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Yeah she (or he??!!Dennism said:Ha ha ha. Maybe that´s why Vega likes to lick him!![]()
Yeah she (or he??!!Dennism said:Ha ha ha. Maybe that´s why Vega likes to lick him!![]()
For 2005, so far I know of the following:Josefine said:what royals are
Honorary Hans Christian Andersen Ambassador
can someone post a list
pdas1201 said:For 2005, so far I know of the following:
1) Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxemburg
2) Princess Laurentein of the Netherlands
Anybody has anything to add to the list..
Who will be representing the Danish Royals at Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands funeral?Alisa said:12-11-04
I think it migth be Queen Margrethé and Prince Henrik or CrownPrince Frederik and CrownPrincesse Mary but i don´t know becaus ther is nothing in ther calender for the sad funeral of Prince Bernhard of Holland.hrhcp said:Who will be representing the Danish Royals at Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands funeral?
I am adjustments will be made in order for someone to attend the funeral. The schedule was posted before the Prince's death.hrhcp said:Who will be representing the Danish Royals at Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands funeral?
The royal court has announced that Prince Henrik will be atending the funeral of Prince Bernhard the 11/12-04.Alisa said:I am adjustments will be made in order for someone to attend the funeral. The schedule was posted before the Prince's death.
That could have been Henrik's birthday.Lyonnaise said:Polfoto 09-12-2004 Arkiv - Den forestående skilsmisse mellem prins Joachim og prinsesse Alexandra ændrer ikke på juletraditionerne i den kongelige familie. Parret og deres to sønner, prins Nikolai og prins Felix, samles med den øvrige familie til juleaften på Marselisborg Slot i Århus. Regentparret ankommer med den kongelige togvogn til Århus Banegård den 21. december om morgenen og ventes at blive i Århus til den 30. december, hvor dronningen skal tilbage til København for at forberede nytårstalen til dagen efter. Kronprins Frederik og kronprinsesse Mary kommer også til juleaften på Marselisborg. Ifølge hoffets pressechef Lis Frederiksen er det endnu ikke besluttet, hvor længe de unge bliver på det århusianske slot.
(something about where everyone is spending Christmas)
Does anyone know when this photo was originally taken? I'm assuming that 'arkiv' means archive...
No, this picture was taken at Queen Margrethe's birthday earlier this year, pre-Frederik and Mary's wedding.Moonlightrhapsody said:That could have been Henrik's birthday.
Why would Frederik and Mary attend the funeral when everyone else attending is much older than them and with a higher rank than them? Frederik probably never even met Bernhard. It makes much more sense for Henrik to go. Or the Queen or even Benedikte but NOT Frederik and Mary or Joachim.HMQueenElizabethII said:It would be nice if Fred and Mary attend the Funeral of Prince Bernard.
I only say "it would be nice if they attend" i do not say they must attend.It will be nice if they attend,and if they can not,it's OK,no problem.Why you compare that other Royals have higher rank than them and they can not attend?Who have given that law?All of them are Royals no one higher or lower.You must look at yourself,are you Royal?Do not pay so much attention about that,they go,it can show their respect to Prince Bernhard. You always complain everything when you post!Vicomtesse said:Why would Frederik and Mary attend the funeral when everyone else attending is much older than them and with a higher rank than them? Frederik probably never even met Bernhard. It makes much more sense for Henrik to go. Or the Queen or even Benedikte but NOT Frederik and Mary or Joachim.
It has already been announced that PRINCE HENRIK will attend the funeral.
Here Josefine, from IBL.Josefine said:does anyone have this photo in close up
Yes, it was taken October 8, 2003 before the engagement dinner.Ennyllorac said:Wasn't this picture taken the day of the oficial engagement dinner?
Yes. Its says that the royal family will attend a memorial service in Vor Frue Kirke in Copenhagen.paulette said:02/01 05 Officiel mindehøjtidelighed i Vor Frue Kirke for ofrene for naturkatastrofen i Sydøstasien med deltagelse af Hendes Majestæt Dronningen, Hans Kongelige Højhed Prinsen, Kronprinsparret, Hans Kongelige Højhed Prins Joachim og Hendes Kongelige Højhed Prinsesse Alexandra, kl. 14.00.
Does this mean the Danish Royal Family would attend a church memorial service for those people who died in the tsunami disaster in South Asia?
MarieLouise said:I just read in the danish tabloid BT, that the danish royal family is donating in all 300.000 kr (nearly 43.000 euros) to the different foundations and organisations that they each have as their protections.
Margrethe and Henrik: 100.000 kr (around 15.000 euros) to five different helporganisations
Frederik and Mary: 50.000 kr (around 7000 euros) to Red Barnet which is one of Marys Protections and the same to Danish red cross which is Frederiks Protection.
Joachim and Alexandra: 100.000 to Unicef
I think the point should not be stressed in how much individuals (including celebrities and royal persons) donate but that they donate at all.bigheadshirmp said:umm...just one question....looking at the numbers......Fred and Mary seems to donate the least $$ when compare with Jochiam and Alexandra and the Queen and Henrik....i thought the crown princely couple has more income ($$) than Prince Joachima and Princess Alexandra
Fred and Mary gave the exact same amount as the Queen and Henrik, as well as the exact same amount as Joachim and Alexandra - 50,000 kr to Red Barnet and 50,000 kr to the Red Cross, for a total donation of 100,000 kr.bigheadshirmp said:umm...just one question....looking at the numbers......Fred and Mary seems to donate the least $$ when compare with Jochiam and Alexandra and the Queen and Henrik....i thought the crown princely couple has more income ($$) than Prince Joachima and Princess Alexandra
MarieLouise said:Frederik and Mary: 50.000 kr (around 7000 euros) to Red Barnet which is one of Marys Protections and the same to Danish red cross which is Frederiks Protection.
Joachim and Alexandra: 100.000 to Unicef
thank you for ur clarification...cuz i was just saying it's kinda of weird for the crown princely couple to donate a different amount than the queen and prince henrik and jochiam and alexandraladuchesse said:Fred and Mary gave the exact same amount as the Queen and Henrik, as well as the exact same amount as Joachim and Alexandra - 50,000 kr to Red Barnet and 50,000 kr to the Red Cross, for a total donation of 100,000 kr.