This is the best I can do when it comes to information about the calendar: - Julen får en på lågen
You have to read the last section of the article. It is in Danish but translated to English it sayes:
U-landakalender (developing country calendar)
Following a tradition that goes back 45 years, DR's christmas calendar, Børnenes U-landskalender (The childrens developing country calendar), this time is in support for sports activities for children in north-eastern Uganda.
The calender was presented by The Minister of Aid, Tornaes, Wednesday.
"The calendar are many small children's first meeting with children who have very different living conditions than they themselves. By presenting them for this in an early age, I think is is more likely that they will maintain an interest in and an understanding of - that in other parts of the world there are people who have difficult living conditions" she said.
Danish children can meet their Ugandan peers in the child transmission "Fandango" every Thursday in the month of November.
End of article.
By the way, when searching for the link above I found out I had made a mistake. It isn't the Danish Refugee Council who launches the calendar. It is DANIA*. This year the surplus is going to UNICEF Denmark - though the marketing has been in cooperation with the DRC. Thus CP Marys visit to Ugande is relevant also in connection to the sales of the christmas calendar.
And Waxima, I would like to se the calender of this year as well. But it isn't on sale yet though if must happen rater soon as the homepage of DANIDA tells it will be on sale by the middel of october:
The homepage for the calender of 2008 though is here: in 2008 the surplus of the sales are used for sports activities for children in Karamoja in north-eastern Uganda.
The homepage for the calender of 2007 is here:
U-landskalenderen 2007 in 2007 the Maya-children in Guatamala recived the surplus of the sales.
The one for 2006 is here:
Danida præsenterer: Børnenes U-landskalender 2006 - fra Etiopien in 2006 the surplus of the sales was used to build schools in
U-landskalender 2005 (Receiver: Burmesian refugee children living in Thailand)
Børnenes U-landskalender 2004 (Receiver: Childern in Bangladesh)
All of the homepages are addressed to children and present a playfull but pedagogical way of learning about the receiving country.
*DANIDA = Danish International Development Agency, is
a Danish organisation inside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, set up to provide humanitarian help and assistance in developing countries.