And now for a more merry story.
Bare fordi man er et af de øverste medlemmer af Kongehuset, er det ikke nødvendigvis alle, der ved, hvem man er.
The chef Dak Wichangoen, worked for years at a Michelin restaurant, Kiin Kiin, in Copenhagen back when FX&QM were the CP-couple. They sometimes frequented that restaurant or went for take-away there.
Then CP Mary's favorite being a Thai dish, Pad Thai.
Sometimes such a visit was announced and at other times they dropped by and asked if there was a table free.
However as most of the staff were foreigners, they sometimes didn't know who CPs M&F were.
And on one occasion CP Mary went around to the kitchen. "So she came in and said: Hi, they say there isn't room? I answered: Who says there isn't room? You (informal) just sit down."
She's now working as a chef in a reputable restaurant in Aarhus, where she hasn't yet served the Regent Couple.
- I've actually been to that restaurant many, many years ago. The prices already back then were insane!
Anyway, my boss turned 60, so he invited his employees, family and friends and business associates for dinner after work. We, the employees had been home for a shower and a change of clothes and we were each fully capable of eating a whole cow, raw!
Food was served. On the plate was a couple of potatoes, a small piece of meat, a bit of green sauce and some green chicken-fodder. We looked at it. And gulped it down in one go. That was the main dish! - On top of that the son of our boss went to the Music Conservatory in Aarhus and he and a couple of friends entertained us with chamber-music. No kidding! To a group of people who mostly was in the habit of walking on our knuckles.
When the dinner was over most of my colleagues went down to a local inn and drank a beer or fifteen. I was young an hungry, so I went home to my parents to get some real food.
To this day it's still one of my most memorable restaurant-visits.