Grand Duke Henri announces abdication date: October 3, 2025

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Heir Presumptive
Sep 25, 2022
United Kingdom
In his annual - and last - Christmas broadcast, the Grand Duke has announced he will step down on October 3 next year.

It was with great emotion that HRH the Grand Duke announced, this Tuesday evening, during the traditional Christmas speech, the date of his abdication in favor of his son, His Royal Highness Prince Guillaume. This key moment for our institutions and all the inhabitants of Luxembourg is scheduled for October 3, 2025.
Watch the full version of HRH the Grand Duke's last Christmas speech:

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It seems Charles will be the youngest heir apparent in world at the age of 5 when the abdication happens. The current youngest heir apparent in the world is the Crown Prince of Bhutan who is 8 years old.
The only surprise here is that he is stepping down 4 days before his 25th anniversary as grand duke - which he now will not complete. I fully expected him to step down next year (before but especially after he made Guillaume his Lieutenant-Representative) but at or just after his anniversary not a few days before.

The Dutch news also covered this announcement: Groothertog Henri van Luxemburg maakt in oktober plaats voor zijn zoon Guillaume
Had hoped he would at least celebrate his silver jubilee as the reigning Grand Duke before leaving…

But that was not meant to be
I’d think for the sake 4 or 5 days he would hold on then abdicate. There is something neat and tidy IMO about a reign being exactly 25years long to the day- and it is only ever likely to be achieved by abdicating rather than holding in until a sovereign’s death.
He is ready to move forward and enjoy a well-deserved retirement while still very healthy and mobile. Now he can relax and enjoy traveling since the Grand Duchy will be in excellent hands.
Do they do crownings with full pomp and circumstance in the country or is it an official announcement ceremony?
Do they do crownings with full pomp and circumstance in the country or is it an official announcement ceremony?
Nottingham like that. First Henri will sign the abdication in the Grand Ducal Palace. Afterwards the new Grand Duke and Grand Duchess will walk to the nearby Chamber where Guillaume will swear the oath. And after thus there should an appearance on the Balcony if the Grand Ducal Palace. At last it was like thus in 2000 and 1964
as far as I can recall its a signing and swearing an oath from the throne and then a walkabout maybe? Rather like the ceremony for Gui becoming Lieutenant Representative. Last time for Henri I think the other BeNeLux sovereigns attended- Belgians and Dutch.

I’m not one for encouraging abdications at all - it sounds a great idea when there is a sovereign you think is out of touch but then it becomes expected even when the alternative isn’t that great
He is ready to move forward and enjoy a well-deserved retirement while still very healthy and mobile. Now he can relax and enjoy traveling since the Grand Duchy will be in excellent hands.
Do they do crownings with full pomp and circumstance in the country or is it an official announcement ceremony?
They don't. Luxembourg doesn't even have a physical crown, I suppose.

Even the countries that have physical crowns don't do coronations anymore. The crown is most displayed in the inauguration/enthronement ceremony (as in the Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden for example).

The UK is the only European country that still does coronations.
I am also surprised that Henri is abdicating so prematurely, one would have thought he would at least wait for his jubilee. There must be good reasons for this, which we won't find out. Maybe it's his wife pushing him, maybe it's the problems in the government that have been simmering since the Waringo Report. After all, this scandal has meant that the Grand Duchess is no longer so popular. I think Henri discussed the change with his son and his son's family a long time ago. They are prepared and ready to take on this task. It will certainly be different, but I personally am looking forward to it because I find this young family very likeable. I wish Henri and his wife a wonderful, stress-free retirement in Paris or Biarritz.
The Grand Duc's Role is now only protocolar.
In December 2008 , As Catholic , Grand Duc Henri refused to sign the law who authorises Euthanasie . This was very badly seen in his Country . So he was asked to abdicate or to loose some of his Powers. He acccepted the second , so he is not able anymore to accept a law . , he may just promulgate it.
I have in mind the Auction of his Mother Grand Duchess Josephine Charlotte jewels , he had to cancel because people from Luxembourg were against to sell presents . He had to pay a huge amount to the Auction House.
I have in mind that he was there when his wife Maria Teresa was asking the Press to listen to all her complaints against his own Mother Grand Duchess Josephine Charlotte;
I have in mind Mr Bettel Prime Minister asking the Waringo Report against the behaviour of the Grand Duchess .
The Heditary Grand Dukes are well prepared to their new Role and the Hed Grand Duchess Family belongs to one the highest Noble Families of Belgium.
I think like Maria Olivia. Anyhow, Maria Teresa should be happy. She won't even have to pretend to live in Luxembourg anymore. And Henri can just do whatever she wants with no one to criticize.
I suspect they, or MT at least, will largely reside in Paris and Biarritz after the abdication. Summers in Cabasson maybe- though does the residence there “go with the job” as such and now becomes Gui and Steph’s?
I suspect they, or MT at least, will largely reside in Paris and Biarritz after the abdication. Summers in Cabasson maybe- though does the residence there “go with the job” as such and now becomes Gui and Steph’s?
Grand Duke Jean moved to Fischbach Castle after his abdication which had also been the last residence of Grand Duchess Charlotte, but she had already moved in there after returning from Exile after WWII
Yes and it will be free following Gui and Steph’s move to the new residence they are creating at Berg Castle so it will likely become Henri and MTs Lux residence but personally I doubt they will spend all of their time there.
Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa have 5 Children;
Prince Guillaume who will be a popular Grand Duke and well prepared ,
Prince Felix who received from his wife Miss Lademacher a Castle and its Wineyards, he left Luxembourg
Princess Alexandra who is married and left Luxembourg
Louis who has two Sons , Is he working ? he is living in Paris in his parents appartment
Sebastien , don't know what he is doing et where he lives.
The Grand Duchess did not want that her 4 Children were jealous because their elder Brother will be the future Grand Duke , was wrong because only him is able to be a Head of State and his best supporter is his wife.
Yes it wouldn't surprise me if the government had said it wasn't paying for or organising any celebrations for a jubilee. TBH it wouldn't surprise me if there was an agreement that Henri would step down before his 25th anniversary.
Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa have 5 Children;
Prince Guillaume who will be a popular Grand Duke and well prepared ,
Prince Felix who received from his wife Miss Lademacher a Castle and its Wineyards, he left Luxembourg
Princess Alexandra who is married and left Luxembourg
Louis who has two Sons , Is he working ? he is living in Paris in his parents appartment
Sebastien , don't know what he is doing et where he lives.
The Grand Duchess did not want that her 4 Children were jealous because their elder Brother will be the future Grand Duke , was wrong because only him is able to be a Head of State and his best supporter is his wife.
The mediation firm that Louis established together with Scarlett's brother in Paris is still listed. It looks like a very small business and might only exist on paper, but maybe they have clients.
The last information I found about Sebastien was that he is working on a forestry project in Italy.
Is not seventy years old considered a young age for a sovereign to abdicate?
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