal affairs of an ally, acting like a bully, being unreasonable and jeopardizing the international stability.
It's DK that has to drum up international sympathy and the way the MAGA people are acting that won't be a particular problem.
Greenland may very well be lost to DK, through US economic and political dominance.
But as I have said before, everything has a prize.

It's not free to bully, annoy and make your neighbors and close allies nervous and angry and even directly alienating them.
Even super powers needs friends...
Trump junior has just touched down in Greenland and at the same time the Danish PM has said this in an interview:
"USA is Denmark's closest ally and we will always very much like to work even closer together with the Americans, that's also the case in the North Atlantic.
It's USA that plays a big role in regards to that area and not Russia.
But Greenland belongs to the Greenlanders.
Greenland is a proud people and culture and as chairman (the Greenlandic PM is officially only chairman of the Greenlanding government) Mute B. Egede says, Greenland is not for sale."

"Any discussion about Greenland and the future of Greenland must start and end in Nuuk. Greenland is a people, a language and a culture.
I can sense a strong wish for many Greenlanders about moving towards independence.
That is legitimate and therefore I think it is important that the future of Greenland is made in Nuuk. (The capital.)
On the other hand I'm glad there us an increasing American interest about Greenland. But it is important that it happens in a way where there is a respect for it being the choice of Greenland how the future should be.
I will maintain that USA is our most important ally (and that's also the case with the new president). But the future for Greenland is defined in Nuuk.
We are not coming with a wist the abolish the commonwealth (Rigsfælleskabet = the realm)." Again emphasizing that it will always be the choice of the Greenlanders whether they wish to become independent.
"My encouragement in a world with so big troubles are that we stick together. But the future for Greenland is defined in Nuuk.
In this world, and it's not becoming more calm, those of us who share these values should stick together. But how we stick together is something we will have to define together.
I look forwards to co-operating with a new American administration. We have had a really co-operation with the present and I'm sure we will have that with the new one as well."

Trump junior's visit is scheduled to last five hours.

At the same time it has emerged that the Greenlandic PM will visit Copenhagen today to attend a New Year event at the Greenlandic representation (a kind of consulate) there.
- But seemingly didn't find time in his calendar to visit King Frederik. It this is correct, it will absolutely be considered an official snub of not only the Danish government but also the head of state of Greenland itself. He'd better come up with a very good excuse!
I thought he PM of Greenland and King Frederik were personal friends? Well, if he does that, it is a very deliberate snub and a sign of disrespect. How well will that go over in not only an official capacity but on a personal level.

All the political parties have had enough.
But it is very much in the interests of Denmark (and Greenland I dare say) to deescalate this as much as possible. - But at the same time having few real objections about letting other politicians voice their opinion and anger as well as disappointment.
There will be much more of this.

But DK will not be thanked for rocking the boat too much in regards to USA and the general security political situation.
Right now the Trump administration is officially not even in power.
If the time come that DK needs to call for international help, it's very much in Danish interests that USA is very clearly the part that is escalating things, betraying an ally, interfering with the internal affairs of an ally, acting like a bully, being unreasonable and jeopardizing the international stability.
It's DK that has to drum up international sympathy and the way the MAGA people are acting that won't be a particular problem.
Greenland may very well be lost to DK, through US economic and political dominance.
But as I have said before, everything has a prize.

It's not free to bully, annoy and make your neighbors and close allies nervous and angry and even directly alienating them.
Even super powers needs friends...
Well at the moment Musk is doing a bang up job of annoying the entire world on behalf of the US. The list is growing of European countries telling him to shut up and butt out. If Musk starts to really push the Greenland issue and sticking his nose is DKs affairs will DK do the same and tell him to butt out?

And yea, MAGA and their mouthpieces with with arrogance, snarkiness, entitlement and bullying tactics are not going to make it difficult to get sympathy for what they're doing to DK and Greenland given they are doing it to other allies. They are drunk on the power they don't even really have yet..officially.

Junior showing up in Greenland seemingly uninvited to sniff around is a total bully and I intimidation tactic.

And who had to fork over money for the security for these clowns? And Charlie Kirk? Omg. The extreme far right extreme podcaster Putin loving literal neo N*zi? He's there to try to radicalize as many as possible in the hours they are there. They look ridiculous.

I have no words for these people. Everything is a joke. The comments show their mentality of entitlement and disrespect. Someone should show those to the people of Greenland and see how they feel about being mocked

In case anyone was wondering about their plans. Greenland should start paying attention to these people on American media to know how and what they really think.
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I feel the invasion of Greenland and plans for its administration by Trump's friends has been in the works already to a point is no longer a how but a when.
Greenland's population is between 56 to 60k and all needed would be for the USA to take over the most populated areas and blockade ports and airports for a quick invasion, then shut down radio, Internet and TV. People that fight back would be arrested and deported in the thousands to USA prison camps as the ones today with illegal aliens crossing the border.

A military occupation, a fake election to pressure assimilation and before you can say fossil fuels you get every USA oil baron 'buying' immense land areas protected by contracted USA militia groups that would also move their families into Greenland to replace the population one town after another one.

I hope the above doesn't happen but then, who would have thought a few years back Russia would invade Ukraine?
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Omg. what is he even talking about? Trump talking on speaker phone? Can DK say anything now? This is total intimidation and misinformation tactics. Trust me this little trip is just to get people on film saying they want to be invaded by the US fo Fox van then amplify it. That's why agitator Charlie Kirk is there. To get material to push the narrative that Greenland needs security and must be liberated. Gee that sounds familiar.

I feel the invasion of Greenland and plans for its administration by Trump's friends has been in the works already to a point is no longer a how but a when.
Greenland's population is between 56 to 60k and all needed would be for the USA to take over the most populated areas and blockade ports and airports for a quick invasion, then shut down radio, Internet and TV. People that fight back would be arrested and deported in the thousands to USA prison camps as the ones today with illegal aliens crossing the border.

A military occupation, a fake election to pressure assimilation and before you can say fossil fuels you get every USA oil baron 'buying' immense land areas protected by contracted USA militia groups that would also move their families into Greenland to replace the population one town after another one.

I hope the above doesn't happen but then, who would have thought a few years back Russia would invade Ukraine?
Well, we are not there yet and hopefully never will.

One should always consider the worst possible scenario and expect less.
Because the scenario you describe will only happen after USA has become a totalitarian state.

At present I cannot imagine the US military obeying such an order and I doubt the Congress would approve either.
It would mean that there would be a mandate to override the Congress.
It would also mean that the generals in the US military will be replaced by people who would be loyal to the president and not the Constitution.
That would also have to be the case with leading civil servants.
While the US president can certainly order a unit to go in and also take Greenland, he would still have to avoid being arrested the day after.
So if this highly hypothetical situation should ever occur, it's the Americans who are in trouble.
Not least the MAGA supporters. - Those interested in history may want to look up what happened to SA in the 1930's.
Well, we are not there yet and hopefully never will.

One should always consider the worst possible scenario and expect less.
Because the scenario you describe will only happen after USA has become a totalitarian state.

At present I cannot imagine the US military obeying such an order and I doubt the Congress would approve either.
It would mean that there would be a mandate to override the Congress.
It would also mean that the generals in the US military will be replaced by people who would be loyal to the president and not the Constitution.
That would also have to be the case with leading civil servants.
While the US president can certainly order a unit to go in and also take Greenland, he would still have to be avoid being arrested the day after.
So if this highly hypothetical situation should ever occur, it's the Americans who are in trouble.
Not least the MAGA supporters. - Those interested in history may want to look up what happened to SA in the 1930's.
Well he will have both houses of Congress and a complicit Supreme Court. And this is the guy that has slipped through the law like a snake and has gotten away with so many crimes. America has no idea what it has done. We are on our way to authoritarian state. There already is an oligarchy formed of billionaire tech bros. He's radicalizing the FBI. putting his sycophants in place.

I think I'm going to be sick. This cannot go unchallenged. They are trying to radicalize Greenlanders! Enough is enough!

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