Crown Princely Couple and "Clinton Global Initiative" - 2009, 2012

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Moderator Emeritus
May 10, 2006
24.09.2009 Clinton Global Initiative
Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Prince and Crown Princess attend the Fifth Anniversary Meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative, 24 - 25 September, New York City.
They look great. It seems that the Skandinavian royal heirs are pretty much involved in climate subject which is great.
I admire the work of the Hakoon and Mette-Marit. I think they work perfectly well together as a team promoting this issue. Is that guy besides the princess Ben Stiller? He pretty much looks like him.
MM looks tired but still wonderful. So natural.
Since now she should be know as princess of the braids.
One wonders what Ben Stiller is doing at the Clinton Global Initiative.
She seems to take a real interest in the matters discussed there, it shows.
She seems to take a real interest in the matters discussed there, it shows.

total agree with you , she does show reall interest , I really like her a lot.
I never thought I would see Ben Stiller and their Highness's together. PrincessMM should have her hair pulled more often. You can really see how beautiful her face is that way. Is this the same event that CP Frederick attended?
She really does look nice in these NY pictures. There's been a lot of royalty in NY lately. Haakon & Mette-Marit, Queen Rania and W.A. & Maxima.
I have the impression that Princess Mette-Marit has lost some weight. She looks simply fantastic.
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I notice she is in black... is it because the King sister death ?
Sunday September 23, 2012. Mette-Marit, Crown Princess of Norway attends church service at the Norwegian Seamen's Church of New York, on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.


I notice she is in black... is it because the King sister death ?

It's hard to tell but most of her outfits are usually black or really dark.
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Where she was...

Google Térkép

Does anybody know, where she live in NY? In Hotel, or Norwegian Embassy, or by a friend?
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Mette is in New York at the Clinton Global Initiative and MARIUS IS WITH HER!!!! Maybe a new role for Marius? I mean he is a little bit young for such a serious meeting.
He´ll be 16 in about 3 months time. I don´t think he´s too young at all and I wished not only children of royalty or world leaders would be given this sort of opportunity to learn about important businesses that will help to make this planet a better place as it is. I guess if we would manage to motivate and encourage young people of Marius´age, and not when a person is 30 or beyond that, to develop an interest in politics and social life this world would be different!Happy to see finally a male member of a royal family with a really cool hairdo!!!
3 more pictures from another event of the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting yesterday (September 23), which she attended alone (found here).
Picture 1 - Picture 2 - Picture 3
The caption says: "Crown Princess Mette-Marit attends the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting 40 minutes too late by sneaking in during the speech of Bill Clinton".
After the church visit she must have gone back to the CGI Meeting and was therefore too late.
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I think it is great that she took Marius. Maybe while away they will get some Mother/son time. I'm sure with two younger siblings it'll be nice for Marius to have his mum to himself!
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