Well, the 58-year-old republican Kristin Halvorsen, MP (1989-2013), leader (1997-2012), Minister of Finance (2005-2009) and Minister of Education (2009-2013) for the republican Left-winged Socialist Left Party, has been appointed Chairman of the Board at the CP-Couple's Foundation (from January 1st, 2019).
She takes over after businessman Odd Christopher Hansen, who has been part of the Board since 2009, and Chairman since 2017.
About the Foundation in English (link from the Royal House of Norway website).
Statement about the appointment in Norwegian (link from the Foundation's own website).
Halvorsen said: ''Jeg er veldig glad for dette vervet, og ser fram til å bidra til Fondets formål. Det er svært positivt at Kronprinsparet løfter fram arbeid som bidrar til å inkludere ungdom i fellesskap og gir dem mulighet til å realisere sine drømmer og mål. Jeg gleder meg til å bruke mine erfaringer til å støtte opp om dette viktige ungdomsarbeidet.''
Translated to: ''I am very pleased with this position and look forward to contributing to the Foundation's purpose. It's very positive that the CP-Couple focuses on work that helps to include young people in communitys - and gives them the opportunity to realize their dreams and goals. I am looking forward to using my experiences to support this important youth-work.''
Hmm, a republican thanking yes to such a position? Yes, I know. - But not surprising at all here, since they're always the ones crawling for the royals. I.e. whether it is their mega-deep bows/curtseys, or when Halvorsen (as Minister of Finance) defended the then Stoltenberg-government's decision to give millions to refurbishment of private royal properties. No, not that strange. But if I remember the media-reports right, she was the one who suggested it and convinced other ministers to support her, because the royals didn't had cash do it themselves. - And if my memory is correct, she even admitted it herself in an interview.
(BTW: I understand it when it comes to Skaugum, since the state doesn't provide the heir with an official residence, but I'm not so understanding in regards of the King's private holiday-retreats.)
Reactions/criticism: Well, pre October 24th (when we got the news about CP MM's illness), there would've been a lot of noise from the media and MPs from the Right-winged Progress Party about ''the CP-Couple socialising and handing out positions to left-sided politicians.''
But now, nothing! - Why? Oh, that's not difficult to explain, because as I also wrote in the ''lung disease'' thread: No one is going to criticize a severely ill Crown Princess who has vowed to still do her duty, or a Crown Prince with a severely ill wife.
In other news:
The court is now advertising for three positions:
Ledige stillinger - kongehuset.no
1. Newly established permanent position, as digital communication-advisor with special expertise in photo/video.
2. Due to maternity-leave, a one-year permanent vacancy as communications-advisor.
3. Newly established permanent position, as chief of The Royal Collections.
BTW: Bloksberg (Märtha's holiday retreat, which we discussed back in August/September in posts 24-35) is still not sold.
Why? Well, according to real-estate-agents used by the media, it's due to the ''high price'' and some 350 meter with high-voltage-cables, which are now being set up over the property (
see this photo).