Distribution of the Jewels of Queen Elizabeth II

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I’d like a system like the Swedes have, a foundation for jewels, everyone gets to wear a variety
There aren’t many working royals so there’s no need for a foundation. The Gloucesters have their collection, the Kent’s have their own and Anne has jewels gifted to her from her parents. If Sophie wants to wear something she can ask.
New pieces of jewellery will not be made. I highly doubt that will be something he will do.
I agree. There's plenty of pieces, I'm sure, in the vaults that can be used today. If I'm correct, wasn't Camilla's engagement ring a ring that once belonged to the Queen Mother? And QCamilla seems to have access to an enormous amount of historic jewellery, I'm thinking brooches here mainly, so why get something new? THough I also think some of her more 'fun' animal and insect brooches are new.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I recall reading here in RFs that the UK tradition is once you are assigned a tiara no one uses it. I believe it was around the time of Meghan requesting a specific tiara to use that was already assigned to Catherine. Anyone remembers the rules and tiara assignments from that time?
I'd say yes and no - I think its been the case that unlike, say Sweden, there isn't alot of sharing in the short term. e.g. she don't see Catherine turning up in a tiara and then at the next tiara event Camilla wearing it/Anne wearing it/Sophie wearing it.

But long term there does seem to be more cross over - Anne wore the Cartier scroll tiara decades before Catherine wore it as her wedding tiara for example.

If Sophie is wearing the lotus it suggests either:
a) the family are now happy to share tiaras between appearances and we'll see more tiara sharing
b) Catherine no longer needs / has use of it which would only be true IMO if she has been given access to more or other tiaras making it surplus to requirements
I wonder if Sophie's use of the Lotus tiara doesn't also mean that Catherine no longer has need of it, and has new to her tiaras to wear since the accession / coronation.

I do think Charles is probably more generous with jewellery in some ways - we know he likes it and I suspect he is of the opinion that there is no harm in sharing out use of well known pieces that would otherwise be sat in the vault. As they are well known there is no drama from them being seen again and again.
I hope it means a more generous use of the family heirlooms is in place (as Catherine has now also used the Strathmore Rose Tiara) - but i wait until i see Sophie wear the lotus again or something else that is new to her, before i hope for too much
New pieces of jewellery will not be made. I highly doubt that will be something he will do.
Perhaps not, but I wouldn't rule out the purchase of significant items.
It's been reported that Charles has an agent at the auction houses, whenever such items come up for sale.
He quietly gifted Camilla with such things in the years they've been together. And he has given jewellery to other members of the RF.
Perhaps not, but I wouldn't rule out the purchase of significant items.
It's been reported that Charles has an agent at the auction houses, whenever such items come up for sale.
He quietly gifted Camilla with such things in the years they've been together. And he has given jewellery to other members of the RF.
Yes, he purchased items for Camilla but that was a long time ago for her personal use. He might purchase brooches, or earrings but I’m not sure about any grand tiaras.
Yes, he purchased items for Camilla but that was a long time ago for her personal use. He might purchase brooches, or earrings but I’m not sure about any grand tiaras.
I agree, the purchases were made when C&C did not have the unfettered access to the royal vault that they now do. I would be surprised if many new purchases were made now.

That said, there may be new pieces assembled for the Queen using stones from the royal vaults to fill specific needs identified by the Queen. These could include items like the diamond fringe earrings worn by the Queen in Berlin for the state banquet, to accompany the City of London Fringe necklace.
I'd say a lot of the purchases Charles made for Camilla were when they weren't married thus didn't have access to the family jewels. In effect he had to buy her a whole jewellery box of jewels for her to be suitably decked out as the partner of the Prince of Wales but not his wife who had access to the RF jewels. It seems he has purchased less and less over the years as Camilla has had access to more and more "official" jewels.

That said, Charles seems to appreciate jewellery and will always keep an eye out for anything particularly suitable for Camilla or to be reunited with the RF. And he may end up buying her new earrings as we know she doesn't have pierced ears so if the existing earrings can't be changed to clips then he may buy or commission new ones to go with some exisiting sets.
I think it would be wonderful for us to see other tiaras and jewelry. I'm sure it would be wonderful for Catherine and Sophie to wear different jewelry. Of course, QC would make her picks before the other ladies. I don't know about the younger ladies. I do like the way the Swedes handle their jewelry. It would be such a shame to have all that fabulous jewelry in a vault where no one could enjoy it.
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If Sophie is wearing the lotus it suggests either:
a) the family are now happy to share tiaras between appearances and we'll see more tiara sharing
b) Catherine no longer needs / has use of it which would only be true IMO if she has been given access to more or other tiaras making it surplus to requirements
I am hoping it is the latter.

I would like to think that Camilla and Catherine spend some time in the vault, and decided on a "new" line-up of tiaras for Catherine. I am hoping that includes the Queen Mary Fringe and the Strathmore as her all-diamond offerings, and the Queen Mary Lovers Knot as her pearl and diamond option.

This would have freed up the Lotus Flower, which can serve as the main neutral coloured tiara for Sophie for the medium term.

However, for this theory to hold, would need to Sophie reuse the Lotus Flower, and for Catherine to wear the Queen Mary Fringe (or any other) tiara.
Just a thought. Given that Camilla wore the 3 string Festoon necklace for the Japanese state banquet after Catherine wore it for the coronation (picures), does that mean that these ladies could share jewellery amongst each other from time to time?

Does that also mean that we may see Camilla in the Queen Alexandra wedding peal and diamond necklace last worn by Catherine in 2018 for the Dutch state banquet? It could pair well with the GD Vladimir tiara with the pearl setting.
Queen Elizabeth II seemed to give jewels out long term, effectively handing them over to the royal lady to use exclusively. I think in the new reign it might be much more on a case by case basis - the jewels are there and decided upon together for each event. Obviously some more minor jewels will be kept longer term but bigger pieces aren't.
Queen Elizabeth II seemed to give jewels out long term, effectively handing them over to the royal lady to use exclusively. I think in the new reign it might be much more on a case by case basis - the jewels are there and decided upon together for each event. Obviously some more minor jewels will be kept longer term but bigger pieces aren't.
You may be right. Personally, I am quite content for Camilla and Catherine to have a stash each, and not intermingle their jewellery.
I think for those two it may well be the case - certainly I imagine they each have many pieces in their own "stash" that htye can use without having to ask, sign out etc.
My comment was made in light of Sophie using the Lotus flower tiara for the first time. I suspect that jewels like that are kept under lock and key at BP unless they are needed and I think when it comes to tiara wearing there may certainly be a new found "loan a piece for a big event" attitude rather than you get a lifetime loan and that it yours. In other words - it wouldn't surprise me if we do still see Catherine or another royal lady using the Lotus flower tiara again.
I suspect that jewels like that are kept under lock and key at BP unless they are needed and I think when it comes to tiara wearing there may certainly be a new found "loan a piece for a big event" attitude rather than you get a lifetime loan and that it yours. In other words - it wouldn't surprise me if we do still see Catherine or another royal lady using the Lotus flower tiara again.
You may well be right. only time will tell.
Garrards have placed the archival copies they made of two tiaras ... and the Diana-Catherine engagements ring ... onboard a new Cunard ship.

The wonderful man in charge told me that this is the first time they have done this ... and this is the first time people have been able to get so close.

In fact, they are allowing people to try them on for photos ... and you may even wear one if you wish, when attending an event with the ship's Captain.

The diamonds and pearls are real.

The price to purchase the tiara Catherine is pictured wearing is $365,000 US dollars.

The Garrards man knows this as someone inquired about the cost!

The price of the one the Queen is pictured wearing is higher, but he wasn't sure of the exact price.

Here are some photos I just took this morning.

We are having a rough crossing of the Atlantic, so my shots are a bit off centre and not level, but it was wonderful to see these so close ... and knowing they are made with real jewels.

(I also photographed The Queen's handbag.)

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Garrards have placed the archival copies they made of two tiaras ... and the Diana-Catherine engagements ring ... onboard a new Cunard ship.

The wonderful man in charge told me that this is the first time they have done this ... and this is the first time people have been able to get so close.

In fact, they are allowing people to try them on for photos ... and you may even wear one if you wish, when attending an event with the ship's Captain.

The diamonds and pearls are real.

The price to purchase the tiara Catherine is pictured wearing is $365,000 US dollars.

The Garrards man knows this as someone inquired about the cost!

The price of the one the Queen is pictured wearing is higher, but he wasn't sure of the exact price.

Here are some photos I just took this morning.

We are having a rough crossing of the Atlantic, so my shots are a bit off centre and not level, but it was wonderful to see these so close ... and knowing they are made with real jewels.

(I also photographed The Queen's handbag.)

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Sorry to spoil the fun, but these don't look like real diamonds and pearls! In fact, I've seen both these tiara sold as replicas online for fraction of the $365k wanted for them at the cruise...

ETA: the exact replicas are available on a a site aptly called Replica Crown Jewels.
Sorry to spoil the fun, but these don't look like real diamonds and pearls! In fact, I've seen both these tiara sold as replicas online for fraction of the $365k wanted for them at the cruise...

ETA: the exact replicas are available on a a site aptly called Replica Crown Jewels.

This is Garrards prince.of.preslav.

They ... along with many other unbelivably expensive brands ... have at sea presences now.

And of course, the quality of my phone photos on the internet is not the best.

They are not replicas, but archival copies.

Hope you get to see them in real life sometime.

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Yes but the chances of Beatrice and Eugenie attending a tiara-event at the same time is very small… Should it ever happen i’m sure there are options to borrow a tiara for a day, for the one that does not wear the York Tiara
This is Garrards prince.of.preslav.

They ... along with many other unbelivably expensive brands ... have at sea presences now.

And of course, the quality of my phone photos on the internet is not the best.

They are not replicas, but archival copies.

Hope you get to see them in real life sometime.

Let's agree to disagree on this one :) Hope you enjoy the cruise.
Yes but the chances of Beatrice and Eugenie attending a tiara-event at the same time is very small… Should it ever happen i’m sure there are options to borrow a tiara for a day, for the one that does not wear the York Tiara
Yes and especially since neither of the York sisters presently attend State Galas!
Garrards have placed the archival copies they made of two tiaras ... and the Diana-Catherine engagements ring ... onboard a new Cunard ship.

The wonderful man in charge told me that this is the first time they have done this ... and this is the first time people have been able to get so close.

In fact, they are allowing people to try them on for photos ... and you may even wear one if you wish, when attending an event with the ship's Captain.

The diamonds and pearls are real.

The price to purchase the tiara Catherine is pictured wearing is $365,000 US dollars.

The Garrards man knows this as someone inquired about the cost!

The price of the one the Queen is pictured wearing is higher, but he wasn't sure of the exact price.

Here are some photos I just took this morning.

We are having a rough crossing of the Atlantic, so my shots are a bit off centre and not level, but it was wonderful to see these so close ... and knowing they are made with real jewels.

(I also photographed The Queen's handbag.)

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It must have been exciting to see these jewels displayed on your cruise. But to be honest, I'm not sure whether they actually even should be called replicas To me they are merely tiaras inspired by the original royal tiaras, but they look quite different. The tiaras in the pictures look somewhat chunky and clumsy and absolutely lack the grace and elegance of the original designs.
The Queen Mary's lovers knot tiara is highest in the middle and gets lower towards the back, which gives it a refined and harmonious elegance. The replica, on the other hand, has the same height all around. That's probably cheaper to produce, but it just looks stiff and clumsy. Also, the pearls are too big for the apertures, so that they can't dangle freely.
The replica of the girls tiara also is chunkier than the original, there are fewer, but wider ornaments in it, and they are mounted upright in the frame. In the original tiara, the ornaments flare out a bit, so that the are upright when the tiara is worn at a slight angle.

Garrad might have used precious materials for these tiara, but the design is significantly lacking, imho.
Just to put this into context. Garrards, like all high end, long established jewellers, hold significant archives. In the case of the exhibits on Queen Anne, the new Cunard ship, it’s part of the retail area called the Cabinet of Curiosities. Garrards has chosen to showcase their
jewellery with archival copies of the tiaras and the engagement ring to help promote their brand. I believe their London shops have similar displays and archival copies of famous jewels are occasionally loaned to exhibitions around the world. Garrards currently have articles on their website about the kind of archives they hold on the Lotus tiara
and Queen Mary’s fringe tiara
I don’t think they claim to be exact replicas but as the gentleman said to Sun Lion, it’s the first time Garrards have allowed these archival copies to be displayed in a retail space outside their own branches.
( Thank you Sun Lion for initially sharing these pics and information.)
I think Garrards is no different from the other high jewelry houses who lost their desire for focusing on the original designs and great craftsmanship and just started to reproduce old pieces with clumsy craftsmanship just for the profit, Chaumet comes to mind where all their new pieces are just tacky or a poor remake of on of their old designs, most of the jewelry houses designs nowadays are just Etsy shop pieces just with real stones!
Just to put this into context. Garrards, like all high end, long established jewellers, hold significant archives. In the case of the exhibits on Queen Anne, the new Cunard ship, it’s part of the retail area called the Cabinet of Curiosities. Garrards has chosen to showcase their
jewellery with archival copies of the tiaras and the engagement ring to help promote their brand. I believe their London shops have similar displays and archival copies of famous jewels are occasionally loaned to exhibitions around the world. Garrards currently have articles on their website about the kind of archives they hold on the Lotus tiara
and Queen Mary’s fringe tiara
I don’t think they claim to be exact replis but as the gentleman said to Sun Lion, it’s the first time Garrards have allowed these archival copies to be displayed in a retail space outside their own branches.
( Thank you Sun Lion for initially sharing these pics and information.)

Thank you for putting it so well Elly C.

I would never have dreamt of going into Garrards in London and asking to see them.

It was a real pleasure to be able to photograph them ... behind glass ... and see them from all angles and to hear about them from the very kind Garrards man.

The ship is circumnavigating the planet on this voyage so they will be a sea a while ... but I can see Garrards allowing them to be onboard for a long time, longer than just this trip.

There is a constant change of passengers each segment, so a wider audience than would ever attend an onland store.

It was wonderful seeing them up so close and getting a really good view. I loved it.
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