Rym Brahimi will most likely wear Western dress as this is what she is accustomed to wearing. She is also accustomed to wearing very casual and sporty clothing because of her job as an international news correspondent. It will take some adjusting from her when it comes to wearing suits, skirts, and evening gowns. I She has been more educational an career oriented in her life when viewing her online bio at CNN. Clothing and shopping most likely aren't her strong suit. She has been very busy for several years working and establishing herself as a journalist. Also, her jobs entail a lot of travel and doesn't call for dressy clothing. Rym has been one of the major war correspondents at CNN for some time now and she is very used to wearing slacks or jeans and a shirt. She has many adjustments to make. However, I don't think that Rym will wear traditional clothing on a daily basis, perhaps for special events, but I doubt daily.