Grand Duke Mikhail (1878-1918) [brother of Nicholas II]

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Jun 19, 2005
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I am glad the truth is finally acknowledged.
At the time of the Grand Duke's death, the Bolsheviks maintained that 'the people of Ural, angered by exploitation of the working classes, took the justice into their own hands', although no one really believed that tale. Everyone knew that the Grand Duke was killed on Cheka's orders.

In a documentary which was aired here several years ago, it was alleged that the Grand Duke begged his executioners to at least save the lives of his secretary and valet but they were afraid leaving any witnesses, so the Grand Duke had to witness their death, before he himself was murdered.
The bodies were 'destroyed', which some take to understand that they were burned. Although they may well be buried somewhere; Ural is a pretty big place and if one wants to hide something, it is not that difficult.
True,the Urals is a vast area.Still,I do hope,and very much so,that the SEARCH Foundation of Captain Peter Sarandinaki will look towards Perm now,and start an investigation into the possible whereabouts of the two men.Now the Kremlin has acknowledged they were innocent they might come forward with evidence that "accidently" was lost at the time...if you catch my drift.Everything is accidently lost & found there.

I do hope they one day will find Misha and his loyal Johnson .
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A lot of documents concerning the fate of the Romanovs, people behind their executions or other details were deliberately destroyed in 1930's, some were lost and others were ruined during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). It may prove to be really hard to actually find the whereabouts of the bodies; the current Government has no need of keeping the place secret, especially after publically acknowledging that what happened 91 years ago was indeed a murder.
The secretary's name was Nicholas Johnson (source: Michael & Natasha, by Rosemary and Donald Crawford.)
True,the Urals is a vast area.Still,I do hope,and very much so,that the SEARCH Foundation of Captain Peter Sarandinaki will look towards Perm now,and start an investigation into the possible whereabouts of the two men.Now the Kremlin has acknowledged they were innocent they might come forward with evidence that "accidently" was lost at the time...if you catch my drift.Everything is accidently lost & found there.

I do hope they one day will find Misha and his loyal Johnson .

I think that if there was evidence as to where Mikhail was buried it would have come out by now, even though he wasn't rehabilitated until now.
I think that if there was evidence as to where Mikhail was buried it would have come out by now, even though he wasn't rehabilitated until now.

Guess you are right,just wishfull thinking from my side,sometimes matters take longer in Russia,and evidence
and what not pop up as easily as it disappears,it is Russia after all....

I'm fairly convinced Misha and Johnston will not be found,I just Wish they would,c'est ca.

Been to the Hermitage here yesterday,again,and saw Misha's officers coat from the Kozak Regiment.
Here is the blog entry devoted to Grand Duke Mikhail and his wife Natalia Brassova. Although it is in Russian, there are photos of the couple.
Íàòàëüÿ Áðàñîâà è Ìèõàèë Àëåêñàíäðîâè÷ Ðîìàíîâ. Êîììåíòàðèè : LiveInternet - Ðîññèéñêèé Ñåðâèñ Îíëàéí-Äíåâíèêîâ

The following Internet articles are devoted to Grand Duke Mikhail's life and death. They contain photos and excerpt from newspapers/documents. (translation into English) (translation into English)

Additionally ... could it be true?

Ludmila Sadaeva stated 3 days before her death that the former Archbishop of Solovky was in fact Grand Duke Mikhail, the last Tsar of Russia. (Russian version) (translation into English)
But to no avail till now,unfortunately.How sad.

He was the first of the Romanovs to be executed by the Bolsheviks but one of the last to be found,I hope they have some success.
Grand Duke Michael: Brother of the Last Tsar


I found a video-"podcast" with photos about Grand Duke Michael on Youtube (~ 48 min):

"Nicholas Nicholson, Russian History Museum's Director of Development and Romanov scholar, presents new research from his recent book, co-authored with translator Helen Azar, "Michael Romanov: Brother of the Last Tsar, Diaries and Letters 1916-1918."

(further links under the address above)

The video offers some insight into the marriage customs of the Romanovs from minute 11 onwards. Quite interesting!
Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich was the first of the eighteen Romanovs executed during the Russian Revolution.
It is sad that Grand Duke Mikhail's body has never been found. :sad:
Tsar Michael

When Michael became Tsar for 16 hours after Nicholas II abdicated, what was his official regnal number? I've read he was proclaimed Michael II by the army but referred to in various documentation as Michael IV. Does anyone KNOW for certain?
In Nicholas and Alexandra by Robert K. Massie, Grand Duke Michael is referred to as Tsar Michael II.
Grand Duke Michael was the first Romanov to be killed by the Bolsheviks.
IMHO and respectful opinion, Grand Duke Mikhail was a good looking individual.
When Michael became Tsar for 16 hours after Nicholas II abdicated, what was his official regnal number? I've read he was proclaimed Michael II by the army but referred to in various documentation as Michael IV. Does anyone KNOW for certain?

Julian1952, I have been thinking about an Emperor Michael IV.
The only monarch I know who was an Emperor and named Michael IV was:
Michael IV (c. 1010-1041) was Byzantine Emperor from 1034 to 1041.
Grand Duke Michael was the first Romanov to be killed by the Bolsheviks.

He was shot on the 13th of June 1918 along with his secretary in a forest near Perm,the bodies were stripped and anything of value stolen.
Both bodies were buried under a layer of brushwood but have never been found.
David Chavchavadeze wrote a 1990 book titled The Grand Dukes.
Tsar Nicholas II addressed Mikhail as "Majesty" in his telegram of March 3, 1917.
Mikhail's diaries and surviving letters makes no mention of his succession at all.
Upon his abdication,Nicholas II declared on 2 March] 1917,11.40pm

We have judged it right to abdicate the Throne of the Russian State and to lay down the Supreme Power. Not wishing to be parted from Our Beloved Son, We hand over Our Succession to Our Brother the Grand Duke Michael Aleksandrovich and Bless Him on his accession to the Throne.

However the Grand Duke was not aware of the abdication of his brother and was awoken to the news of his proclaimed as "Emperor Michael II''
The Grand Duke later met with Prince Georgy Yevgenyevich Lvov and members of the Provisional Government who had not agreed to the Grand Dukes succession.
Michael Wrote
Inspired, in common with the whole people, by the belief that the welfare of our country must be set above everything else, I have taken the firm decision to assume the supreme power only if and when our great people, having elected by universal suffrage a Constituent Assembly to determine the form of government and lay down the fundamental law of the new Russian State, invest me with such power.
Calling upon them the blessing of God, I therefore request all the citizens of the Russian Empire to submit to the Provisional Government, established and invested with full authority by the Duma, until such time as the Constituent Assembly, elected within the shortest possible time by universal, direct, equal and secret suffrage, shall manifest the will of the people by deciding upon the new form of government.
And with that ended the Romanov Rule
Grand Duke Michael had a son George Mikhailovich, Count Brasov who escaped along with his mother Natalia , Countess Brasova and other family members in November 1918.

They settled in England but sadly the young Count was killed in a car crash nears Sens ,France in 1931.
He was just 20!
If Grand Duke Michael would have been able to rule as Tsar Michael II, would his son George Mikhailovich have been the Tsarevich?
If Grand Duke Michael would have been able to rule as Tsar Michael II, would his son George Mikhailovich have been the Tsarevich?
No,I think most certainly not.As endearing as Misha was,he was also nicknamed Floppy by his sister Olga....i.e....He could never make up his mind...Simular to his dear elder brother,unfortunately..George Brasov would never be Tsar had Michael ruled,not at that day and age,no.He was ousted from ever being in line to the Throne.
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Grand Duke Michael had a son George Mikhailovich, Count Brasov who escaped along with his mother Natalia , Countess Brasova and other family members in November 1918.

They settled in England but sadly the young Count was killed in a car crash nears Sens ,France in 1931.
He was just 20!
George and his mother,who died in poverty,are both buried in Paris at the Passy cemetery near Trocadero.
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