Personally I do hope that Greenland will be a complete sovereign state one day.
But the understanding between the CP Frederik is so strong that he will always be connected to Greenland in some form. CP Frederik has not only visited Greenland but has also joined the Sirius patrol in Greenland.
I don't think that the bond between Greenland and Denmark are strong. Denmark has treated Greenland very badly. Par example given USA access to Greenland without asking Greenland. Denmark has also some years ago remowed children from their parents to make them more danish.
I'm sure Greenland would always prefer CP Frederik for any president.
And I'm sure that Greenland should be more aware of the opportunities that can be achieved in trade and cooperating with Canada and USA.
I don't think Greenland can benefit from a closer cooperation with Denmark. Denmark is a very small country with an arrogant and colonial attitude towards Greenland that cannot be positive in any form for Greenland.
Eh, no doubt many Greelanders feel like that but I think things are a little more complicated than this.
Greenland was officially a colony and treated as such until the 1950's, albeit not with a surplus for DK.
If I remember correctly Home Rule was introduced in the 1970's.
Many mistakes were made in the attempt to change Greenland and especially the Greenlanders from what was a poor hunting and fishing community to a modern province with small scale industry, moderne administration and modern fishing methods. - It was a huge cultural shock! And many Greenlanders understandebly could not cope, not least among who went to Denmark to have an education.
However, many did cope! And Greenland is now autnomous.
As for the US base at Thule in Greenland.
To this day, Denmark is responsible for the foreign and security policy of Greenland, for the very simple reason that Greenland is physically unable to maintaing sovereignty on it's own.
The base was established early on during the Cold War and it's a question how much of a choice Denmark really had in that respect. The Thule base was instrumental both for NATO, NORAD (early warning system) and for SAC (Strategic Air Command). Denmark was militarily and politically unable to ensure Greenland against a Soviet threat.
It would in my opinion have been utterly irresponsible had the US government
not establised a base in Greenland, regardless of what the Danes let alone the Greenlanders would have thought of it.
As for Greenland being better of without the support of the danish government. Well, that can certainly be debated!
Just keep in mind that with natural resources in Greenland, not least oil and gas and the expected opening of the North West Passage, Greenland may well end up as an American protectorate.
If I was an American voter I would go utterly ballistic if my government didn't secure such resources right on the doorstep of USA.
Do not believe the Greenlanders have much choice when it comes to foreign and security politics.