Funerals of King Pavlos and Queen Frederika

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Can anyone post pictures or testimonies of the funerals of Their Majesties the King and the Queen of Greece ??
I haven't been able to find pictures of the funeral of either King Paul or Queen Frederika but I did find a few pictures of Queen Sofia visiting her parents gravesite in Greece a few years back. - Original caption: Queen Sophia & King Juan Carlos visit the tomb of the Queen's parents at Tatoi.


  • tatoi_1.jpg
    39.9 KB · Views: 2,422 - Original caption: Queen Sophia & King Juan Carlos visit the tomb of the Queen's parents at Tatoi.


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In 1964, many royals attended the State funeral of HM King Pavlos I of the Hellenes, in Athens:

Denmark - TM King Frederik IX and Queen Ingrid and TRH Crown Princess Margrethe and Princesses Benedikte and Anne-Marie (fiancée of HM King Konstantinos II, King of the Hellenes immediately after his father's death)
Great-Britain - HRH Prince Philipp (his fisrt cousin)
Italy - HRH Princess Irene (his sister)
Monaco - HSH Prince Rainier III
The Netherlands - HM Queen Juliana I and HRH Prince Bernhard
Romania - TM King Mihaï I (his nephew), Queen Anna and Queen-mother Elena (his sister)
Spain - THR Infante Juan Carlos and Infanta Sofia (his daughter)

Of course the Greek Royal Family were also present, including HM Queen-mother Frederika, his widow and THR, Princess Irene, his daughter and Prince Michael, his first cousin.
Probably many other royals attended the funeral.

I would like to see pics or the guests who attended both ceremonies, please.

Thanks in advance.
In 1981, HM Queen Sofia had permission to attend the funeral of HM Queen-mother Frederika of the Hellenes, her beloved mother. TM, King Konstantinos II and Queen Anna Maria of the Hellenes also had an authorisation to attend the funeral in Tatoï... but they had to leave Greece 24 hours after.
I thought Queen Frederiki actually died in Madrid, so weren't any of the actual funeral ceremonies held there, or was the service conducted only at Tatoi?
Hey guys!!..Lets stop this thread!!It is quite depressive talking about sad things!!
Originally posted by cuervo@May 9th, 2004 - 4:07 pm
Hey guys!!..Lets stop this thread!!It is quite depressive talking about sad things!!
If you personally find this thread to be depressing, then by all means, please skip it. But if there are other members interested in posting about and reading about the funerals of King Paul and Queen Frederika then they are free to do so. But there's no need to stop the thread altogether because one member finds it depressing.
HM Queen Fredrika died in Madrid, but her funeral was in Tatoï Palace, Athens.
I don't know if there was any funeral ceremony in the Spanish capital and I don't find any pic of the funeral in Athens.
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vasilofron said:

Actually, this photo is not from the day of the actual funeral. As we can see, the cortege is descending down Queen Sofia Ave. (Leoforos Vas. Sofias) toward the Cathedral. So, it was taken several days before the funeral when the casket was transferred to the Cathedral for lying in State. Further, one can see, Queen Frederica wearing a short dress, while during the funeral she wore a long dress with white sash or sky blue sash and no foreign dignitaries are seen behind the second row of the princes and princesses. In this photograph, in the second row, present are, the (then) Crown Princess Irene (center), the (then) princess of the Asturias, princess Sophia (far left), prince Peter (Petros) of Greece, son of prince George, then second in line of succession (second from the left), prince Michael, son of prince Christophor, then third in line of succession (second from the right) and, last, the prince of the Asturias.
Of note, during the actual funeral there was an addition of 6-7 rows to the cortege, composed of the foreign dignitaries as above quoted. Importantly, the US delegation comprised Mrs. Lyndon Johnson (wife of the then president) and president Truman.
The funeral was indeed dramatic, in a majestic sense. It is a shame that no pictures are available. Queen Frederica was a master of staging glamorous events and, perhaps, this is one of the reasons that led to the demise of the monarchy.
I was arguing with a friend, he said that when Queen Federika died, in the militar airpot of tatoi had some politicians of Greece...One of them made the inclination of the head (the greeting to the Queen) when passing the coffin .Was the friend of Constantine, Misotakis?
It could have been Mitsotakis or some other politician of the right. In fact, back in those days, it wasn't advisable to show any affection towards the Royals especially if one was involved in politics. That is why the late Georgios Rallis,Prime Minister at the time, a man who had openly expressed his sympathy towards the Royal Family, had to ask his ministers not to show off during the funeral (if they decided to attend, that is).
I was arguing with a friend, he said that when Queen Federika died, in the militar airpot of tatoi had some politicians of Greece...One of them made the inclination of the head (the greeting to the Queen) when passing the coffin .Was the friend of Constantine, Misotakis?

You've got me intrigued ... how do you know that?

I don´t know exactly , but the airport was Rallis(????), Misotakis and Estefanolopoulus .. They were there for received to the Duke of Edinburgh .. I have heard tell that it was Estefanolopulus ..
Royals guests, I remember:
to: Duke of Edinburgh
b: Queen Mother Juliana of the Netherlands
c: Queen Mother Ingrid of Denmark, she was accompanied by Prince Henrik
d: Agha Kant (in the photos)
e: Kings of Bulgaria
F: Grand Duchess Josephine-Charlotte of Luxembourg
h: I think it was Queen Fabiola but I can not remember it ...
i: Kings of Romania.

I was looking this picture of the that spoke Iris1983.
Indeed, they were all 3 of them there. No, it wasn't an open funeral at all. But the fact is that Juan Carlos being a Head of State , they didn't have much choice, did they? They had to be there and pay their respects to the King and Queen of Spain etc. Ironic isn't it? I remember it all quite well, since I was almost 18 at the time. I had been particularly impressed by the fact that the politicians couldn't make up their minds for several days before they gave permission for the funeral. It struck me as cruelty towards a deceased person as well as to the rest of the family. Besides the family and few friends no one else was allowed inside Tatoi that day.
initially it was not a problem, she died on 6 February 23:30 of a heart attack at the Zarzuela Palace, Constantine pacted the repatriation of the corpse and Ralli´s government authorized it the February 9 .. The problem came later when Papandreou (then wanted an early election in Greece) threatened to take his followers into the streets If the funeral was allowed then the problem emerged...the funeral was day 12 february.Spain's embassy in Athens, by order of King Juan Carlos and President Adolfo Suarez, it had the flag of Spain at half staff in mourning and respect to the Queen..
After burying the corpse they saw the palace of Tatoi inside .... This was the last time that they could see the palace on the inside, because then in 1994 it was expropriated.
I remenber a interview of Prince Pavlo , he spoke about this visit to the palace
Thanks for the information, it is very detailed .. I read in an interview of Alexia, she talk about that visit Alexia's palace.
In the funeral of Queen Federika were:
A: The Duke of Edinburgh
b: The Queen Mother Ingrid Denmark and Prince Henrik, Princess Benedicta and husband
c: Queen Juliana of Holland
d: Prince Albert of Liege, the present King of Belgium
e: The monarchs of Bulgaria.
f: The Kings of Romania
h: Dukes of Calabria
i: Duke Württemberg
j: Princes of Hanover.
k: Grand Duchess Josephine-Charlotte of Luxembourg
m:Agha Kant (in the photos)

and others menbers...
I remember that journalists could not access it,in Greece was forbidden to publish photos or reporting it in newspapers, I did not know there were so many royal guests in Tatoi, I'm surprised, I thought that only was family , I´m surprised.
Pictures? Any pictures of guests?
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If you think it, the funeral was family because the guests were family of Queen Federika..the three Spanish journalists gained access to it was because the ambassador of Spain and some guests royals helped them.I remember that were many Spanish and foreign journalists in it, but authorities did not allowed access to the airport and the palace to them, the three Spanish journalists had several accomplices among the guests to access it.
Those are interesting to see - 17 and she's just learned she'll be Queen in less than a year. I recognize Sophie and Constantine in the first picture, but no one besides Anne-Marie in the second. Who are the two men in the second photo? I assume the three veiled women are Irene, Sophie, and Frederika, but I can't tell which one's which. And I'm guessing the other woman might be Alice, Princess Andrew, Prince Philip's mother?
Yes, I believe that is Princess Andrew, Phillip's mother.
Yes , she was Princess Andew, Philip´s mother, in the second picture was:princess Andrew, Federika´s brother and his spouse , Queen Anne Marie and Karl of Hessen, Queen Federika´s nephew

Other picture of King Pavlo´s funeral..... , in the picture: King Constantine, Queen Federika,King Juan Carlos, Prince Michael of Greece , Princess Irene, Prince Peter of Greece, Queen Sofia, King Olav of Norway, King Balduino of Belgium,King Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden, King Frederik of Denmark..
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