Floral Fashions- Royals in Florals: November 2006

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Moderator Emeritus
May 12, 2006
United States
Here's a thread to post royal ladies (and men, if any) wearing florals. Gala dresses, suits, daywear, sundresses, whatever- anything with flowers or leaves or patterns there of. Please remember to link to your photos, and to tell us who they are! :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
Where do you come up with these ideas, royals in floral.. Hard but not impossible. will be an intresting thread
So many pretty florals! I don't know how many of you watch the BBC comedy Keeping Up Apperances but looking at Queen Beatrix's floral dresses and hats it so reminds me of the shows main character Hyancinth Bouquet!I always thought England's Queen Mother was who they patterened her style after but now I think it was QB for sure.Hyacinth even mentions the DRF in one episode!;)
LadyK said:
This one needs to go in the "The Most Terrible" thread. Ahhh!!! My eyes!!!:doh:
Sorry, I should write - wear dark sunglasses if you want to watch this photo:lol:
:flowers: More flowers on more ladies: :flowers:

Crown Princess Mary:
Blue floral print skirt (third picture)

Black Floral print dress (second set of photos)

Crown Princess Maxima:
Navy Blue Dress worn to her engagement party

Princess Alexandra of Denmark loves wearing florals!
Gala gown worn when she was pregnanthttp://www.theroyalforums.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=76968&d=1105162443

Lily-printed black dress worn to a Hans Christian Anderson event

A pretty pale pink dress (the pattern might be hard to see, but look at the lace) http://www.theroyalforums.com/forums/159026-post42.html

A Black and White day outfit with floral garland on skirt. (not one of my favorites for her- looks kind of childish to me)

The Reigning Queens:
At Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee (the reigning kings and queens- and a grand duke- of Europe)
(L-R, Q Margrethe of Denmark, Q Elizabeth of England, Q Beatrix of the Netherlands) (none of the men are wearing florals, but it would be funny if they were....;) )
:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
Does anyone know how tall Alexandra is she must be at least 5'7 she seems to be able to wear large prints and gowns with alot of material very well and that is something shorter womman would have trouble with-I think she is quit elegant and graceful:flowers:
what about British Royals have floral fashion?

late Diana,Princess of Wales have several floral fashion in 1980's not lots and im not sure have any British Royals ladies have floral fashion
Posts on this thread need to immediately change.

Until now, this thread has been a list of photos and links to photos that are posted in several other places on this board. Since the Royal Forums is not a photo hosting site but a discussion board, it is very important that this topic include discussion and not just photo links.

From now on, discussion about this topic will be required to keep this thread open.
Photos here are often posted several other places on this board- please consider linking to those places so all members can have some context about when that particular fashion was worn (where, when, why and who!). Understandably, photos are often needed to support discussion but we trust that all members here are very familiar with the more appropriate mix of photos, dicussion and news that is balanced almost everywhere else across the forum.

If this thread does not immediately change from a list of repeated photos to an active discussion, we will have to close it because it is of little value to the forum and is simply using up bandwidth.

So let's all start talking to each other!!
Why do you like royals in florals?
Are there occasions when this wearing this colour was symbolic?
Maybe when it seemed completely out of place?
Who wears this colour the most strikingly?
Are there eras in time when this colour was more popular?
What style of clothing to you think looks best in this colour?
Are there colours that are OK for younger princesses, but not for more mature Queens?

Let the discussion begin!
I think Margarethe's dress at Mary and Frederik's wedding was so fitting (this photo is in the Wedding thread #2 #3). In the years prior to this, Margarethe wore lots of gowns in extremely dark colours (grey, burgundy, navy blue) that were regal and beatiful but very dark. This dress was such a contrast to everything she had recently worn- it was such a breath of fresh air! I'm not sure if she was trying to capture the spring season, to blend with the wedding's vibrant pink/coral colour scheme or to she just liked the idea of the dress, but it fit the occasion perfectly. The coat also added such a sense of drama- wonderful for the Crown Prince's wedding.
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azile said:
I think Margarethe's dress at Mary and Frederik's wedding was so fitting (this photo is in the Wedding thread #2 #3). In the years prior to this, Margarethe wore lots of gowns in extremely dark colours (grey, burgundy, navy blue) that were regal and beatiful but very dark. This dress was such a contrast to everything she had recently worn- it was such a breath of fresh air! I'm not sure if she was trying to capture the spring season, to blend with the wedding's vibrant pink/coral colour scheme or to she just liked the idea of the dress, but it fit the occasion perfectly. The coat also added such a sense of drama- wonderful for the Crown Prince's wedding.

She pulled it off well, she is a tall person who could wear big prints. If princess Alexandra would wear a dress like that it wouldnt be flattering at all. A small floral print dress on a big or short women would work well the taller the bigger the print would be.
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