But is there anyone in the 20-30 year age of royal hanger-ons, cousins, etc that actually want to have a normal 8-16 job? No, noone wants to have a boring office job, everyone wants to be free, travel the world, be an influencer, a model, an artist, a realityTV contestant, a designer, all on the back of their more famous relations name. Maybe it is hope for some of the belgian cousins but so far it seems the only ones.
All in all there is a sad situation when it is not even possible to make a three generations photo of the former, present and future King/Queen when Leonor was 18. (Seems to remember one from when she was 5 maybe?).
Would be very supprised if the funeral was a smal one, Im sure it is arranged already and that he has supporters in Spain that will make it suitable grand for his ego.