Tomorrow is Sankt Hans Evening as we call it here in DK.
And on that occasion BB has compiled a gallery of M&F's children at previous Sankt Hans bonfires.
GALLERI: Kongelig sankthans i 2012 med Christian og Isabella | Billed Bladet
Sankt Hans or John the Baptist is originally a medieval Catholic celebration but really it's a continuation of pagan midsummer celebrations.
At least in Denmark it's actually pretty sinister as the bonfire
always include a witch who is burned and who will fly to Bloksbjerg = Brochen (mountain) in Germany. Why Danish witches, or any other witches for that matter, would want to gather in Central Germany I have no idea, but that's what the folklore says and that's how it is.
That of course goes back to the time of witch hunting here in DK. The vast majority of witches burned in DK, were burned
after the Reformation.
Anyway, today the midsummer celebration is more subdued, with very little superstition, if any, at all and it is no longer an excuse for yet another communal binge.
At this time of year it doesn't get really dark until sometime after midnight and the night really only lasts some three-four hours. So dusk only starts to set in around 22.45 or so. That is of course way too late for children, so most bonfires are lit between 19-22. When it's is still bright outside and the sun is still up.
So people gather around a local bonfire. In the village where we live local volunteers have gathered some local shrubbery and stacked them and on top a creative soul have planted a witch, complete with broom, hooked nose and black hat.
That is often pretty scenic especially if you stand at a fjord and can see other bonfires lit up. It is basically a tribal gathering that has taken place sine forever.
A local politician will give a speech and we will sing a couple of songs, that is those of us who can sing, the rest of us provide a humming background...
Then the bonfire is lit while we sing the Midsummer song.
As you can hear in this video: