General News & Information on the Spanish RF

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Queen Letizia, Infanta Elena and Infanta Cristina lent some of their dresses to an exhibition by Lorenzo Caprile. One of the dresses in this exhibition is the iconic dress that Letizia wore to the royal wedding of Frederik and Mary of Denmark.
Always wondered why Letizia has never worn that red dress again. Much better then the other red dress in the exhibition
Yesterday, Queen Sofia and Infanta Cristina traveled to Guadalajara to watch Pablo Urdangarin play before Christmas.

Spanish magazine Hola has some lovely family photos of King Juan Carlos' recent birthday party:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** Pic 4 ** Pic 5 ** Pic 6 ** Pic 7 **

A nice family gathering to mark the former monarchs 87th Birthday!
A nice family gathering to mark the former monarchs 87th Birthday!
Another nail in the coffin of the Spanish Crown by a selfish man and a family eager to inherit his millions who does not know how to maintain discretion and sells their privacy to a magazine to be the center of attention.

While some enjoy millionaire parties paid for with dark money... Princess Leonor, at 19 years old, will spend 6 months on board a military ship, once again saving the Crown that her grandfather was in charge of sinking and without which all of them would be irrelevant.
Interestingly, the girlfriends of Infanta Cristina's children, Johanna Zott and Olympia Beracasa, and Irene's boyfriend, Juan Urquijo, were also present.
While some enjoy millionaire parties paid for with dark money... Princess Leonor, at 19 years old, will spend 6 months on board a military ship, once again saving the Crown that her grandfather was in charge of sinking and without which all of them would be irrelevant.
Her grandfather is selfish and troubled and did a lot of damage, yes, but without the good parts of what he did and the Crown he helped save, Leonor is not a princess with a country or a military to serve in at all… and they are all irrelevant.

He’s old, he’s ill, he’s not going to do sackcloth and ashes. He hasn’t done anything that he deserves to never be with the family that are still willing to see him.

Everything seems to indicate Leonor will be as popular with everyone as JC was. If she ends up as part of his best legacy, that didn’t come from nowhere.
The main reason why Juan Carlos went to Abu Dhabi and continues to reside there is so that he does not have to declare to the Spanish Treasury the money he has in accounts abroad.... using the image of the "poor old man who cannot return to his country" is a rather cynical act of manipulation.

In one of the magazine's photographs, the grandchildren appear with Nicolás Murga posing as if he was a member of the family. This military man was the one appointed by Juan Carlos to pay for the whims of the grandchildren with the money that a Mexican millionaire gave to Juan Carlos.

Not only do they expose their private lives exclusively in the magazine, but they seem to revel in all the economic crimes committed to allow them to live a life of luxury.
I still remember my Spanish professor at university (pre-Corinna-safari) talking about King Juan Carlos with tears in her eyes and talking about what he did to save Spain's young democracy. That is the Juan-Carlos we have to admire. No European post-WWII monarch left a bigger mark on its country than him. It is tragic that he fell victim to his own vanity and greed indeed. But he was a great man who did something great exactly when his country needed him.

As for the nail in the coffin: I think King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia were able to distance themselves from Juan-Carlos enough to command respect on their own. That they were able to do so was a small miracle but they succeeded, which is very much to their credit. I doubt many Spaniards will blame Felipe for whatever his father is doing -objectionable as that may be.

As for the 'old-man act' not returning to Spain. He is frail and old and it is best for all that he stays away from Spain as the last thing King Felipe VI needs is for the country to be reminded about JC's greed. So in that sense it is not perse an act but it is the reality of the situation. Obviously the situation is the consequence of JC's own actions.

I am glad that his daughters and grandchildren still visit him. I understand why it irritates you lula, I may have felt the same had it been my own former King. But even for King Felipe VI it must be a comfort that his father is not completely out on his own. As for selling/handing the photos to Hola!, I can not disagree with you there.
I grew up watching him on the news as his rivalry with his cousin, the Duke of Cadiz married to Franco's granddaughter lasted until the 70s. The birth of Felipe in 1968 saved Juan Carlos. And yet, his actions being exposed after the Corinna drama almost ended Felipe's attempt to become king one day.

I moved from admiration to absolute repulsion of our former king and, even if it sounds harsh, when he passes away, I hope king Felipe will do a low-key funeral and send him to the royal crypt we call El Pudridero without any pomp or circumstance.
Felipe and then Leonor, are restoring the faith on a stable modern monarchy from the mess created by Juan Carlos and his pals.
I still remember my Spanish professor at university (pre-Corinna-safari) talking about King Juan Carlos with tears in her eyes and talking about what he did to save Spain's young democracy. That is the Juan-Carlos we have to admire. No European post-WWII monarch left a bigger mark on its country than him. It is tragic that he fell victim to his own vanity and greed indeed. But he was a great man who did something great exactly when his country needed him.

As for the nail in the coffin: I think King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia were able to distance themselves from Juan-Carlos enough to command respect on their own. That they were able to do so was a small miracle but they succeeded, which is very much to their credit. I doubt many Spaniards will blame Felipe for whatever his father is doing -objectionable as that may be.

As for the 'old-man act' not returning to Spain. He is frail and old and it is best for all that he stays away from Spain as the last thing King Felipe VI needs is for the country to be reminded about JC's greed. So in that sense it is not perse an act but it is the reality of the situation. Obviously the situation is the consequence of JC's own actions.

I am glad that his daughters and grandchildren still visit him. I understand why it irritates you lula, I may have felt the same had it been my own former King. But even for King Felipe VI it must be a comfort that his father is not completely out on his own. As for selling/handing the photos to Hola!, I can not disagree with you there.

Agree 100% - all credit for JC for what he did for Spain and its democracy and of course he deserves to be with his family while in exile no need to pose for HOLA showing off the luxury lifestyle that is being financed by dirty money. And shame on those family members who life off and are settled for life by that dirty money instead getting a job and work for their living. I wonder if daddy/grandpa was poor, would they all flock to the UAE to comfort him, I seriously doubt it.
But is there anyone in the 20-30 year age of royal hanger-ons, cousins, etc that actually want to have a normal 8-16 job? No, noone wants to have a boring office job, everyone wants to be free, travel the world, be an influencer, a model, an artist, a realityTV contestant, a designer, all on the back of their more famous relations name. Maybe it is hope for some of the belgian cousins but so far it seems the only ones.

All in all there is a sad situation when it is not even possible to make a three generations photo of the former, present and future King/Queen when Leonor was 18. (Seems to remember one from when she was 5 maybe?).

Would be very supprised if the funeral was a smal one, Im sure it is arranged already and that he has supporters in Spain that will make it suitable grand for his ego.
But is there anyone in the 20-30 year age of royal hanger-ons, cousins, etc that actually want to have a normal 8-16 job? No, noone wants to have a boring office job, everyone wants to be free, travel the world, be an influencer, a model, an artist, a realityTV contestant, a designer, all on the back of their more famous relations name. Maybe it is hope for some of the belgian cousins but so far it seems the only ones.

All in all there is a sad situation when it is not even possible to make a three generations photo of the former, present and future King/Queen when Leonor was 18. (Seems to remember one from when she was 5 maybe?).

Would be very supprised if the funeral was a smal one, Im sure it is arranged already and that he has supporters in Spain that will make it suitable grand for his ego.
Most of King Juan Carlos' grandchildren even lead discreet lives. Felipe Froilan lives in the United Arab Emirates near his grandfather and is looking for a job there, the children of Infanta Cristina also live discreet lives in London and other cities, and Pablo is the best known because of his career in sports. The only one who chose a life as an influencer is Victoria Federica, and she is the only one of her grandchildren who has an open Instagram page.
But is there anyone in the 20-30 year age of royal hanger-ons, cousins, etc that actually want to have a normal 8-16 job? No, noone wants to have a boring office job, everyone wants to be free, travel the world, be an influencer, a model, an artist, a realityTV contestant, a designer, all on the back of their more famous relations name. Maybe it is hope for some of the belgian cousins but so far it seems the only ones.
I didn't understand the reference to the "Belgian cousins" but all of King Philippe's nephews are highly educated and either work in the Banking/Finance sector, for NGO's or are studying at a military academy or college (all but 2 of King Albert's grandsons have received a military education), and have led very, very private lives.

As for King Felipe's nephews, Juan supposedly works for Extreme E in London, Miguel is a marine biologist, Pablo is a professional handball player, and Irene is in college. Froilán and Victoria Federica are a whole different deal.
The rift in the family is clear and very real. I am glad that Juan Carlos was surrounded by his daughters and 6 of his grandchildren on his birthday. It is sad that due to his actions in the latter part of his reign, his son had to decide to distance his family almost completely from him - while painful for both, they know that this is for the best of the monarchy.
But is there anyone in the 20-30 year age of royal hanger-ons, cousins, etc that actually want to have a normal 8-16 job? No, noone wants to have a boring office job, everyone wants to be free, travel the world, be an influencer, a model, an artist, a realityTV contestant, a designer, all on the back of their more famous relations name. Maybe it is hope for some of the belgian cousins but so far it seems the only ones.

All in all there is a sad situation when it is not even possible to make a three generations photo of the former, present and future King/Queen when Leonor was 18. (Seems to remember one from when she was 5 maybe?).

Would be very supprised if the funeral was a smal one, Im sure it is arranged already and that he has supporters in Spain that will make it suitable grand for his ego.
I think Cristinas children are very well educated/still in education/have an occupation based on talent. Its mainly Elenas children, VF as model/influencer and Felipe would be nowhere near a job in the UAE without his grandfather, both he and his sister did not excel at school and use the money or influence for their lifestyles. Its one thing to do this in private, another to flaunt it in public, especially with the background/history on what that money/influence is based on.
Selling the photos to glossy magazines is tacky and had they not done that and the visit was kept private I'd have no issue with them visiting the ex Monarch.
Interesting to note that Queen Sofia has not visited her husband.
Selling the photos to glossy magazines is tacky and had they not done that and the visit was kept private I'd have no issue with them visiting the ex Monarch.
Interesting to note that Queen Sofia has not visited her husband.
Sofia is Team Felipe and will only associate with JC on occasions like funerals of family or royals.
Selling the photos to glossy magazines is tacky and had they not done that and the visit was kept private I'd have no issue with them visiting the ex Monarch.
Interesting to note that Queen Sofia has not visited her husband.
Juan Carlos made HOLA his glossy magazine of choice, giving exclusive news and pictures during all of his reign. It all ended with Felipe and Letizia - they've never favoured any magazine or paper. It's one of the reasons HOLA keeps favouring Juan Carlos, Elena and Cristina. They keep giving HOLA exclusives.

Queen Sofia separated effectively from JC more than 40 years ago, is a working member of the SRF, lives happily in Zarzuela and no longer wants to be part of any tacky magazine promotion of her still husband. She has a close relationship with her daughters and grandchildren but, quietly, she's put the same firewall as Felipe and Letizia regarding HOLA's photographic "specials".
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