I'm an Accountant with three degrees. (Real Estate/Law/Accounting) I chose the Accounting area to further my career
CD, I didn't mean to crow (I jsut found it funny), but you are lucky in that you are able to explain the reason why you're not admitted. Otherwise you and Mary are on the same boat in this respect - you both have a law degree but have not been admitted as lawyers. But the thing is having a law degree and not being admitted as a lawyer should not be a cause for criticism. I have friends who obtained graduate positions at Pricewaterhouse and KPMG because they are able to say "I am able to offer you an Economics/Law degree". This probably leaves Disctinction average Accounting graduate scratching their heads as to why they didn't get in. But the fact is that a combined degree is always stronger - and it is perhaps for this reason (and not because they want to be admitted as a lawyer) that many high school leavers in Australia are opting for a combined degree (see SMH, I think 27 Dec?, with an article on school leavers opting for combined degrees).
Anyway, Mary's CV indicates that she did concetrate on Accounting. People say she changed directions - but her CV shows that for the most part, her jobs have always been accounting jobs. She might have worked in an advertising company, a real estate company etc, but she was always in an accounting role.
And this also keeps coming up:
then choose menial jobs....
Which jobs is this referring to?? Perhaps the teaching job in France, but I think its very very unlikely that Mary wanted to do that forever. I think it was something she did for interest. Apart from that, there's NOTHING else in her CV that screams "menial job".
And I don't think it's valid to say that just because we know someone who has used the title "Accounting Director" eventhough that person's job is a menial one, then we can automatically assume that Mary too only had menial jobs. It's like saying just because some low level manager has described themselves as CEO automatically means that all CEOs do the job of a low level manager. It just doesn't hold.
IMO, it's more likely that (and keeping in mind that her old employers are able to see her CV on the internet now) that she correctly described her role and her title. Since there has been no complaints from her old employers about how she has described her roles, I think it's more likely that she did do it correctly - no exaggeration. Yet people here start off from the view that she did exaggerate

. I just find this so confusing.
We have all experienced death in some form or fashion and yes it does make you question life and what it's all about.But lets not use this as an excuse for her lifestyle choices.
And what's this "lifestyle choices" that everyone seems to be harping on about? I really don't think Mary is immoral! (my gosh, if moving overseas to be with someone you like or moving in with them is immoral, then half of couples in big cities are immoral!!! anyway, who are we to judge someone else's morality?? are we so pure??) If this "lifestyle choice" is with regards to the job changes, then yes, I do think that her mum's passing away was a factor. Who are we to say "let's not use it as an excuse" when others who have lost loved ones fall into a deep depression after losing their loved ones. I don't judge them - I don't call them weak. If someone questions their life and changes jobs/career direction after losing a loved one, I don't say "stop messing around and try to be stable". Who am I to say this?? If I said this in real life, I'd probably get a slap in the face.
Anyway, sorry if this is getting too personal. But personal facts have been put up as proof/explanations and, rightly ot wrongly, I've tried to grapple with it here.
She just has to master the Danish language now and familirise herself with the Danish culture. That shouldn't be too hard.
From all indications, it is extremely hard. Hey! Hendrik can't even do it after decades in Denmark!! and his education/career beforehand can't be dismissed as menial. I think learning languages is a skill, some find it easy, some don't - like learning a musical instrument. It can't be directly equated to intelligence level (what's intelligence anyway?).