For a while there too, Diana did find closeness and companionship with Sarah. I do think that should Diana had lived, eventually the friendship would have been mended with both women being divorced from their spouses and "on their own" so to speak. For a while there, I think Diana's friendship with Sarah made her time in the fold of of BRF more tolerable and the two of them did get up to some silly antics which showed they did have fun together. Diana, though, was mercurial when it came to her relationships with friends. That's not surprising considering the turmoil she was going through at the time.
Sarah, perhaps, was a bit too spontaneous and even sometimes too goofy for the staid, stiff upper lip constraint that the British elite are used to. What was seen at first as a "breath of fresh air" ended up turning into a "royal behaving badly". [...]
Humans are so deliciously human aren't they?