General news and Questions about Princess Lalla Salma and her family

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Mar 23, 2003
Every time I see a picture of Lalla Salma I keep thinking that she uses henna on her hair to get that glorious auburn/red color. I use it on my hair and achieve a amazing auburn color.

Are there any pictures of her prior to her marriage. Such vibrant red hair yet eyebrows are light brown. I don't mean to harp...but this has got to be henna dyed hair. My husband and I both henna our hair (mine was dark brown and his was dishwater blonde) and that shine is amazing.
I am just curious to see what her hair has always looked like.
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Her hair is natural red but she use henna to make it more red.
I remember I saw a picture of her before she was married.
She was with friends, she had red curly hair and was wearing a modern short dress with no sleeves. You would not tell she was an arab.
I would see if i can find it.
Questions about Princess Lalla Salma and her family

Where was lalla Salma born? Is she of Moroccan origin?
Princess lalla Salma of morocco is engineer in computer sciences and management.

She has a baccalaoreate in mathemetic sciences,after that she did the 2 preparatory years school for engineering schools in lycée My youssef in Rabat,she was the major of her promotion.
She after that did the 3years of speciality in computer sciences and finished again amjor of her promotion ;)

After her diploma in engineering in computer sciences and management from a prominent colleage in rabat,she worked in the biggest holding of morocco and africa"ONA"omnium north africa.
I'm happy that modest people in morocco could TO DO big studies with international and heigh quality studies,and don't have to be rich to could to go outside and TO DO THAT :heart:
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I have a very dumb question ... is her father well off?
Originally posted by King Christian@Apr 25th, 2004 - 9:01 pm
I have a very dumb question ... is her father well off?
No,her father is a simple teacher primary school in Fès,which is very modest in morocco,she lost her mom when she was 3 years,so she was living in "LAKBIBAT" a very modest district in rabat with her gd-moth ;)
He was a teacher of a primery school , he's from Fez and he had no connection with the royal family who lives in Rabat...Lalla Selma met the king while she was working in the biggest holding of morocco and africa"ONA"omnium north africa. by the way the royal family own 51% of this holding ;)
I open a bracket, because I know that it is not the topic, but there are three opinions all the same concerning the meeting of salma and Mohamed VI:
1 - When Mohamed VI received the best big school pupils of which made part salma
2 - to the ONA society in which worked salma
3 - at the king's personal physician who is the mother's cousin to salma
Which is the good, or are they all false and it happened otherwise?
In any case, some journalists affirmed that the meeting was not fortuitous and that it is a political marriage and not a marriage of love. It is true or false, that …
I close the bracket
Originally posted by rosa@Apr 28th, 2004 - 2:26 am
I open a bracket, because I know that it is not the topic, but there are three opinions all the same concerning the meeting of salma and Mohamed VI:
1 - When Mohamed VI received the best big school pupils of which made part salma
2 - to the ONA society in which worked salma
3 - at the king's personal physician who is the mother's cousin to salma
Which is the good, or are they all false and it happened otherwise?
In any case, some journalists affirmed that the meeting was not fortuitous and that it is a political marriage and not a marriage of love. It is true or false, that …
I close the bracket
Believe me that first met KM6 when she was reawrderd with the best students in morocco in a special party.
She worked in ONA becauce she was one of that best students,and not for other reason,of course she met the king there many time,but they were alraedy dating when she began working for ONA.
I don't think that ,even the royal family has a part in the ONA,her mumber and especially the king will come every day there.The holding is managed by competent persons and by the king :p
Originally posted by Monalisa@Apr 28th, 2004 - 5:11 am
The holding is managed by competent persons and by the king :p
sorry i meant the holding is managed by a competent person and not by the king :rolleyes:
Originally posted by rosa@Apr 28th, 2004 - 2:26 am
I open a bracket, because I know that it is not the topic, but there are three opinions all the same concerning the meeting of salma and Mohamed VI:
1 - When Mohamed VI received the best big school pupils of which made part salma
2 - to the ONA society in which worked salma
3 - at the king's personal physician who is the mother's cousin to salma
Which is the good, or are they all false and it happened otherwise?
In any case, some journalists affirmed that the meeting was not fortuitous and that it is a political marriage and not a marriage of love. It is true or false, that …
I close the bracket
It cannot be a political marriage because Salma comes from a modest family who does not influence on the political morrocan arena
Here are some unique photos of Lalla Salma before her mariage to the KM6.
Very nice hair with natural look.

The first photo with other students at the University and the other one in high-school.


  • Queen1.jpg
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  • Queen_2560.jpg
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abir said:
Here are some unique photos of Lalla Salma before her mariage to the KM6.
Very nice hair with natural look.

The first photo with other students at the University and the other one in high-school.
she seems not very tall, I think she is about 1.60m
isis said:
she seems not very tall, I think she is about 1.60m
yes, I think she is about 1.60m
I like the pic when she is in high school, she is cute, but in the second pic with students, she is completely different, she is tasteless
abir said:
Here are some unique photos of Lalla Salma before her mariage to the KM6.
Very nice hair with natural look.

The first photo with other students at the University and the other one in high-school.

She looks quite ordinary in these pictures. I wonder how the two met. I also wonder why the king, surrounded by beautiful princesses and others, chose Salma. Salma looks gorgeoous now, showing the confidnece as a the first lady of Morocco. However, Salma before looks rather plain and humble. does anyone know how they met each other?
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julial said:
abir said:
Here are some unique photos of Lalla Salma before her mariage to the KM6.
abir said:
Very nice hair with natural look.

The first photo with other students at the University and the other one in high-school.[/QUOTE]

She looks quite ordinary in these pictures. I wonder how the two met. I also wonder why the king, surrounded by beautiful princesses and others, chose Salma. Salma looks gorgeoous now, showing the confidnece as a the first lady of Morocco. However, Salma before looks rather plain and humble. does anyone know how they met each other?
the maternal family of salma is " bensouda ", it is one of the greatest Morrocan families, and the personal doctor of M6 is a cousin of her mother, it is at his house that salma met M6 at the time of one private evening

loubna2 said:
the maternal family of salma is " bensouda ", it is one of the greatest Morrocan families, and the personal doctor of M6 is a cousin of her mother, it is at his house that salma met M6 at the time of one private evening
What is the full name of this doctor? and what is his area of speciality?
I read these information on the net, the source has not been mentioned and it concerns Princess lalla salma, and I would like to know if it is true or not

Salma Bennani is not a girl who comes from of common family; indeed, the wife of the king of Morocco Salma Bennani would have been chosen and recommended (for not to say imposed) by a group of general. A cousin of Salma Bennani is the general of army corps Abdelaziz Bennani, terrestrial strength inspector.
Salma Bennani has been presented by the press of the palace as engineer in computer science, top of one's year, to the national school of computer science in Rabat. Engineer certainly, thanks to the interventions of the persons responsible of the Holding ONA where she did her practical training, but top of one's year never.
Salma Bennani dreamed to make her life elsewhere. In this perspective, she even passed the "French baccalaureate" (technical section). She had it, but without mention contrary to her cousin Maria Bennani who had it with mention "good". She dreamed of Quebec, she declared it to who wanted to hear her in the lounges of Caramail, when the present Lalla Salma was the internaut Besides, it is at the time of the different discussions in the above-mentioned lounges that her friends (virtual) noticed that she was psychologically failing. This failing was due to the bad treatments that she has undergo by her father's second wife
This article comes from the algerian El Watan, paper of the algerian army, and is full of old news about the life in the Palaces under Hassan II, hate between algerian and moroccans - the moroccan king who support islamic fundamentalism against Algeria and his heroic army! - , and other ridiculous rumors. They even confuse her with another Salma Bennani, president of the aerobic federation. When you see the picture of this woman on internet, hi, hi, hi ... there's a lot of bennani in Morocco like Martin in France.

Well, if you want to know anything about her, you better read Le Monde and his serious journalists, and listen to her old school friends. They publish her pic at the end of year ceremony, when she graduate first of ONE OF THE TWO SECTIONS of her school- but the other section was better.
It's great to see Lalla Salma out and about. Hopefully, we will see her follow in her sister-in-laws' steps and take an active and productive role in Moroccan and international society.

Just a side question: I know that traditionally the wives of Moroccan kings have been from Berber families in order to preserve stability among the various tribes. Is Lalla Salma also Berber? I'm sure she has some Berber heritage - as do most Moroccans - but does she acknowledge her Berber origins? You know, you guys have probably discussed this before but I'm too lazy to search all the previous threads. It's much easier to just ask one of our knowledgable members!!
madonna23 said:
Is Lalla Salma also Berber?

Actually,Salma is not berber,she's originally from fez,people of Fez are usually a mix of arabs and spanish muslims who left Spain after the declin of muslim reign in Andalucia!

madonna23 said:
I'm sure she has some Berber heritage - as do most Moroccans - but does she acknowledge her Berber origins? You know, you guys have probably discussed this before but I'm too lazy to search all the previous threads. It's much easier to just ask one of our knowledgable members!!

Actaually,not all moroccan people had a berber heritage.
Yes,indeed,40% of moroccan are berber,and 60% are arabs,but those who are arabs had not necessarly berber heritage.
As I know, being myself half moroccan berber by my father(my mother is russian),berber people didn't allow the marriages with arabs,it changed only recently ,where now people (arabs and berber) began to make mix marriages!

madonna23 said:
Just a side question: I know that traditionally the wives of Moroccan kings have been from Berber families in order to preserve stability among the various tribes. .
That's not true,all moroccan kings' wives wern't berber.King hassan II's mother was a half black slave originally from Marrakesh area!
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Okay, this is all very interesting. I have very limited knowledge about the subject... so I actually thought that it was tradition for the king to have a Berber wife. King Hassan's father - King Muhammad - had two wives, Lalla Abla and Lalla Bahia. Lalla Abla was the mother of Hassan and I remember reading in Malika Oufkir's book that she came from a wealthy Berber family. Lalla Bahia too was said to be Berber. And King Hassan's wife Lalla Latifa was also said to be Berber and I know - or at least I'm pretty sure - this must be true because articles on Lalla Meriem or Lalla Hasna mention they are half-Berber.

Anyway, I've also read that a signficant portion of the Moroccan population are Berber or half-Berber. At least 40% is acknowledged Berber descent but most scholars think there are more. I didn't know that marriage with Arabs was forbidden for Berbers, MonaLisa so yes, maybe inbreeding is only a recent phenomenon.
madonna23 said:
I actually thought that it was tradition for the king to have a Berber wife. King Hassan's father - King Muhammad - had two wives, Lalla Abla and Lalla Bahia. Lalla Abla was the mother of Hassan and I remember reading in Malika Oufkir's book that she came from a wealthy Berber family. Lalla Bahia too was said to be Berber.

Yes,indeed,most of the moroccan kings' wives were berber,but it's not a condition,there were many who wern't berber!

madonna23 said:
King Hassan's father - King Muhammad - had two wives, Lalla Abla and Lalla Bahia. Lalla Abla was the mother of Hassan and I remember reading in Malika Oufkir's book that she came from a wealthy Berber family. Lalla Bahia too was said to be Berber.

King Muhammed V father of King HassnII had only one wife,Lalla Abla,who was a half black slave origin and not from a berber wealthy family,she was given to KMV as a gift from Glawi.

Lalla Bahia wasn't an official wife of KMV but his prefered woman from his Harem,and yes she was from berber origin!
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madonna23 said:
Lalla Abla was the mother of Hassan and I remember reading in Malika Oufkir's book that she came from a wealthy Berber family. Lalla Bahia too was said to be Berber. And King Hassan's wife Lalla Latifa was also said to be Berber and I know - or at least I'm pretty sure - this must be true because articles on Lalla Meriem or Lalla Hasna mention they are half-Berber.

I think you are confusing, I've read the same book of Malika oufkir,and she was talking about kMVI's mother(mother of princesses lalla meryem,asma and hasna and My Rashid) and KHII's wife,who was from a wealthy berber family and not about Lalla Abla,KHII's mother who aws for sure a half back salve given as a gift by Glawi "mayor" of Marrakesh to KMV.

madonna23 said:
I didn't know that marriage with Arabs was forbidden for Berbers, MonaLisa so yes, maybe inbreeding is only a recent phenomenon.

Actaully,it's berber who usually refused marriages to arabs,and I can say that from my berber origins I have 0% arab origin,because it was just forbidden.

Arabs were usually open to mix marriages.

madonna23 said:
I MonaLisa so yes, maybe inbreeding is only a recent phenomenon.

I believe that mix marriages between arabs and berbers is a recent phenomenon,but there's some berbers who still refuse that,I'm talking here especially about "Rif's area" .In morocco there's 3important berber areas:1-North=Rif,2-middle and Atlas=Mazigh,and 3-South=Souss).
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did lalla salma's relatives change their way of life after her marriage? any news about what her family has been up to since she got married?
imane44 said:
did lalla salma's relatives change their way of life after her marriage? any news about what her family has been up to since she got married?

I heard that her grandmom (the one who raised her) moved to another place. But the rest of the family are still living in a "normal" way.
First her grandmum move to another place, a bigger house in the district of the diplomats, but she didn't feel good in this new environment and came back to her popular one.
i read in an interview that lalla salma took her son to visit her grandmother all the time and by herself without guards i don't think the king would let her go if it was a popular district.maybe the news of her grandmother moving back to her old house was just a rumor.
Didn't the rest of the family treat Salma badly? Especially her step-mom and her dad?

Layla27 said:
I heard that her grandmom (the one who raised her) moved to another place. But the rest of the family are still living in a "normal" way.
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