Ah, this one:
Okay, I'll have a look at it and add my comments in this post later.
If you have questions about what is being said at a specific point in the review, just let me know where, and I'll look at it.
The review is a mix of clips and interviews with three royal reporters. From left to right, Tine, reporter from DR1. Thomas, reporter from the serious newspaper Berlinske Tidende and author of the book Amalienborg. And Trine Larsen from Billed Bladet. (*)
The are asked what they thought was the most significan royal event of 2011, Tine replies that it was the day M&F left Rigshospitalet with the twins. Mary had just told about a detail and added: "It's actually very moving", and then she became moved herself. Leading Tine to also become emotional.
Thomas: Frederik visiting Japan after the tsunami. Frederik at some point played soccer with a number of evacuated children, (some of whom had lost home or even parents) and that was a moment of spontanious joire de vivre.
Trine: Isabella was enchanting during the baptism of the twins.
Tine is asked why the baptism and the British wedding were so big events. (She covered them for DR1). - Because they are big event to gather around. The christening of M&F's children is perhaps particulary interesting because Frederik is the heir and because the children are persons we will follow their entire lives (or more likely the rest of our lives)
But why did we see so little of QMII at the British wedding? Because the coverage was primarily directed at the British audience, so the cameras focused on persons in the BRF, British celebs and other people the British viewers know. A continental monarch is not in that catagory.
Trine comments on the fact that M&F were not at the wedding, which she thought was a bit odd. And she talked with Frederik about it in London and he said: "It's no shame not to attend, when you are not invited".
She was the only danish reporter in the international press pool and as such she watched the wedding up close.
Christian started in the public school. Why did that get such a coverage?
Thomas: It was significant that Christian attends a public school and apart from finding a school where M&F believe their son will thrive there it's also a signal that the DRF is not isolated from the population. It will also prepare Christian better in the future, that he has been a part of the lives of ordinary Danes.
Thomas is asked about the US view of M&F as European royals. To the Americans a Danish politician is of very little interest indeed, but royalty, that's something different. Something exotic and as such they open very different doors than politicians and get more attention. Which again means that DK as a small nation get more PR.
What does it mean that M&F pack boxes with emergency equipment for UNICEF with Will & Kate?
Thomas explains: Hopefully UNICEF got some attention as well, but as W&K have a very high international profile that also rubs off on M&F and as such Denmark. (**)
Trine is then asked about Frederik's trip to Japan, which was a gesture the Japanese very much noted and were very grateful for indeed. Frederik was the first royal to visit the area stricken by the tsunami and that at a time, when there was still some doubt as to the safety in regards to radiation. In fact Japanese journalist thanked the Danish reporters and the Danish people when she covered Joachim and our Marie's visit to Japan some months later. (***)
Thomas explains that the Imperial Family maintains a much greater distance to the Japanese people than the DRF and then suddenly Frederik showed up, interacting with ordinary Japanese, playing with children and so on.
His visit got massive coverage in the Japanese media.
Trine is then asked how close she gets to the DRF, among other places in Africa, where she litterally slept in a tent next to Frederik's. The locals had certainly not imagined a foreign dignitary and a royal at that living so rough and being so approachable. The fascillities were below basic, no clean water, no baths, no electricity.
In 2012 QMII 40th year of her reign is celebrated.
(The short speech made by QMII from the balcony is very poignant).
Tine tells us that one of her very first memories from TV is an image of a coffin draped with a flag. To her QMII has been there always. She cannot remember anything before QMII.
Thomas spoke with QMII about this day and she told him that it was the many people who had shown up at the square in front of Christiansborg on this bitterly cold day, that gave her the strength to give her speech. In the midst of her grief she also felt ready to take over, her parents had prepared her well.
Tine: It's difficult for her to say how QMII has coped, she has always been there.QMII is a central figure throughout her life and laugingly she adds that she knows grown men who shed tears when they watch QMII on TV, (giving her New Year speech), because she means something and because she has the abillity to speak to us and to gather us around, sometimes being thought provoking.
Thomas believes is worth pondering that in an age where many believe royalty is an anacronism, QMII has been able to establish that institution very securely. On the contrary she has over a span of 40 years strengthned the monarchy and been able to reach out to the Danes, not least through her New Year speeches. Where she manages to have an albeit one-sided dialogue with the Danes.
Tine adds that QMII has developed tremedously thorughout her 40 years of reign. She has become more bold, not least in regards to her art.
Trine tells us that QMII by her own admission is in no way a gadget freak. It is believed that she has a mobile phone, but she has never used it and technology is completely alien to her.
A part of the reason why QMII has developed the way she has is that she has three sisters and two sons, that influences her. In her boys have been able to provide feedback for her. (****)
Thomas ends by saying that the reason for the DRG success throught QMII's reign is that she has opened the DRF and that a monarchy that is isolated simply cannot survive in our time and age.
The whole things ends with Tine talking a little bit about the coverage at the jubilee next month, of which a good deal is kept secret, even from QMII herself. There will be a couple of surprises.
- I see that the programme sidestepped the controversy regarding the Bahrain visit. Which was basically poor advise from the government.
(*) I have noticed that for the last few years, when the networks need a "royal reporter", their either get someone from Billed Bladet or a historian. Just ten years ago, the legendary Mugge from Se & Hør or Bodil Cath from BT, would almost certainly have been among those selected. But reporters from the magazines Her & Nu and Se & Hør and the tabloid BT are no longer used. It's no surprise with Se & Hør, they've ruined it for themselves and are no longer taken seriously in that context - if any.
(**) Interestingly Thomas labelled Will and Kate as the Heirs to the Throne, which is incorrect but very much the perception here in DK. With all due respect for the Prince of Wales, he is more or less considered an interrim figure, who will merely fill out the gap until the real heirs, W&K, enters the stage.
(***) That was also mentioned in her interview with M&J.
(****) It is my clear impression that QMII is an observant woman, who is willing to learn, also from her juniours. She has certainly learned from Mary in regards to interacting with ordinary people.