Originally posted by Jackswife@Jul 16th, 2004 - 12:00 pm
If I can just remark on the differences between the Shahbanou and Queen Noor's books-I would imagine that Noor is very aware of the position of the monarchy in Jordan, and she didn't want to say anything in her book that may be misperceived in the country, and that might reflect badly on Abdullah, or on her own children. I think with the Empress, the idea of the monarchy being restored to Iran is perhaps more remote, and thus she could speak a little more freely. I have no doubt that she loved the late Shah very much, and that she wishes to keep his memory alive not only for her familiy's sake, but for those who would *like* to see a return of the Imperial family to Iran. Again, that's just my impression. Noor's book (and I like her personally) seemed more of a history thesis on Middle Eastern politics, and her husband's place in history, rather than an actual memoir.