Paty said:
Cover from
La Razon,the holder says:
Doña Letizia returns to work and to smile
La Razon | Digital
Cover from Magazine "
HOLA MEXICO",the holder says:
Deep pain of the Principes of Asturias for the sudden death of Doña Letizia´s yongest sister.
Can someone made a summary of Point de Vue´s article?
Thanks in Avance
Trying a summary of "Point de Vue" ' sarticle is not quiet easy. Not because the contain is hard to understand but because it's question of atmpsphere.
The journalist is giving an account with very sad words, the landscape of this so tragic event is settling up with words like sad rain, tears scarcely restraint, looks lost in the dolor, and mainly the writer insist on the great help and love of the Real Family to Letizia and her family.
As the journalist didn't have all the informations about the drama, may be he was a little bit not very precise in the facts, some of the sentences are the expression of a journalistic litterature. But generally speaking, the tune of the article is very respectueous and translate a true respect of the Princess of Asturias - exactly as the habitual editorial line of this magazine-and the some factual errors can be apologize because the the journalist obviously means well.
The major point is in the choice of the pics, these of the Princes on the first dobble pages of the article is absolutly tremandous, it's quiet as you can see the tears in the Princes's eyes.
My summary is a quiet good article for such a subject from a journalist, good professional, who whithout to knew all the informations about this tragedy is doing his work in conscience, repeating that every body knows about the Erika's life whithout seeking eyes catching effects.
It's an article of atmosphere before to be an article of pur information!