The movie was called just Grace Kelly
42 Wallaby Way... ha ha i LOVE Finding Nemo... great movie... I'd get confused too... Imagine being their mother and having to yell at them... you'd start making up names all the timeOriginally posted by moosey60@Nov 30th, 2003 - 4:56 pm
haha, I'd make it up
"I'm Princess Alexandra Charlotte Caroline Margaret Elizabeth...Chadwick...of Number 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney, Australia...Princess of My Back Yard, and all of my Front Garden, and of all the lands of my Bathroom."
French is the official language of Monaco. The two main languages there besides French are Italian and English (spoken by foreigners). Monaco also has its own traditional dialect which is a blend between Italian and French and is very similar to Provençal.Originally posted by baezid@Dec 30th, 2003 - 8:48 pm
thanks much!!!! question is french the 1rst. leguage of monaco????? sorry if my questiopns sound stupid but i don't know much about royals....