Crown Princess Mary's Daytime Fashion Part 5: January - April 2009

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Jul 18, 2004
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Princess Mary's Daytime Fashion
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I liked most of them.Generally,hats do look good on her :flowers:
I love number4 more than anything I agree though hats look good on Mary.
i dont like the small bucket hats on Mary she looks better whe there is a nice wide brim
I think so too. Love nos. 2, 14 and 15. Her entire ensemble for hat no. 14 was incredibly elegant imo. Can't find my new favourite though - the blue hat she wore for the 'Livgarden' 100 year anniversary when Joachim and Marie were present as well. That hat looked incredibly good, not least the gorgeous blue colour.
Mary is very smart, I think most(not all) hats have a general similarity. She has found what looks good on her and has stuck with it. Her hats are very elegant to me and she does a great job wearing them!!
She really wears hats well. My favorites were 2, 3, 6-10, and 15.
I'd have to say that #10-the baptismal "hat" is my favorite. My least favorite would be the cloche-type hats. I just don't think it's an attractive hat in general - tough to pull off.
:previous: I cannot bear to look as I will become green with envy and that will make me weep. Not a good look for the New Year, so . . . . . . I'll restrain myself and not look at them until next month at least. :nonono: :verysad:

Oh OK then, next week. :in_love:
Wow,that collection is great,PoE ;) Most of her outfits and especially the shoes are wonderful :flowers: And I was surprised to see the military jacket in the first photo.I have almost the same in dark brown.It's so stylish!
I was disappointed by her casual clothes,though.She has a great taste,I'm sure she could do better than this.Especially,those pairs of jeans were awful :rolleyes:
I actually love to see Mary in casual clothes as it give me inspiration for my clothes!!! I don't think she does too badly at all and that is what casual clothes are. They are not always the best fitting or the most stylish, but comfortable and casual. I think she always manages the right balence.
What's wrong with the jeans?Not the best quality,but that's just my opinion.
CP Mary is always elegant, even in casual clothes.
Just gorgeous thanks for the post I wish she wold wear the cocktail dress in the last of the photos I had forgotten about it.
I'm sorry,I can't consider Mary with these particular casual clothes elegant :rolleyes: Jackie Kennedy looked elegant even when she wore casual clothes,but Mary judging from these pictures only-I clarify this-has a long way to go to be considered elegant ;)
I agree, my is the most stylish princess, imo. Definately the best dressed.

Iakynthi, I'm just trying to understand about the jeans still. When you say they are not the best quality, what do you mean? Is it because of the wash on them? I'm not trying to be disagreeable. I'm just trying to understand.
No,Fashionista,I understand :flowers: The truth is that I'm not sure about what it really bothers me about these jeans:first of all,they look old,like she has been wearing them for years.And they are not stylish at all.If they are indeed Miss Sixty,I understand why they give me such a bad impression:they make awful jeans,in my opinion :rolleyes: Generally,Mary in these photos is dressed like a student(either in high school or University,you choose :D ).You know,considering the fact that Mary is one of the most well-dressed princesses,I guess I expected way more,even from her street style.Personally,I have stated several times that Rania and Mary are in my Top2 list and I really don't understand all this attack-not from you,Fashionista-above.Of course,she's one of the most fashionable royals.But I have the right to state a negative opinion every time I see her wearing something I don't consider elegant,beautiful or whatever.
I think Mary is one the most stylish Princesses! Of course she sometimes you wears some disappointing clothes like the kind of oriental champagne hue Prada coat! She wore it with loose pants and the coat is also loose and really looked awful! It was in a concert or a play I think with Frederik.
This dress is extremely beautiful and feminine!!Thanks for the "goodies",HM :flowers:
What a beautiful dress.
Why she doesn't wear lighter colours?
Do you think so?I believe Mary wears almost all colours,maybe it just happened :flowers:
Beautiful colour dress and the style is very flattering. So elegant and lovely.
Beautiful, beautiful!!!! Mary looks amazing!!! She is so pretty.
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